Blogs from Prachuap Khiri Khan, Western Thailand, Thailand, Asia


Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan February 7th 2020

The sun rose behind the hills at the southern tip of the bay as we enjoyed our breakfast at the privacy beach resort near Khao Sam roi Yot national park. Our guide Pi Golf arrived just before 8am and we were on our bikes and cycling south along the coast by 8:15. The sea was calm and a light breeze cooled us as we headed into the park. We were greeted by buffaloes then monkeys and steep limestone cliffs predominant throughout the park there were lakes, palm trees and wonderful views. Stopping off at a beautiful temple by the sea we were schooled in the role of the Naga protecting the Buddha and how this snake connects the land with the heavens. We had cycled 65km before we stopped for lunch at a roadside restaurant where ... read more
Beautiful presented
Monkey in the park
Buddhist temple

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan November 20th 2017

Taking the night train again, I went south, to Khao Sok national park, with Yurena. I booked the tickets for the train, bus and hostel, and around 23:40, we left the hostel, with the three of us: Brian was headed back to Bangkok, to find a hostel there and cross the Cambodian border the next day. Yurena and me, we had a second class ticket for the 'sleep train', to Surat thani, about six hours to the south. It just turned out that the tickets I bought, however, were 'seated', meaning, we would not be in the comfortable cocoon of a sleeping berth, but in a 'reclining seat'. Also: the train was delayed a bit. When I asked 10m before it was supposed to arrive, if it would be on time, the clerk answered '15 or ... read more
(background) Above: Brian checking his itinerary, below: Sherry, the owner, at the desk
Me and Yurena travelling

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan November 20th 2017

Last night in kanchanaburi, there was a cooking class, by mimi. Kow yum. So gonna make that at home :) Anyway prachuap Khiri khan. Stayed here for two nights. To get here, I got up early (6:30), got on a train heading east. Got out at Ban Pong, walked 800m to the other train station and went on an special express train headed south. I planned everything out and had the tickets. Everything went according to plan and I arrived at around 12:40. Just when I came into the hostel, a small group was leaving. I saw Yurena (Spain) again, from the kanchanaburi hostel. There was also jussi, if I spell it correctly, from Finland, and Simone and Evelyn from Austria. I spur-of-the-momented it and did an ultra fast check-in, water refill and was off, to ... read more
Cooking class, adding everything together
Cooking class, the result
Elephant spotted!

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan February 14th 2017

Five years ago we fell in love with PKK and the Sun Beach Hotel. Back then we stayed for five nights but this time we only had two. None of our friends had ever heard of the place but last year, to our surprise, we worked with acouple who had visited the town and loved it as much as we did. Our aim this time was to relax and we certainly did that. The very high tide meant that once again the beach was unusable so we'll have to check the tide times and levels carefully before our next visit! Lounging by the pool or wandering through the sleepy streets was good enough for us. The town had changed a bit. There are quite a few more hotels and restaurants but there didn't seem to be ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan December 15th 2014

Ban Saphan - Strand und Gold suchen … Zug fahren geht auch sehr angenehm. So zum Beispiel von Bangkok aus Richtung Süden mit dem Spezial Express State Railway. Klimatisiertes Abteil mit reservierten Sitzplätzen, kein ständiges Gewackel wie im Bus und mit einem Service den die deutsche Bahn die nächsten Jahre wohl kaum erreichen wird. Wir haben uns einen Stopp in Ban Saphan gegönnt. Das sind ungefähr 5 Stunden südlich von Bangkok. Dort wo eigentlich kaum Touristen absteigen. Aber hier soll es schöne Strände geben und es gibt scheinbar eine verborgene Stelle, wo man Gold schürfen kann. . . Schon als wir ankommen wird uns klar, dass wir nicht mehr in Bangkok sind. Kein Taxi weit und breit in Sicht. Nur ein Mototaxi (also ein Moped) der uns allen Ernstes zu zweit mit unseren Heavy Duty Rucksäcken ... read more
schönes Strandhaus
Kokosnuss vorher
Kokosnuss nachher

