Laura Sneddon


Laura Sneddon


Former TravelPod Member: ozandbackagain

Joined: February 9th, 2012

From: Leicester lives in Norwich,United Kingdom
Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice - I want to be Jane Bennet
Favorite Movie: I love Disneys, Rom Coms, Romantics, classics, thrillers, fantasy, SciFi .... LOTS
Favorite Music:
Hobbies: Anything in the outdoors really, also like a good book, good food, good wine and dancing
Languages: English only really :S
Bucket List: Go to Antarctica and see the Southern Lights
Profession: Outdoor Ed Instructor
Amazing Event: Seeing the Earth curve the opposite way to the horizon at 5000+m in Bolivia

Description: Loyal, friendly and a little crazy!

The stars sparkle so we don't forget how to dream.


Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu April 17th 2017

Geo: 5.92492, 116.05As usual before travel day, I did not sleep much, but hopefully this means I should be able to sleep on the overnight flight home and be ok when we get to London! ( although watching 5 films is probably a little more likely!!)We packed, had a monster breakfast and went to checkout by 11am with our boat leaving the island at 1pm. Check out took forever as they had people arriving at the same time!! We managed to get our red bottle of wine for free by playing naivety about it and went to sit in the bar on the sofas until it was time to catch the boat. There was no sign of our bags on the jetty, but we were assured they were on their way. There were lots of fishes ... read more
Last time up the mountain to the room
Lambs sad to be going too!!
Sitting in the bar

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu April 16th 2017

Geo: 6.01808, 116.048We got up early to nab a good sun bed by the pool today. It was pretty cloudy but meant that there were beds free down there at 8.30am. We had a sit and a read before breakfast so we again would not need any lunch. Breakfast was the usual gorge on food of many nationalities.We then sat and rotated and sat some more. We both ended up slightly red tinged by around 3pm, when we retired for a cool down and a snooze.We had booked into the fancy restaurant called 'the fisherman's cove'. Surprisingly it was a fish restaurant!! And it was posh. More artwork than food. It was delicious. That was it. Our last whole day in paradise. Tomorrow we pack and fly :(... read more
Us suited and booted

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu April 15th 2017

Geo: 6.01905, 116.049I have a cold too mum!! It maybe the masses amounts of aircon around, but I'm blaming Jamesy as that's the kind of wife I am!! By pure fluke (and the help of the cold) I was awake (therefore Jamesy was awake!!) to see sunrise. It was a good'un too, with lots of changing colours appearing over the mountains. We went back to sleep and got down to the beach around 9 again. Our spot had been stolen from yesterday, so we moved along the beach a little way, equally as paradisiacal as the previous choice. After breakfast we read books/kindles and generally dozed in the sun. As time went on, I began to feel pretty grotty, so headed back up to the room for a 2pm snooze, whilst james sat on the corner ... read more
Sunrise 2
Sunrise 2

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu April 14th 2017

Geo: 6.01816, 116.048My stupid body clock woke me up at 6.30am and james not long after that. After a doze and some tv, we embarked on the suncream ritual that seemed to be the theme of the week. We learned from the previous days errors and went to find a sun lounger before breakfast. As it was still relatively early, we had a sit on the beach, leaving breakfast a little later so we did not need lunch. Breakfast was as epic as the previous day and I was suitably full for a day sitting on the beach. And sir we did. It was a lovely sunny day, with a bit of a breeze. We had mangrove kayaking at 1pm with around 6 other double kayaks. It was ok, not all that thrilling as we just ... read more
Glad rags
Making fishes

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu April 13th 2017

Geo: 6.01957, 116.048Today was a beach day, we took everything down with us as it would be such a mission to get back up to the room just to pick up our beach stuff. Breakfast was as huge as dinner the previous night, most things you could imagine. You all know I can't turn down a pastry though ;) We got to the beach around 10 and all of the sun loungers had been baggsied with towels, so we found a spot under a big tree and were quite content to lay on the sand. We went for a swim in the sea, although the red flag was out due to potential jellyfish. We only saw 1 and kept well away from it. We had signed up (yes james volunteered/was made to feel guilty if he ... read more
Beach 2
James in the sea

