Page 5 of JenGog Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham November 14th 2023

There was not much going on to be honest. The weather has turned distinctly rainy nearly every single day. And Autumnal too. We wake up and hope for a dry day but it seems that it never comes . We all feel happier when the sun shines. With Autumn rumbling along we are all looking forward to Spring and better weather . We should really be grateful for what we have but we are always feeling extremely ungrateful when we look up to the overcast grey sky. Happiness is not something ready made . It comes from your own actions . The Dalai Lama uttered those words and as I walked I sent that thought through my head in an attempt to agree. Being happy is not a given. You have to work towards it. Sometimes ... read more
The Bangor Monk and Harvest
Welcome to Harvest Festival 2023
Little trugs on the handcart hearse

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Shropshire » Ironbridge November 10th 2023

Sion did not sleep well last night . Before turning in he had got ready for his trip to Blists Hill Victorian Town. He had helped me set up the sav nav for the journey and was looking forward to seeing his best friend Woolly Mammoth. I had been to Blists Hill a number of times . The first in the early 1980's when the site was in its infancy . I don't remember much about it apart from it being on a hillside site with many industrial brick buildings . Sion had been to Blists Hill a few years ago when Suzy the motorhome required some work to Kathrein the satellite dish . I am sure we were driven there by the guy who repaired the dish and he gave us two complimentary tickets "Have ... read more
Picking up some pennies
In the grocers shop
Have you got a dog licence ?

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham November 3rd 2023

Halloween , Marks and Spencers and football are words that do not often get put together. When I read the title of the blog back I think what on earth do they have in common . Halloween that import from the USA which seemed to grow in popularity . It is that time of the year .Schools had pumpkin competitions . Children of all ages took to knocking on door trick and treating . Houses displayed their carved pumpkins for all to see and those who hated it locked their doors and wished the night away . So many mixed feelings . There was probably less homage in our village to Halloween to be fair. Less population . More elderly and retired than children . However there were some displays in the gardens . I wondered ... read more
We three ghouls
Halloween in the village
Are you scared ?

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Shropshire » Whitchurch November 1st 2023

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes . Don't resist them - let reality be reality . My saying of the morning ended with the words Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Quite an interesting thought from Lao Tzu. One of the favourites churned out in my calendar at least half a dozen times a year . Lao Tzu not the saying . I guess driving to Whitchurch I must have churned up that saying , digested it , wondered if it were true and changed it slightly here and there to something I could relate to . The journey to Whitchurch was as always fairly uneventful apart from forgetting that in England I can still drive in residential areas at 30mph. That felt strangely exhilerating after the snail like ... read more
When you were short of stamps there were always these to rely on
Roman Whitchurch
Clockmakers Whitchurch

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham October 23rd 2023

It is extremely noisy in Cafe de Galles. It feels like the local Womens Institute or a few friends have dropped into town for a coffee and a natter. And natter they did . The cafe is quite small and felt really crowded . The noise was overwhelming and it was extremely hard to hear ourselves think . But it was somewhere we wanted to have a coffee and breakfast for a while . Of course it was somewhere we never quite round to visiting . Well today we did manage that visit. Possibly the wrong day but there it was . A chance and you cannot turn those down. It was a dull day and we parked up on the local supermarket car park . Something I would never had done years ago as I ... read more
a history of the town in paint
graffiti 1
The tapas wine bar

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Lancashire » Rufford October 18th 2023

After eating our lunch and venturing into the garden it was time to take the walk up to the Hesketh church . The walk took us down an avenue of extremely large oak and beech trees . Look out for the carving in the trees. That was the message from a couple we met walking the same path. They told us that over the years people had carved their names into the oak tree trunks. Not easy to find but some were quite ancient . We never found the ancient ones but did find Harry loves Sue and many others dated from the 1960's onwards . I don' t think we did find Harry and Sue but it felt like all the young men and girls of the village had sworn their love to each other ... read more
rufford church windows
the church crest
the font

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Lancashire » Rufford October 16th 2023

The car with no name also known as Clint was parked up on a half full National Trust car park next to the Leeds to Liverpool Canal. It was midweek. The children are still at school and Clint had just been given a much needed run out of one and a half hours. When we started him up the voice control refused to work and the display told us the battery was getting flat. He needed a long drive to charge him up. Something he had not had for some weeks . Indifference has kept us in. What had discharged the battery was anyones guess. Not using the car. The alarm systems and dash cams running down the battery. We had no clues from the all singing and all dancing display. The drive took us out ... read more
the corner of the house
front building
Black and white

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham October 13th 2023

We are just a couple of weeks from the clocks going back and Autumn will definately feel upon us . The mornings are getting increasingly darker . It is now no longer light even to see the time on the alarm clock . The lights are being left on some mornings until after 9am. The blinds and curtains are being drawn ever earlier as darkness comes upon us. Autumn is one of those times when the countryside looks stunning with the changing colours of the leaves . The bright colours of summer are long gone and are replaced with the muted Autumnal browns, coppers , golds and russets . The apple trees are heavy with their fruits . There is a chill in the air but on good days with a fair wind and an Indian ... read more
shrewsbury sign  where shall we travel to ?
The stay safe pig

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham October 2nd 2023

Chasing pleasure brings pleasure . So said Kapil Gupta. The words went on . This morning my calendar was bringing up a very long piece of wisdom for me to read, digest and either keep for reference or throw away. Chasing brings pleasure. But it does not bring satisfaction . In fact he went on to say that it was in fact precisely because it did not bring satisfaction that we must keep chasing it . I thought about that one . I guess I am one of those who is always chasing pleasure . I never get fed up of chasing pleasure in one form or another . It usually relates to travelling . New towns and cities bring me pleasure . Seeing something I have never seen before brings me pleasure . Reading a ... read more
The Royal Oak pub from the churchyard
A small alleyway hidden away
A Sunbeam waiting to be ridden

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham » Marchwiel September 28th 2023

Gifts Days . As I parked up on Station Road - the station long gone in the Beeching cuts of the 1960's - only the name remains I pondered on Gift Days . I cannot say I knew anything about Gift Days when I was living in England . They seemed though to be popular here in Wales . Gift Days - the day chosen by the local church for the inhabitants of a village to support their local church . It did not matter what religion you were or even if you had none Gift Day was deemed to be the day that you could support the church with a gift of money if you felt so inclined. Times had changed . Perhaps there was no need for a Gift Day in the past . ... read more
The high altar window
One of the many Yorke memorials
The Yorke coat of arms

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