Haley Garden

Haley Garden

Haley Garden

Africa » Uganda July 29th 2019

I have been working at mbarara regional referral hospital in the emergency department for the last two weeks. I am LOVING it, and learning so so much. I have been able to assist on many cases, to name a few I have seen many head injuries mostly due to motor vehicle accidents, burn patients, chest tubes insertions, resuscitation efforts, fractures, gunshot wounds, and many other lacerations and cases.The staff has been amazing allowing Casey and I to work very closely with them. The interns and nurses have been really very eager to include us in every patient’s assessment, treatment and care. I have mostly worked night shifts and Casey work during the day. I have gained many skills but mostly I have learned the art of improvising in healthcare when you do not have supplies readily ... read more
Peds Oncology Run
Peds 5km Oncology Run
Girls making menstrual pads

Africa » Uganda July 17th 2019

We spent a total of three weeks in Rugazi with the Ugandan students. We were split into two groups as we were 9 Canadian students and 11 Ugandan students. We were paired up with two medical students from the University of Saskatchewan. In the mornings we spent our time working in the clinic and the afternoons we worked on our community projects. We chose health education of UTIs and menstrual health for our two projects. Our interventions for the UTI project included health talks in a school with about 150 students present, a health talk in the community and also in the outpatient department. During these talks, we covered common signs and symptoms, causes, prevention, and complications. Every audience was very receptive and were eager to participate and ask questions. The students were very engaged and ... read more
The girls showing off their homemade pads

Africa » Uganda July 16th 2019

I have spent the past week reflecting on my time in Rugazi. We lived in Rugazi for a month and it was filled with many opportunities. There were many firsts for me: observing and providing health care in a third world country with limited supplies and lack of diagnostics, lack of running water and using pit latrines rather than toilets. But there were so many positives in Rugazi, I learned so many things, and gained so many new perspectives. In regards to the health center, I witnessed for the first time patients having to go without medications due to lack of resources. I saw newborns go without vitamin k injections due to lack of syringes. I observed midwives having to prioritize the care of newborns due to only one warmer and one oxygen machine. The laboring ... read more

Africa » Uganda July 1st 2019

Unfortunately, last week I was not feeling well. Both my Ugandan and Canadian friends were amazing at nursing me back to health from the lab, pharmacy, and nursing aspects. On Saturday, we went to King Fisher, which is a lodge nearby. We spent the day swimming and enjoying the sunshine. This pool overlooks Queen Elizabeth Park, which is a beautiful view. On Sunday, I spent most of the afternoon working in the clinic to make up for lost time. The clinic was very busy with many laboring women. I assisted in the delivery of a baby boy and spent the day assisting the midwives with various other tasks. It was great, I love working in the clinic. Today, I spent the morning doing rounds with the doctor then assisted in the theatre during a c-section. What ... read more
King Fisher
Making homemade fruit juice
Beautiful sunset overlooking Queen Elizabeth Park

Africa » Uganda June 11th 2019

This past week has been a huge learning curve for me, but one of the best hands on learning experiences I could have asked for. Our community placement was delayed by two weeks related to some unforeseen circumstances at Mbarara University. This gave us some extra time when we first arrived to relax and sightsee a bit in the country before starting work last week. During our time in Mbarara, we went to the market numerous times where we have begun to master haggling. Some of my favorite items from the market include: mangos, avocados, tomatoes, and cucumbers. We also volunteered at Divine Mercy Orphanage a few times while in Mbarara. Last week we were in Rugazi working in a Health Center IV, which is a health centre one level below a district hospital. We returned ... read more
Crater Lake in Rugazi
Wonderful group of healthcare providers I get to work with

Africa » Uganda May 27th 2019

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to go Gorilla Trekking in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda to visit one of the five families of gorillas that are habituated to tourists visiting them in their natural habit. Trackers are in the jungle daily keeping tabs from a distance where each family travels throughout the day, they leave the National Park by roughly 3pm in hopes to relocate the gorillas tomorrow. The next day, the trackers will begin searching for the gorillas where they last saw them the previous day. Gorillas can move many kilometers daily in search of food or different lodging, or they may also move if they sense another family nearby. The family we visited consisted of 17 gorillas. Three of them are Silverbacks. A male gorilla becomes a silverback at the mature ... read more
Silverback Gorilla
Silverback Gorilla
Silverback gorilla

Africa » Uganda May 21st 2019

The travel to Ssese island was our first encounter with the concept of Ugandan time.. The ferry was scheduled to depart around 2-3pm; however, after a few delays, the ferry departed at roughly 6pm. This is common in Uganda, they work on their own time. We spent almost five hours sitting at the port waiting for the fuel truck to arrive as we were early to purchase our tickets for the ferry. Once aboard, the ride was great. And on the plus side, we got to watch the sunset during our travels on the ferry. We also learned a local card game called Donkey which was a lot of fun! We spent the following two days on Ssese islands, which was very beautiful! Unfortunately, it is rainy season so we ended up with very rainy mornings, ... read more
Resort at Ssese islands
Poolside at Ssese islands
Colouring on the ferry

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Entebbe May 17th 2019

After a full day of travel and four flights, I arrived in Uganda, Africa without any problems. During our first day in Entebbe, we visited the Botanical Gardens which was beautiful. After that, we checked out some local markets and had a traditional lunch. The food was pretty good, goat meat, rice, Matooke, and local sweet potato. The fresh fruit, especially mangoes have been delicious!! Our rooms are simple, but we have everything we need. Three of us girls are staying together with a small bathroom attached to our room. I am still adjusting to the time difference as 9 hours is quite a big change. The weather has been beautiful, warm during the day with a thunderstorm and heavy rain during the early mornings. We are heading to Ssese islands tomorrow for a three day ... read more
Local food
Supper - Vegetarian Spring Rolls
Bed in Entebbe

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