Jean and Cope


Jean and Cope

My husband and I love to travel just about anywhere. We've spent time in the Caribbean (all over), Mexico, Canada, Europe, Africa, Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Falkland Islands (UK), Chile and Peru. We love to trade houses too. We are both educators with grown children.

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence February 5th 2021

Hello everyone, this was part of a 3 month trip through Europe. We started in Venice and ended up in London. We started these blogs after we had already been to Australia, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Canada. We couldn't upload photos very well (if at all) and mostly just wanted to be able to remember all of our trips. Everyone once in a while someone calls me and asks questions about our travels and I'm always excited to relive them and share our experiences in hopes it will make their trip better. When we first started on these long trips we didn't interact with locals as much as I wish we had. As we got more comfortable being gone 1-2-3-4 months at a time, we also slowed down and savored visiting and sharing a lot more. ... read more
Hotel Caravaggio- room
Hotel Caravaggio Breakfast Terrace

North America » United States » California » Fresno January 27th 2021

Good Morning Followers of the AdventureDuo Blog, We hope that all of you are doing well and are staying safe through these trying times. Due to COVID, as of February 13th, we will have been home for a year. Our travels curtailed to just Friday Field Trips to local places like cemeteries, historical markers, and the countryside. Although we love our home and our short field trips we find ourselves beginning to yearn for travels more distant and amazing. Since that is not going to be possible for the foreseeable future, we thought we'd take this time to do a little retrospective romp through our travels. As in the past, you'll just get an e-mail that we posted and you are free to click and read or delete ;-) Starting tomorrow, I'll try to re-post a ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax September 27th 2019

Last Day in Canada: Well, technically we are leaving Canada in the morning as tonight we fly from Halifax back to Montreal this evening. Then tomorrow, an early flight to Minneapolis on to Salt Lake City and finally Fresno, California. We have loved this trip. This morning we went back over the bridge to the wharf area of Halifax and the Maritime Museum with its amazing artifacts from shipwrecks to sailboats to just about anything on the water. We were most interested in the Titanic Exhibit. They have so many artifacts from the ship itself and the story of course, is sobering. It is a world class museum and everything was so interesting including the couple of films on the Titanic and the Cape Breton area. After the Titanic exhibit we walked down the wharf are ... read more
Titanic Exhibit
Original Deck Chair
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia from our hotel room

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Peggy's Cove September 27th 2019

Day 8: Today dawned sunny and beautiful so we decided to take a ride about 30 miles away to Peggy's Cove. But...then we noticed we'd be going right by Fairview Cemetery, where many of the Titanic graves are so... we decided to go there first. Going in and out of the city we were crossing toll bridges at $1 per crossing. We didn't have a dollar coin this time, but guess what w... read more
Headstones Titanic
King Headstone

North America » Canada » Prince Edward Island » Charlottetown September 26th 2019

Day 6-7: Yea! We are headed out on our own for a 2-day road trip. A big circle starting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, up through Prince Edward Island, down into New Brunswick and back to Halifax. The day started out cloudy, rainy, with fog on the bays. Turned out the private limo from the Westin to the airport was $10 less than a cab so, no decision here. Eli, our driver is 52, lived in Halifax his whole life, and regaled us with a lot of history of the area. As we passed an unusually large IKEA, Eli gave us his opinion of our President and his hopes that he will be out and this "craziness" will end soon. The airport is about 30 minutes north of downtown Halifax. The roads all over Canada are wonderful ... read more
Low Tide Hopewell Rocks
Bay of Fundy National Park
Moose Sighting

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal » Old Montréal September 22nd 2019

Day 5 dawned yet again hot but with a scent of the rain to come. A little overcast. Tonight, we take the overnight train to Halifax, but we have a last day in Montreal so we take it easy and don't get out till just before 11 when the Archaeological Museum opens. We walk down the old narrow streets to the waterfront and buy our tickets. There is a movie about old Montreal starting in 7 minutes so we scoot right in to learn about the immigrants who risked everything to leave their homelands to make a new life in Canada. Today Canada is comprised of English - 18.34% Scottish - 13.93% French - 13.55% Irish - 13.43% German - 9.64% Italian - 4.61% First Nations - 4.43% Canada's history is so very intertwined with the ... read more
On St. Laurant Street
Museum lunch
Proper way to set a table

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal » Old Montréal September 21st 2019

Day 4: After our long day in Quebec City, we didn't get out in the town today until late morning. We wandered around, had lunch at an outdoor pizza place near the Old Town docks and Old Montreal. The table next to us ordered an XXXL pizza for the 4 of them. When it arrived, it was the largest pizza we have ever seen. We were amazed, the 4 of them ate almost all of it. We had been gawking at their pizza and sharing smiles now and then so, after they finished, they offered a gigantic slice to us. NIce! It was exactly like the pizzas you get in Rome. Extremely thin crust, not many toppings and crisp, crisp, crisp. What nice people to share their lunch. Turns out they are from Nebraska and Iowa ... read more
Waterfront at Old port
Cope on Tour Boat
St. Jean Cartier Bridge

North America » Canada » Quebec » Québec City September 21st 2019

Day 3: Bonjour! Up at 6am as we are going to Quebec City, a three hour drive east, down the St. Lawrence River. Our Gray Line shuttle picks us up at the hotel at 7:25 and it is full except for 2 seats in the back. We squish in the back. I'm next to two men from Germany. The ladies next to Cope in the seats in front of me, are from England and we hear Spanish someplace around the driver. This shuttle will take us to the "real" bus for our 3 hour ride to Quebec City. When we get to the Gray Line Station in downtown Montreal we are told that our internet printed tickets are not really tickets so we have to go wait in line and get real tickets. Okay ;-) When ... read more
Quebec Old Twon
Cope Jean Quebec City
Jean umbrella street

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal » Old Montréal September 19th 2019

Day 1: Bonjour! The weather gods are with us! This whole week is going to be sunny and beautiful. I cannot believe we waited so long to come to Montreal. It is a beautiful, friendly, safe, island community of about 2 million people (4 million total in the surrounding areas)... about the size of Phoenix. The evening we got to our hotel in Old Montreal, we decided to talk a walk around and find dinner. Everywhere we looked had so much history as this was the beginning of Montreal 400 years ago. Since we do so much genealogy it was fun to overlay our heritage with the founding of Montreal. Cope's family, Norcross, was in Maine by the 1600's and my family, Maddox was in Jamestown, Virginia. Everything was new on this side of the ocean. ... read more
Notre Dame Basilica
Crew Collective & Cafe
Cookie Stefanie Gluten Free & Sugar Free

North America » United States » Montana » Missoula September 13th 2019

What a great day! We didn't have to leave Fresno until 12:40pm. It was so nice no to have to get up in the middle of the night. Leisurely Lyft ride to the airport and lunch at the Fresno Airport. Nice way to start a vacation. Delta was on time as we headed out of Fresno. Usually I have an aisle seat so I don't see much but today was a window and we flew right over our home at Woodward Lakes. Then, over Millerton Lake just north about 10 miles from home. Quick jump over the Sierra Nevada range and there was Mammoth Lakes Ski Resort. Ahead to Mono Lake and 1 hour and 12 minutes later, into Salt Lake City. Just an hour layover then another hour and 6 minutes and the green valleys ... read more
Home: Woodward Lake in Fresno
St. Ignatius, Montana

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