Page 2 of JenGog Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 17th 2024

We seemed to be moving at a frenetic pace to catch everything we wanted to see in the city in our few days away. We did not want to come home and say we missed something we had desperately wanted to see . So our time was packed with as many things as we could pack in. I wondered if we would have done things differently if our van had been parked on Kennedy Cadesi and we had lived in the city rather than been in a hotel . Or would we have found a campsite outside the city and got the train in, stayed at a hotel for a few days and packed the sites in over a couple of days . We did that in Athens and it worked . I am sure it ... read more
Alexander the Greats homage
one of many Lycean tombs
One of the strange exhibits

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Sirkeci April 16th 2024

Our body clocks were all over the place . The two hour time difference from home was playing havoc with bedtimes and waking up. We did not seem to be able to get around the feeling of not knowing what time of the day it actually was . I guess we might have had a better idea had we listened to and taken notice of the calls to prayer . We decided to go for a walk . Was Istanbul a safe place to walk ? It was no different to any other city as we were to come to find out during our walk . The shops were still filled with shoppers and the shopkeepers shouted out continually to the tourists to call in and buy something . A carpet to take home , spices ... read more
One sign of the Orient Express
The one and only sign to show that the Great journey ended here

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 15th 2024

In 2020 Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ordered the conversion of the city’s historic Hagia Sophia back into a mosque after a court annulled a 1934 presidential decree that made it a museum. Shortly after Turkey’s top administrative court released its long-anticipated decision Erdogan issued a presidential decree transferring the management of the site from the Ministry of Culture to the Presidency of Religious Affairs which paved the way for its conversion. Erdogan has been a major proponent of the move. I am not sure that the population were entirely happy as this was at odds with the idea of allying Turkey to the West and the EU . I wish we had visited before he had changed its status as viewing was going to be less of an experience than it could have been. There ... read more
The discs on the walls
more of the stunning calligraphy
Signs of the christian church

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Sultanahmet April 15th 2024

Lunch was taken at the Otantik restaurant . We fell upon it a stones throw away from our hotel . It served a purpose . You could sit outside or in depending on the weather . The menu was average . Touristy but would do . We did not have the time to find fine dining . Our first day was seeping away bit by bit before our eyes. There was walking to be done between the sites we have chosen to see and we wanted to make sure we did everything we had planned in. Had we planned too much too soon ? That is always hard to say . There is that desire to make sure that you don't miss anything balanced against time constraints . The staff at the Otantik were extremely friendly ... read more
upside down.

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Sultanahmet April 13th 2024

Day 2 Monday morning early . Breakfast was served at 7.30. Breads, yoghurts, cheeses of every description, selections of cereals, jams and other nice things . Salad which seemed out of place . Fresh lemonade a feature of every restaurant . The bed had proved fine for me but rather hard for Glenn who prefers softer beds . Room service changed the towels . I would probably in the interests of recycling and reusing been happy to keep the old ones for another day . Room service came in three times during the day . Replacing towels on the first visit , replenishing coffee the second time round and a final third visit called room control . Never did find out what that was . I was accosted at breakfast by a guy who spoke to ... read more
Blue skies and golden crescents
The second gate
A corner of the harem

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul » Sultanahmet April 13th 2024

Our first evening was a colourful noisy one . Istanbul was alive with people . Queues everywhere . We had no idea at times what they were queuing for . I might have been to attend the mosque and prayer . Women dressed in black , men talking and children added to the noise . We had lost track of time . Turkey was two hours ahead of us here in the UK and it was pitch black at 8.30. We were trying to acclimatise ourselves . We felt tired after our early morning start . Were overwhelmed with the sheer volume of people? Not really . Cities have that unique feeling and we have always avoided them in the van with the exception of Athens and a few scattered around France and Spain . We ... read more
Istanbul The Blue Mosque
The band as they moved round the square
Istanbul noisy colourful but wonderful

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 6th 2024

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving . A quote from some while ago from Lao Tzu put away for a day it could be used . Today seemed that day . Day 1 or just the day before travel . We are counting down . The boarding opens in 1 hour 42 mins . We are pacing about as you cannot get further away from motorhoming than this holiday . For the first time I had to find something other than Europe to put in the continent . Turkey did not come up in Europe nor Asia but was lurking in Middle East . We printed off our boarding cards, put them safely away and made all our last minute plans for the trip. Day 2 - the day ... read more
Breakfast business class style
I just love a screenshot of where the plane is flying over
The Peak District

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham March 30th 2024

Heavens where do you start ? So many hits on my last blog . I am sure that readers did not dip in to hear about our small city. THEY would not have been fan club awaiting every word I uttered . Perhaps a few Americans did tune in if they followed Wrexham AFC. Was it the Boss ? Did readers expect the latest news on Bruce Springsteen? Or indeed were they whiskey drinkers and homed in to the Four Walls ? I read and reread the title and wished at times that anyone reading it might say they accidently fell upon it and it was not what they thought. Or perhaps they were fans of Mr and Mrs Met and the MLS? . I was at a loss to understand why this particular blog got ... read more
Postman Pat and his white and white rabbits
The easter bunny has arrived in the village

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Wrexham March 20th 2024

How many thousands of turkish lira do you need for a holiday ? We had little idea as most of our holidays had been in Europe and we had with the exception of Croatia and Denmark used the euro. A trip to pick some up gave us a good idea . It seemed we did not need that many . The Turkish Lira was so devalued the locals preferred to be paid in American dollars, English pounds or euros . We had a stack load of euros left over from France last year . So we changed a few pounds £85 to lira just to tide us over and worked out meals could be paid for in Istanbul in euros and it would be easy to change euros to liras if we needed them in the ... read more
Dixie the dragon
The Boss
The Fourth Wall

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent March 11th 2024

"Beside the noble art of getting things done , there is a noble art of leaving things undone." Lin Yutang The plan had been to visit a different town with different shops and places to see . Ticked the box. Visit a museum - done . See a castle and a cathedral . Both visited . Take in a dockyard and ships and a mighty river . Been there done it worn the T shirt. So what was left - a garden . Not just any old garden but one of the finest in England . That was the order of the day today . Tomorrow would be a stately home . More a stately house owned and lived in by one of the greatest prime ministers of the 20th century. Well that was the plan ... read more
The tower looking from the garden
the tower
The Elizabethan ranges of Sissinghurst

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