
62 catching up with 45


Although everyone thinks 62 is old (actually, I used to myself), believe me when you get there its nothing. Nothing much has changed really, except I'm a bit wiser and physically everything's heading south. Apart from that, I'm still adventurous (having just been on a huge rollercoaster in Las Vegas) and independent, and by now am fairly well travelled. Unlike most people, I don't mind travelling by myself as you meet so many people and make friends along the way. Plus you can completely please yourself as to what you'll do.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City December 19th 2012

After 43 years, I finally returned home to London where I spent a month. Here's my shots.... read more
Albert Hall
Monument Outside Buckingham Palace
The Shard, behind the Tower of London

Asia January 26th 2012

During the cruise they have 2 formal nights a week where everyone gets dressed up. These are not compulsory but most people get dressed up and get formal photos taken. The ship's photographers are constantly taking photos of you from the moment you board, to visiting every port, at the dining table, celebration nights and of course on the formal nights. These shots are then displayed as the cruise continues and sold to people at exhorbitant prices. Being a keen photographer, I’m usually behind the camera and rarely get anyone to take a shot of me, however, this time I got my Cabin Steward (who invariably was close to my cabin when I walked out all dressed up) to take a shot each time. For those in the know, these are the custom dresses I got ... read more
2nd Formal Night
3rd Formal Night
Christmas Eve

Asia January 23rd 2012

I did finally go out at night to photograph the fireworks for Chinese New Year and the lights along Nathon Road (the main street of Kowloon), but my enthusiasm had gone and I was looking forward to leaving and getting home. You see some right sights in Hong Kong with fashion and you can buy just about anything in the shops, but this Kenwood with its bling really takes the cake. :-)... read more
Chinese New Year Fireworks
Chinese New Year Fireworks
Hong Kong

Asia January 22nd 2012

After the cruise I was spending 5 days in Hong Kong (22-27th Jan) and unfortunately because its winter in January, the place was cold and wet and foggy. I am truly amazed how the weather can go from 26 degrees to 9 degrees in just 200 miles. I'd booked a Hotel in Kowloon so after checking in, I headed to the Post Office to post my lacquered panels home. Even though I'd been to H.K. before, I'd planned to do a lot of touring and photography. However, there didn’t seem any point in going up to The Peak as you wouldn’t see anything with all the mist and cloud coverage, so I went down to a Station to pick up an Octopussy card (which allows you to travel on all transport instead of having the right ... read more
Cold & Wet Hong Kong
Cold & Wet Hong Kong
Lion Dancers

Asia January 21st 2012

We had one more day at sea before finally arriving in Kowloon, Hong Kong on 21st January, just in time for Chinese New Year on 23-25th. Unusually, we had one more night sleeping on the ship whilst berthed in Kowloon before people had to disembark (usually first thing in the morning in the port, i.e. 7.00 a.m. people are disembarked). As Kowloon was opposite Hong Kong Island, it also meant a great view of the laser show of the city at night. So during that day in port, some friends from the ship and I visited Stanley Markets. They planned to go by bus rather than take an expensive tour, so we caught the Star Ferry over to Hong Kong Island and then caught the double decker bus to Stanley Markets (so nice to ride in ... read more
Greeting at Hong Kong
Welcome to Hong Kong
Docked opposite Hong Kong Island

Asia January 19th 2012

Next day was spent at sea and 19th Jan we were into Sanya (Hanoi), China at 1.00 p.m., departing 10.00 that night. The Chinese officials wouldn't allow anyone off the ship until an hour later - for what reason we never found out. Sanya was a real surprise as it was a huge city. We got a lovely reception coming into port with Chinese dancers and we moored right by the new 3-building Casino they were still building on the Island. I never booked any tours in Sanya nor bothered with a Chinese Visa, but wished I had as it was apparently a tourist place for the Russians for summer holidays and of course the Chinese, and it looked great from the ship. Just after sunset I was out on the back deck photographing the lights ... read more
Approaching Sanya
The New Casino, Sanya

Asia January 18th 2012

The market was followed by a visit to a floating village (literally boat people on the edge of Halong Bay) and then finally transferred to a private boat for a 4 hour cruise of Halong Bay. I must say photos do not do it justice as its absolutely beautiful (even in winter with the mist and the cold). Its very quiet and serene, broken by the occasional hawk squaking, and a definite wonder of the world – another WOW factor. I would truly love to see this in summer. After a visit to a cave with stalagmites, it was back to the ship. Truly loved Halong Bay and was the highlight of my cruise.... read more
Boat People
Boat People
Boat People

Asia January 18th 2012

Thurs 18th Jan – I, and almost the remainder of the ship, caught a stinking cold. All of a sudden you heard lots of hacking coughs around the ship with loads of people blowing their nose. When something spreads around the ship, it sure spreads quickly. So with a streaming cold, this day saw us into Halong Bay (pronounced Harlong Bay, not hey), in winter and very cold. This was the one place I was dying to see with its limestone cliffs jutting out of the sea and I’d wanted to go there for ages and ages. Sailing into Halong Bay was actually through the Bay itself, so I was up at 5.00 a.m. for this and even then I missed half of it. Even with the mist and rain and cold, sailing into it was ... read more
Sailing Into Halong
Vietnames Officials Boarding the Ship
Beggars Greeting the Ship

Asia January 16th 2012

Mon 16 Jan saw us into Nha Trang, Vietnam at 9.00 in the morning, again spending the evening there before departure at 11.00 p.m. Nha Trang was publicised as another fishing village, however, it turned out to be a tourist spot with restaurants and a nice town, and even had a cable car going over to an island that had a Waterpark with water slides etc. Wish I’d known in advance as I spent the day onboard instead and hadn't got a Visa to get off. It was at Nha Trang I bought 4 laquered panels from the Markets that were set up by the dock. I was feeling really pleased with myself for bartering them down from $US50 to $US35 – it wasn’t till they were packed that I realised just how heavy they were, ... read more
Nha Trang
Tour Buses Waiting
Our Welcome to Nha Trang

Asia January 14th 2012

Saturday 14th was spent at sea before arriving on Sunday 15that Phu My (otherwise known as Ho Chi Minh City), in Vietnam – another place I hadn’t been to. Phu My is the new name for Ho Chi Minh, although most people still refer to it as Ho Chi Minh City. A group of us took a private tour which entailed a 2 hour drive into Ho Chi Minh City - again very dirty roads, and the inevitable visit to the loo along the way. Asian loos are an education in itself with just a hole in the ground and after a while, you are inevitably asking "is it western?". We also went to the Jade Emperor Pagoda followed by a tour of the Independence Palace (which was more like a Gov. building than a palace) ... read more
Busy Streets
Vietnam Sweeper
Independence Palace

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