Kaitlyn Ferguson

Kaitlyn F

Kaitlyn Ferguson

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 19th 2021

“Imran Visits Designated Site for RT-PCR Lab at Dhaka Airport · News.” BSS, www.bssnews.net/news/18040. Accessed 27 Sept. 2022. “New Market Reopens in Full Swing.” The Business Standard, 22 Apr. 2022, www.tbsnews.net/bangladesh/new-market-reopens-full-swing-407878. “No Victory Day Parade This Year.” Dhaka Tribune, 22 Nov. 2020, archive.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/11/22/no-victory-day-parade-this-year. Wikipedia contributors. “Baitul Mukarram National Mosque.” Wikipedia, 30 Sept. 2022, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baitul_Mukarram_National_Mosque. ---. “Siliguri.” Wikipedia, 15 Oct. 2022, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siliguri. Briefing, India. “Kolkata, India: A Brief Guide for Investors.” India Briefing News, 16 Dec. 2019, www.india-briefing.com/new... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 19th 2021

Hello again everyone! We have gotten some questions about our trip from you guys, so we wanted to have some fun answering those while reflecting on the trip as a whole. What was your favorite part of the trip? Almost every single aspect of the trip was a ton of fun, but the one part that stood out the most when we got to experience the cultures of the places that we visited. It is amazing to be able to connect with people from all the way on the other side of the world, and even though we're thousands of miles apart, we're all still human after all! What was your least favorite part of the trip? Without a doubt, this had to be our two-day-long journey from Dhaka to Kathmandu. Taking the bus was the ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 19th 2021

It's been a great trip so far, and it absolutely ended with a bang! You know that we have to make the most of our last day, so by 9 AM we had our hotel breakfast and were on our way to the Asan Bazar on newly-rented bikes. The Bazar was full of colorful crafts, textiles, and most importantly souvenirs that we bought to commemorate our trip. After exploring for around 2.5 hours, we got back on our bikes and treated ourselves to lunch at the nearby Nepalya Rooftop Restaurant; and yes, the view was just as incredible as the food! Now, I could wax poetic about the meals we've eaten on this trip for ages, but we don't have time to fall into a food coma today because we have some more exploring to do! ... read more
Rooftop Restraunt
Day 5 Position
Day 5 Velocity

Asia » India » West Bengal » Siliguri December 18th 2021

Watching the sunset through a bus window at 5 AM on my way to Siliguri, India was a breathtakingly beautiful experience, but I am also perfectly fine with it being a once-in-a-lifetime sort of thing! As soon as that bus shifted into park, we were escaping from its doors like a pack of feral chickens. Now, don't get me wrong, the snacks we packed were perfectly capable of sustaining us on our journey, but after days of treating ourselves to the amazing local cuisine, our stomachs screamed for some real food! Our solution: A cute little street shop called Munna Fast Food right within walking distance of our stop! After stretching our legs and getting some good food back into our stomachs, we began to mentally prepare ourselves for the second part of our journey along ... read more
Day 4 position
Day 4 velocity

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka December 17th 2021

And to think, I thought sitting on the flight here was bad! So, our day started off like any other normal day. Get up, eat breakfast, you know the drill; however, the change in routine happens after we walk to the bus stop with our luggage in tow. I honestly can't say too much about today besides we sat on a bus to Kolkata for 9 hours, got off, walked to another bus stop, and then sat on a bus to Siliguri for another 14 hours! It was nice to have a day to rest and talk about our trip so far, but we were all starting to get pretty antsy by the time we made it to Siliguri (which was 6 AM the next day). We ate some of the snacks that we bought at ... read more
Day 3 Position
Day 3 Velocity

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka December 16th 2021

One of my absolute favorite things about traveling is getting to experience different parts of the world. All of us have unique histories and cultures, and today, we had the privilege of learning from the people of Bangladesh! We started this morning off bright and early with a hotel breakfast before biking out to the national parade grounds for Dhaka's Victory Day Parade! Today is the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's freedom as its own country, and the atmosphere in the air as people gathered around to watch the parade was absolutely ecstatic. We were also lucky enough to be able to interview one of the locals at the parade to find out what their country's independence means to them. Afterward, we biked a few minutes down to Weston Restaurant, where we got another delicious meal and ... read more
National mosque
Day 2 Position
Day 2 Velocity

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka December 15th 2021

The universe is full of secrets, mysteries we will dream about and ponder until the sun runs cold, but there is one fact that I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt: That was the longest flight of my life! When our humble group of travelers - Kaitlyn, Eva, Oliver, and Ayden - first heard about our all-expenses-paid trip through South Asia, we were beyond thrilled! I won't lie and say there wasn't a slight bit of disappointment when we learned that we would be responsible for making our own travel and lodging plans with a budget capped at $2,000, but this kind of experience only comes around once in a lifetime, and I'm not going to waste a second of it! Now as we prepare to start our journey, we finally get to see ... read more
Day 1 Position
Day 1 Velocity

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