A Small Swede in the Big World's Guestbook

19th April 2021
Me in front of the Guinness Logo

I too would have loved that
A tour of the Guinness factory i would have enjoyed as well. Wonder why I didn't go on that when I was in Dublin... /Ake
19th April 2021
Me in front of the Guinness Logo

I too would have loved that
Oh, it's definitely recommended, if you ever go back you should go visit. :)
18th April 2021

Family Holiday
What a lovely family holiday this seems to have been for you. I like all your photos of the local hotel wildlife! ? And how lovely to have invited one of the local vendors to dinner. It seems to have been a really good trip for you all, and I imagine good inspiration for your further travels ?
19th April 2021

Family Holiday
Aye, it's a shame that we haven't had any family trips since then but who knows, perhaps we'll have one again someday. But it certainly was a good one. :) The local vendors were really cool, I'm happy he was invited in, it was such a good gesture. =)
18th April 2021

Wow, this looks like a brilliant and very enjoyable tour! I imagine the bathing with the elephants was just incredible, and glad to read that they seemed to be treated well.
19th April 2021

It's a really treasured memory. I'm truly lucky to have parents that would take me on such amazing trips. =)
17th April 2021

Ah, what a good idea to write about your travels pre-Travel Blog! It seems we were in Goa, India the same year - I was there in the summer of 2005. I can understand your itchiness to explore beyond the realms of the hotel, an independent traveller in the making, lol! ?
17th April 2021

Haha, what are the odds?! Aye, I've always had a bit of an itch I recon. =)
15th April 2021
Uffe and his Pink Passport

I also travelled using a pink passport once
Funny coincidence that I also travelled using a pink passport in 2006. At least I think it was in 2006. I think my pink passport might be featured on the second or third blog entry I wrote on TravelBlog. What happened to me was that my passport got stuck in the mail. I had sent it to London to get a visa. Because this was in the days before Christmas, mail service was slow and the passport didn't return to Sweden in time for me to have it before my flight. I still made it to Yemen that trip. I also made it back alive. /Ake
16th April 2021
Uffe and his Pink Passport

I also travelled using a pink passport once
Glad you made it. Unfortunate though with the mail service.
17th November 2020

Family holidays
It must be good to look at these photos and reflect on how special it must have been that your parents would take the family to see other countries and cultures...opening your eyes that it is indeed a large diverse World out there. I guess it planted the seed for your own travel obsession Per-Olof. And it looks as if you had pretty cool parents...though I wonder if you realised that at the time!
18th November 2020

Family holidays
Aye, me and my parents have always had a close bond and they did indeed impart the love of travelling in. =)
12th November 2020

Love your story...
but sad in a way because this was your last trip with your family. The last of anything is sad.
18th November 2020

Love your story...
It is sad in a way yes, but who knows, perhaps we'll travel abroad together once more. =)
12th November 2020
Se Cathedral

Goa Historical City Center is on our list of places we want to visit. Have you heard of the Indian stairewells? Next time I go to India I will plan to include a few of those. Many of them are quite spectacular, and very much a hidden gem as well. /Ake
18th November 2020
Se Cathedral

It's very much recommended. I have missed the stairwells though.
6th November 2020
No Honking

No Honking
When bringing back memories of past trips it is great when a quirky detail brings a smile. I reckon seeing the photo of this sign outside the High Court in Goa would have brought back such a memory. I am posting this in the Signs, Signs & more Signs thread in the Photography Forum.
12th November 2020
No Honking

No Honking
Haha, yeah it still brings a smile to my face when I see it because it just felt so weird and logical for the place at the same time. =)
4th November 2020

That looks like a really large insect
That looks really huge. It's cool to see large insects. /Ake
12th November 2020

That looks like a really large insect
Aye, it was quite impressive. =)
3rd November 2020

India - a complicated relationship
I have a complicated relationship with India. I love India but only in small doses. No more than two weeks in one go. After that I need an antidote to all tne noise all all the people that are everywhere. /Ake
3rd November 2020

India - a complicated relationship
Aye, know exactly what you mean.
1st October 2019

Impressive Research
I’m constantly impressed by the level of research you undertake. Well done. I absolutely loved Koyasan and I’ll gladly go back. I might even be tempted to do the pilgrimage!
8th October 2019

Impressive Research
Thank you! =) I enjoyed reading about your experiences at Koyasan and it was a big reason that I decided to go there. =)

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