


I always dreamt about visiting each country on earth and well, even though I am not planning on visiting all of them next year I think visiting 16 or 17 countries for 1 year would already be a very good start. I started travelling when I was really young with my parents -Europe, North America and North Africa- and this love of travelling has never stopped since then. 2 years ago, I discovered travelling alone in Asia and I loved it, so I decided to extend it and to go round the world for one year by myself. Some people would think that you feel alone when you are travelling by yourself but it is indeed most of the time the contrary: that's the best way to meet fellow travellers or locals!

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RTW 2014 Complete Map

Asia » China » Zhejiang September 27th 2014

I have loved China and Chinese culture for a very long time now and once again I visited my country in August –yes, it’s really as if I was coming back home when I am in China!-. It was the 4th time I was coming to China, so my goal and way of travelling was much different from the last times: I visited friends, went to job interviews and took time to spend at least 4 days in each place. Yes, you read well, I went to job interviews!! I am indeed planning to realize my 2nd biggest dream –for the ones, who are not following my stories, 1st one was to do this world trip :)!) and to move to China next year. I am ready to go back to work but it doesn’t mean ... read more
Moon or sun??
Pollution in Nanjing
Not all Beijiners are rude. Visiting my friend from Beijing :)

Asia » Mongolia August 30th 2014

My journey in Mongolia has been the best experience I have had since I have started my world trip in January 2014. I didn’t know what to expect from this country. We indeed know so little about it in Europe and I was a bit afraid of not being able to travel on my own there –without agency or driver I mean-. However, my journey there proved me every day that travelling on your own is the best way to really get a true experience in a country and that in Mongolia, it’s even easier to get to know the local people than in other countries. Mongolians are in fact the exact definition of hospitable. It’s in their culture to know how to receive guests. At their home, they will always have some tsai ... read more
View of the countryside South of Ulaanbaatar
View over UB
Soviet monument

Europe » Ukraine July 27th 2014

Travel to make your own opinion about a place: journey around Ukraine I feel very sad about what just happened a few days ago with the Malaysian plane. I hope that the truth will come out very soon and that those people will be considered like nothing more than terrorists, even though it will clearly never bring back the lives of those people… However, I still strongly think that this country is WORTH VISITING and that people shouldn’t get stopped by the fear that media is giving you. I went to Ukraine last month for the 4th time and a lot of people told me that I was mad to go there, that it was war, that I should look at the news to see what was going on there. Well, I think that the news ... read more
Putin... Maidan June 2014
Selling traditional stuff - Maidan June 2014
Old city center Lviv

Europe » Latvia » Vidzeme Region July 4th 2014

Did you know that in this country 80% is forest and that its entire population is 1/3 of Paris population? Well, until going there in June, I also didn’t know that fact. So, for those, who prefer big citites, Latvia is definitely not the country to visit, except a trip to Riga will satisfy you, but for all the others, I can tell you that Latvia amazed me a bit more every day I was there. Even now, I still remember this country, as one of the best, if you are a nature lover, don’t like over touristy places and look for quietness! This country is for sure not rich but the people there are rich in their mind and attitude, which is far more important I think when you want to have a happy life. ... read more
Hiking along Gauja River
Typical wooden houses in Latvia
Remote beach near Tuja

South America » Ecuador » East » Nueva Loja June 24th 2014

When I arrived in Lago Agrio, Carlos, the guy from Workaway (website to find volunteering offers), asked me how I wanted to help him. As I said that I love children, he told me that I could help his mother at school, as she had already told him, that she could need some help. I was so happy to get this opportunity: I love being with children and teaching them, especially in another country, where I can see the differences with our school system in France. The children, we were teaching, were 4- or 5-year old and when on the 1st day, I looked at their homework done this year, I can tell you that they are much more advanced that we are at that age in France ! They can count and write the numbers ... read more
Break to eat fruits: bananas, oranges and watermelon
Outside activity: went to a lake nearby
With the class in front of our house

South America » Ecuador » East » Nueva Loja June 17th 2014

Today, instead of talking about my journey in Ecuador, I would talk to you about a topic, which touched me, while visiting the North of the country. What do you think about when we hear Amazonia ? Mostly, we will relate this word to tropical forest, rivers, crocodiles, tropical birds, amazing fauna and flora in general. Well, I could notice how, in Equador, all this is in danger. Why ? Because of the oil industry! When you drive from Quito to Lago Agrio, you can quily realize this fact. You will indeed see very quickly the pipelines along the road, like bridges over the rivers, but also crossing some people’s yards and the forest. It was the first pipelines, I was seeing in my life and to see them, so close to the Amazonian forest was ... read more
Station in the middle of the forest...
"We go forward"...

South America » Ecuador June 11th 2014

Once again, my journey across the border was a real adventure ! It started well from the coffee plantation, I quickly got a ride after walking downhill 20 minutes, then at the crossroads where I had been dropped off, I got a ride with a very nice farmer on his motorbike. It was my first time hitchhiking on a motorbike! Well, I didn’t even ask for it, he offered to give me a ride for some kms up to his house along the road. We had a nice chat together: he was interested in other cultures and loved meeting foreigners. Then, from close to his house, I got another ride at the back of a pick-up with some guys, who were going to a soccer game to support their local team. I arrived around 2pm in ... read more
Flowers in Vilcabamba
View over Vilcabamba
Amazing sky in Vilcabamba

South America » Peru » Cajamarca June 5th 2014

From Cusco, I directly went to the North of Peru, where I had found a volunteering opportunity to work in a coffee plantation. I was thinking of stopping halfway to visit another place in Peru, but as the trek to Machu Picchu took me longer than expected, I took 2 different buses to arrive in Jaen. Peru is a big country, so it took me 44 hours in total to arrive at the coffee plantation. The first bus ride was quite an experience as I got to sit in the front next to the bus driver (there wasn’t any other seats available…). So, I could see how bus system in Peru (or at least this bus company) is like a big mafia: we were often stopping to take other passengers without proper tickets, who were paying ... read more
The place for coffee
We sell coffee
Coffee fruits. Only red ones should be picked

South America » Peru » Cusco June 4th 2014

Most of you may know that Peru is famous worldwide for the Incas ruins there and have heard about Machu Picchu. Well, if you are waiting for me to tell you the story of me going there, I have to tell you right now that you might be disappointed. I indeed chose to visit this area on an alternative way and I ended up not even visiting the site of the ruins, even though I had an amazing view over them ;) So, how did I visited this area then ? After taking a touristic bus from Copacabana to Puno to get there quickly, I was already tired of how very touristy this area is ! A guy indeed got on the bus at the border of Peru and although he did as if he was ... read more
Love Cusco old historical center!
View after climbing up from Mollepata
Lovely campsite ;)

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department May 27th 2014

You think that La Paz is too big, too busy and that you aren’t yourself in the capital of Bolivia, don’t worry, I felt the same way but there is a way to feel better. There is indeed within a few hours nice places where you could go, which will bring you to quietness again. 1. 1. My favorite place to come back to nature is Copacabana and the Isla del Sol. Yes, it’s touristic but you can easily go somewhere, where you will not find so many tourists. To go to Copacabana, there are local buses, which should cost you 20 Bolivianos and are leaving close to the cemetery in La Paz. In around 4 hours, you will then arrive in Copacabana, including the boat transfer on a small portion of Titicaca lake. Once outside ... read more
1st sight of Lake Titicaca
Inca ruins on the Northern part of Isla del Sol
View over the beach

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