Asia » Malaysia April 12th 2017

Geo: 5.8782, 117.939We decided that we would go back to the reserve on the morning we left as our flight transfer was not until 1215. The transport was free to the park and entrance as only £14 for the pair of us. We saw the naughty orangutan again as well as another one walking the railings. A mother and her baby came to the feeding platform that day as well as another young one, but a group of mekaks had joined the feeding and so ate most of it. The flight back to KK was a little bumpy but only 45mins. We were transferred to the dock and then to the hotel jetty, with its own boats over to the island. We were given a guided tour of the facilities by our own little dude. There ... read more
The other naughty monkey
View from the plane
View from our room

Asia » Malaysia April 11th 2017

Geo: 5.87806, 117.939Another early alarm saw us on the river by 6.30am, joining yet another guide, this one called George!! For the 90mins we spent out on the ox bow lake we didn't see all that much. Some proboscis monkeys close to the bank for some better photos. A Grey headed eagle, the 2nd biggest eagle in Borneo, which flew away as the boat rumbled up to it and 2 purple herons. Good but not sure it was worth an alarm with a 5 at the start of it. We were on the 9am boat to Sandakan, where we rejoined Chris and Ellen from previous lodge. They too were heading to my nature resort once in the city. The boat ride was just that, not spotting anything, just 45mins of boat going fast. On arrival at ... read more
The cups
The cups

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Tawau » Lahad Datu April 10th 2017

Geo: 5.01965, 117.746Breakfast was at 7am, and considering some of our other starts, this was not too bad. A quick piece of watermelon, a cup of tea and a chat with a couple from Norwich, we were loaded into the boat to go down to Abai Village lodge for our village visit and to plant another tree, as we did in Brazil. We were shown to our cabin by our guide known as bones (Erdy). Pretty much identical to the last lodge we stayed in, although there was air con of you fancied paying £20 for the night. We didn't!! Such cheap skates!! After a nap, we met the other 9 people in our group and went to plant our tree. It was a type of umbrella tree, each given their own ID number, etched into ... read more
By the river
Proboscis monkey

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Tawau » Lahad Datu April 9th 2017

Geo: 5.01965, 117.746Sorry peeps, zooms on phones not good enough for wild orangutan shots!!Due to yesterday's disappointment of not seeing any ginger fuzzy apes and the fact we were being picked up at 10.30 to leave, we headed out to do a tree top canopy walk at 6.30am! Early!! James' cold was in full force last night, so sleep did not really happen for too long anyway!! We joined another group who were a little more unstable on their feet to head up the the canopy walk in the truck (was too early for that much up hill!!) we both took a stick with us incase we went off piste... boy did we go off piste later on!!The canopy walk consisted of 3 long bridges that stretched over the valley. It was high and I loved ... read more
Down by the river
James sarong

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Tawau » Lahad Datu April 8th 2017

Geo: 5.01965, 117.746Breakfast was at 7am so we could make a good start on our trek up to the lookout point before it got too hot. Breakfast was extensive, fruits, cereal, toast, omelettes and cooked both western and Malaysian. There were pancakes with bacon and syrup.... I/we could not resist.The trek took us up, very up. We saw a mock viper snake on the path. Abt a foot long and actually spotted by Emily, not our guide!! Our guide actually nearly stood on it!! And yes it was poisonous!!! Oh good!! We followed a termite colony moving house, a steady stream of them, all in a line for around 400m. Up trees, backdown trees, across roots and leaves and branches!!! It was incredible for bugs and so many millions of them. The first bit we stopped ... read more
The bridge (love the leach socks!!)
Home sweet home

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