John Jost

Johnny One Eye

John Jost

My misadventures in travel.

South America » Brazil » Mato Grosso » Pantanal February 28th 2011

I have never seen more mosquitoes in my life than in the Pantanl. Quinn got bit over a hundred times ( On her left leg!) The Pantanl is a wetland region about the size of Missouri spanning southwest Brazil and part of Paraguary. I did not really know what to expect before we got there. I was told that it is one of the best areas to see wildlife and is famous place to watch birds. All this is true but what I did not real realize is that area is essentially a huge swamp, hence all the mosquitoes. From Foz de Iguazu, Brazil we arranged for a 3 day and 2 night stay in the Pantanal at the farm Pousada Santa Clara, which is about 2 hours southeast of Corumba. To get there required 14 ... read more
The river next to our place
Where we stayed the second night
The start of the pantanal

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park February 24th 2011

From Posadas, Argentina our next major stop was to head to the famous Igauzu water falls, which are on the border of Argentina and Brazil. On the way there we were going to stop at another set of interesting waterfalls called the Saltos de Mocona near El Soberbio, Argentina. The falls are somewhat unique in that they run lengthwise down a river for about 3 km. However after taking a 6 hour bus ride to get there we found out that the river was too high and the falls where covered up. Oh well these things happen. So the next day we hoped on another bus to Puerto Iguazu, Argentina, which is the touristy town adjacent the Iguazu falls on the Argentina side. The Iguazu falls are absolutely amazing and my words and pictures would never ... read more
Map of Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls - Argentina side
Itapu Dam

South America » Paraguay » Asunciòn February 15th 2011

Hola! So this is the first of what I hope to be several blogs about my girlfriend and I’s three month trip through South America. We are already about 2 weeks into the trip and having a great time. We do not have a definite plan but more of a vague idea about where we want to go, so we just went ahead and just bought one-way tickets to South America. The first leg of our trip was to head from Denver to Miami for a night. We were flying on a United 757 and a few hours after we left United grounded all of their 757’s for some sort of repair. Our next flight was the following day from Miami to Asuncion, Paraguay via Sao Paulo, Brazil. As we were about to land in Sao ... read more
Asuncion Skyline
Legislative Building, Asuncion
Plaza de Heros, Asuncion

Africa » Central African Republic » South July 16th 2009

My sister had arranged for us to go camping with her BaAka (pygmies) workers in the jungle for a couple of nights. She couldn’t stay the whole time so she was going to head back after the first evening. In all it was going to be the 9 guys who worked for her, 4 of their wives, and 8 kids. We packed our stuff and walked about 5km to Mossapola one of the BaAka villages to meet up with some of her workers. Some people were going to meet up with us later so a few of us headed out it was about another 4 km walk through the rainforest to get the river we were going to camp by. We got to the area where the BaAka decided we should camp. It was literally just ... read more
Me walking
BaAka kids
Making the camp

Africa » Central African Republic July 15th 2009

This was a some what of a spur of the moment trip. My friend the lonely planet writer wanted to head down to the Congo to continue the rest of his trip through central Africa via the Sangha River which runs along the borders of the Central African Republic, Cameroon, and Congo. He asked if I wanted to go with him down to the Congo. The plan was that that we would hire a pirogue and head to Bomassa in the Congo, which is about 80 km away. (A pirogue is nothing more than a hollowed out tree that has been fashioned into a canoe. It is the dominate form of transportation on the river, and it has probably been that way for a very long time). We would go together to the Congo and then ... read more
Me in a pirogue
The motorbikes
Loading our pirogue

Africa » Central African Republic July 13th 2009

Elephants One of the few tourist attractions in the Central African Republic is located down near Bayanga. Where there is a national park that has elephants and habituated gorillas (habituated means that after years of work researchers have been able to get one family of gorillas used to people enough so that you can get close to them). There is a big watering hole called Dzanga Bai where all the elephants come to drink because the area is rich in mineral salts. The place is more of a giant mud pit than anything else, surrounded by a dense jungle. To get there we had to rent a truck and go off-roading through the jungle for about 40 minutes. Then it was about a half hour hike through the jungle. Our guide made a serious sounding comment ... read more
Elephants 2
Gorilla Silhoute
Gorilla 1

Africa » Central African Republic July 6th 2009

Bayanga Bayanga is a small town sitting on the banks of the Sangha River in the southern most part of the Central African Republic near the border of Cameroon and the Congo. There are several thousand people living here. Most came for to work for a logging company, which has closed leaving a lot of people with out jobs. Most of the buildings are made from wood with bamboo leafs for roofs, but here are a few concrete buildings. Outside of town is where a lot of the BaAka (pygmies) live. Their homes are often constructed from sticks and bamboo leaves making an igloo like structure. There is a small center of town where there is a few small shops selling goods. The biggest is run by a Lebanese guy who seems some what out of ... read more
Bayanga road
My sisters african family
Peroge on the river

Africa » Central African Republic July 1st 2009

Traveling from Bangui to Bayanga The drive from Bangui to Bayanga felt like you were in a movie, which had nothing to do with the fact that I got to ride down with the movie producer in his land cruiser. I guess this was because I was still not used to how different everything is here that it did not really sink in that this was real life. The distance we had to travel was about 250 miles and that took us about 12 hours. Only about 40 miles was on paved road. I did find it rather amusing that where ever there were pot holes (and there were many big ones) instead of fixing them they were just marked with paint so you could see them better. The rest of roads were dirt logging roads, ... read more
Jungle outside of Bangui
Little girl by a trash pile
Town on the side of the road

Africa » Central African Republic June 25th 2009

I have been on lots of planes before where you get off on the tarmac and walk to the airport, but it feels a bit strange when you are on something equivalent to a 747 and doing this. The next thing was customs. Fortunately I had some advance advice on this from previous travelers and the guy next to me on the plane. There are only a couple of unmarked desks where you are supposed to do some stuff. The problem is there are about 200 people trying to do the same thing at the same time. After about and hour and a half of nervously waiting for my bags (I have no idea what I would of done if they were lost) I was able to leave the airport and attempt to find the other ... read more
Taxi in Bangui
Olivia and I
Ubangui River

Africa » Central African Republic » South June 24th 2009

Travel Blog 6-15-09 to 6-24-09 Munzu in Africa You know you are in a remote place when the Lonely Planet Travel Guide writer comes looking for you to see about transportation to the village where you are heading. Here is excerpt from the whole 8 pages the Africa Lonely Planet book has on the Central African Republic (CAR): If it’s the ‘real’ Africa you’re looking for, Central African Republic (CAR) may be it. A country of staggering rare natural beauty, with some of the world’s most amazing wildlife, it nonetheless remains underdeveloped, fragmented and poverty-stricken……… Travelling here is a backpacking bungee jump. At the time of writing most of the country was not considered stable or safe enough to travel through. May be a better phrase is stereotypical Africa. It is an extremely poor place. I ... read more

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