Oli varattu lennot Bangkokiin jo talvella, mutta mitään muuta suunnitelmaa ei ollut. Tarkoitus oli sukeltaa, mutta se jäi pois laskuista, kun S tuli raskaaksi. Loma uhkasi myös peruuntua kokonaan J:n työtilanteen takia, eikä sen vuoksi haluttu vielä sitten mitään suunnitellakaan. Kun loma varmistui, kohteet alkoivat viuhua ja vaihtua tiukkaan tahtiin. Yhtenä iltana oltiin varmoja, että mennään Taiwanille ja Vietnamiin, mutta jo aamupäivällä tilanne oli toinen. Australia, Borneo, Bali, Malediivit... Ainoa kuvioissa jatkuvasti säilynyt oli Penang Malesiassa. Thaimaasta haluttiin lähinnä pois, kun ei millään löydetty yhtään houkuttelevaa paikkaa kovasta yrityksestä huolimatta. Muutama päivä ennen lähtö S löysi sivuston, jolla kehuttiin junamatkaa Bangkokista Hua Hinin ohi etelään ja siltä pohjalta matkaa alettiin suunnitella. J vielä bongasi hienon majoituksen, joka heti varattiin, sekä kol... read more
maisemia junasta
Perilla Pratchuapissa

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan December 18th 2013

SEE THE BOTTOM PICS WITH THE ALIEN COW!! Somebody had a recommendation for a place at Ban Krut and I had to make way so I decided to go the approximately 67 km to that place. The ride was rather boring but for a part of the road where my Navigation System failed and I had to navigate by compass, it was really interesting. You never know where a road might turn. My bicycle did not like that road. The lamp broke off, the fender was working as a brake and I had to fix it today. I arrived at this resort, the Na Na Chart Ban Krut Resort, at,99.58399957 and it is lovely. Nobody here, the beach is empty, the bungalow only 600 Bath (13 EUR) and they even have a pool. The weather ... read more
Alien cow
The bad road
The unknown road

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan December 16th 2013

My dear fellowship. It is time to tell the story of another part of my journey, though be aware! It might be the last part and I might well have my live lost in eternity and may prevail in your mind only. How I would have written these last words then? Imagine that while losing my life, my last remnant of soul carved these words into my hard drive to be the final good bye. There comes a point at every journey, where you think that the journey might have no end – and no happy ending. After a while today I found myself on this never ending black road. It continued dead straight until it faded into the horizon at some point I was never to reach. The heat had grown under the unforgiving sun ... read more

Once back in Thailand, we went back to Bangkok for a couple of days to get a few souvenirs. I was able to find some fried worms which were surprisingly tasty and would not mind having them again. Plus, we were able to get Mango Sticky Rice one last time before leaving. I need to find out how to make that delicious dessert. It is heavenly! We left Bangkok and went to a seaside town on the east coast called Prachuap Khiri Khan. I really enjoyed this place because it was not touristy like most of the other towns we have been to. The bus dropped us off and there were no taxis waiting for us. No drivers bugging us to go with them. It was strange. I tried to flag down tuk-tuk, but the man ... read more
Prachuap Khiri Khan

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Prachuap Khiri Khan January 30th 2013

And onto my last pitstop before I finally head towards Bangkok, and it would be just a quick overnighter. About 3h north of Chumphon lies Prachuap Khiri Khan, a quiet, sleepy seaside town in the Central Gulf that sees rather few tourists. I did spot a few walking around town, but they seemed to comprise only of elderly, retired couples, perhaps drawn to the slow pace of things here. Like me, they were probably also just doing quick overnighters in transit to the capital, or down south where I was coming from. The town has a highly visible temple (Wat Thammikaram) atop a small hill, from which there is a wonderful view of the bay and city, and one of the prettier city pillar shrines around. But apart from that, there isn't that much else of ... read more
View from Wat Thammikaram
City Pillar Shrine
Wat Thammikaram

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