Meryl Dunton-Rose


Meryl Dunton-Rose

A long time traveller with a father with itchy feet who encouraged me to see all.

So glad the pandemic is over! Another long sojourn in Europe this year 2023 with an exciting three weeks in Sri Lanka as the culmination of the trip.
Graeme and I travel well together and enjoy exploring some of the unusual and some of the well-trodden sights the world has to offer. Plans for Gino our motorhome to be travelling through Italy, Albania and Montenegro this year interspersed with family events and a 100th birthday party! More on that later.

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled July 26th 2023

What a stunning country! Our first time in this wooded, green country of just over two million inhabitants dissected by rivers and winding roads. We actually stayed first just over the border from Croatia in Lovsin Estate. The river Kupa bordered the estate and the country. We had oodles of space as the major European countries had not yet commenced school holidays so it was relatively quiet. Swimming was great above the weir and we rented a canoe and paddled gently upstream to another camping spot we were glad we had not found! We met a delightful young couple Emma and Gregor who were holidaying from Celje with their two young daughters whose shyness prevented them from practising their English. The adults, however, discussed the country, its culture, customs and politics for many hours. As a ... read more
Lake Bled
coffee place at Lovsin
The weir at Lovsin mill

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Drvenik July 26th 2023

So lucky! In 2017 we stayed for just one night in a remarkable campsite called Camp Ciste. I had marked a camp on our atlas and I was sure this was the one we needed but internet research told us it was closed, no longer a campsite. Disconsolate, Graeme started perusing old photos and thanks to the wonders of Google photos locator the camp was definitely Camp Ciste and it, in fact, was definitely still operating. We drove up the coast from Kotor, passing the madness which is Dubrovnik, where, as it happens we saw that huge cruise ship dwarfing the harbour. I had heard that cruise ships were being restricted but this high rise had somehow avoided this. The Croatia coastline fell spectacularly away from the road and oohing and aahing we were pleased to ... read more
At Camp Ciste
Camp Ciste
Gino relaxing

Europe » Montenegro » Kotor » Kotor July 17th 2023

On our return from Theth we scooted over the border into Montenegro to a seaside resort south of Ulcinj and found ourselves on a wide, rather muddy beach, by Australian standards, under trees by the Green Bar where we had learnt from Park4night that Nikolas would be there to welcome us! His rather scruffy, unpretentious bar gave us a good meal of squid, chips and salad, we had a swim and a rather rousing night as the hotel entertainment next door went on until the wee hours. Great the singer had a good voice or it would have been purgatory! We decided to have a coffee at the bar the next morning but they announced their machine was broken so Graeme kindheartedly offered to make all the staff and ourselves a cup of coffee in Gino! ... read more
Bay of Kotor
Bell tower

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Fiesole June 27th 2023

I'm so far behind with my blogs that this one will try to be a quick catch up (although we are now into week three!) Our location destination was Florence and so although the photos will reflect our dash down from Calais through France, Switzerland and then Italy I shall bunch all together in an effort to condense our travels. We intended to move quickly, and we did, at lightning speed, well, as fast as Gino would go, Satnav Sally admonishing us to go no faster than 50mph, and hurtled through Northern France ending our first day's journey in Champagne country. A pleasant spot for motorhomes up in the vines of a small town called Trepail which unfortunately had nothing else of note for us non-drinkers. There was no cafe, no boulangerie, no shop, just a ... read more
roses and vines
Pretty Colmar
Colmar from the river

Europe » Albania » South » Vlorë June 25th 2023

Landing in Vlora we managed to do the necessary, buy insurance for the motorhome, take out lek from the ATM and buy a vodaphone SIM! Although Albania is working hard to become a member state of the EU I think there is still a way to go until they satisfy the requirements regarding corruption of the police, government and general safety standards, the manner of driving being the least of it. If you are in Albania keep your distance from drivers of black Mercedes Benz . Many were imported here illegally (stolen, I've been told) and somehow the drivers feel they are above the law. Double lines on a hairpin bend, no problem, a line of traffic you want to get past heedless of oncoming traffic, no problem. A problem only for the drivers coming towards ... read more
folk festival

Europe » Italy » Apulia » Alberobello June 20th 2023

Next stop, the East Coast of Italy. Nowhere in particular to aim for. My sister’s anathema: aimless wandering! We found a beautiful lakeside stop as we cut across the country – eat your heart out Lake Como! Well, no Italianate villas per se but a great bicycle path around the foreshore, a marina and a beach and an endless expanse of water surrounded by hills. And as a bonus, very few kind of place. But we didn’t stay, the coast beckoned. Noara Beach camping found us in a small family run, spotless, beachside site. We had been shouted at going the wrong way down the promenade and then again as we crossed a field to regain our road and were grateful to have found this sanctuary after those hectic sightseeing days in Florence. It was ... read more
Lakeside stop
Lunch and a swim on Gargano
Swimming in Polignano

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hertfordshire » Saint Albans June 18th 2023

You don't turn seventy every year, thank goodness, and really we could have done without it this year, but time is of the essence and our essence this year is ageing. A slightly musty, musky scent with a hint of nostalgia. Our daughters thought to remind us of what it was like to be young and lively in the 70s and planned an extravaganza with friends and family gathering at the party house in St Albans. The request was for 70s attire and the result was hilarious, Graeme and I providing most of the hilarity if truth be told. It was so lovely that my oldest and dearest school friend made the journey from Peterborough. The daughter of another old friend made it down from Edinburgh! One daughter and husband flew from Lisbon especially, and although ... read more
Les girls
70s family

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Dorset » Bridport June 18th 2023

Gino was last year's purchase but being an older model her interior left quite a bit to be desired. In fact a friend who viewed the transformation said she realised I'd be much happier. She'd seen my face fall when the motorhome arrived at her house and I'd rushed outside to see in! Dated and faded were two words which sprang to mind. Anyway, not quite a travel story but just wanted to share our befores and afters before we take off on our tour through Italy, Albania and Montenegro. If you've no interest in things motorhome then skip to the next entry, I promise it won't all be about Gino although a few comments or adventures might creep in!... read more
Gino's new covers and table top
Gino's old faded panels

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Powys » Hay-on-Wye June 8th 2023

It was the eldest daughter's idea. An author friend of hers was presenting at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival. No, unfortunately I was not offered a place to talk about A Patient Obsession, but you can always order it on Amazon and let me know what you think! My launch was at the Newcastle Writers Festival (NSW) and I have given a talk on writing, but only at the local Nambucca library to a group of interested ladies and a few male interlopers! So, the tickets were booked and we were taking Gino, the newly 'made over' Chausson motorhome for a trial run for this year. Hearing that the parking was difficult it seemed sensible to book a camping spot at the Swan Inn, Letton. A lovely small camping site adjacent to the pub over the border ... read more
Sunny days and sunny discussions!
It really is Barbara Kingsolver!
George Monbiot telling us how it is

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Dorset » Bridport May 31st 2023

1953 was such an auspicious year. Yes, I know the queen was crowned but two very special people were born. That's us! Graeme is the oldest by a long chalk, well at least 18 days older and as such should know better...He does, he knows most things! He celebrated with a birthday cake at Beppino's Gelateria and a lunch at Soulshine, both delicious and elected to play eighteen holes of golf whilst I got to sit at home and crochet. Absolute bliss; I even managed a few old episodes of Doctor Who! The next day was also a golf day for Graeme, making up for lost time, so I got to travel to Exeter by myself on the bus and the train. The weather was again spectacular and I met up with an old neighbour from ... read more
birthday cake
Bus to Chideok

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