Blogs from Taipei, Taiwan, Asia


Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 20th 2024

23 to 26 February 2024 – I travelled solo in Taiwan for 4 days. It was challenging to travel in a Chinese speaking country as most of the people I met during my travels couldn’t speak English. I had no sim card or GPS on my phone, so I had to use the traditional way, which was a map and asking a local to write the name of places I wanted to visit in Chinese, and pointed at it when I needed help. It took me so much time to find my way but the great thing was that I had the chance to meet people, and all the Taiwanese that I met on the way were really helpful, polite and kind. I moved around by local bus, sightseeing bus, train, MRT (metro) and taxi. When ... read more
Dragon symbol of the Chinese New Year at Taoyuan International Airport
At a cake shop inside Taipei Main Station
Local food sold in Jiufen Old Street area

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei March 4th 2024

A quick look at a map reveals that Taiwan is located off the coast of China, sort of between Japan and the Philippines. When planning this six-week journey, Taiwan became one of those destinations that we refer to as, “while we’re in the neighborhood” stops. When you spend 15 hours in a plane from North America to reach this part of the world, you must consider how you can maximize your travel time. Additionally, we needed to consider if we would find ourselves in this part of the world again and what might become of Taiwan in the next decade or so, given that the Chinese still, and always will, consider Taiwan as part of the Peoples Republic of China. Things could get ugly in this part of the world someday… As with many countries around ... read more
The Best Beef Noodle Soup
2024 Lantern Festival
The Lantern Festival

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei January 6th 2024

Am 6. Januar war ich schon etwas angeschlagen. Ich spürte meine Füße und war leicht erkältet. An dem Tag trank ich auch mehrere Tassen Tee auf dem Zimmer und es war gut, dass es bald nach Hause ging. Ich fuhrt zur Dihua Old Street, wo an einer Stelle gerade Markt war. Dort steht auch der Tapieh Xiahai Chenghuang Temple, in dem gerade ein Mönche betete. Mahr gab es eigentlich nicht an dem Tag und ich bereitete mich auf meine Abreise vor. Abends aß ich dann noch ein Fischfilet mit Kartoffelkruste im französischen Restaurant des Hotels.... read more
Dihua Old Street - Cultural and Commercial Area.
Taipei Xiahai Chenghuang Temple.
Taipei Xiahai Chenghuang Temple.

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei January 5th 2024

Gestern fuhr ich mit dem MRT (eine Art U-Bahn oder S-Bahn) zum schönen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnhof (HSR) von Taichung. Sowohl diese Station, als auch der Zug selbst, sind sehr modern. Nach einer Stunde Fahrt war ich dann auch schon in Taipeh. Dort angekommen nahm ich wieder die U-Bahn zu meinem Hotel, wo ich schon am Anfang der Reise untergekommen war. Hier checkte ich ein und ließ mein Gepäck da und machte mich dann auf den Weg zu zwei Tempeln. Dem Bao'an Temple und dem Taipeh Konfuzius Temple in der Einflugschneise des Songshan International Airport. Beide Gebäude sind sehr sehenswert und es gab viele Besucher. Abends war ich ausnahmsweise im französischen Restaurant, weil das chinesische ausgebucht war und auch das nahegelegene Hotpot-Lokal keine Reservierungen mehr annahm. Hier bestellte ich Kaninchen. Taiwan ist sehr schön, ich werde aber auch froh ... read more
Der Bao'an Temple in Taipeh.
Der Konfuzius Temple in Taipeh.
Der Konfuzius Temple in Taipeh.

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei December 29th 2023

Gestern bin ich nach gutem Frühstück in die Stadt aufgebrochen. In einem Supermarkt versuchte ich zuerst vergeblich meine Bahntickets abzuholen. Das muss ich wohl ein anderes Mal am Bahnhof nochmals probieren. Hier eine Kritik: ich besuchte in Deutschland die Internetseite der Taiwan Railways Administration und buchte meine Fahrkarten. Mittlerweile weiß ich aber, dass die keine Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge anbieten, sondern dass man die auf der Seite der Taiwan High Speed Rail ordern soll und auch an separaten Bahnhöfen halten. Nun ist es aber schon zu spät und ich kaufte nur noch für den 5. Januar ein Ticket für den Schnellzug. Alle Fahrkarten müssen vorher vor Ort abgeholt werden. Zurück zu meiner Sightseeing Tour. Ich hatte mir für diesen Tag ein Highlight heraus gesucht: den Taipeh 101. Das war einmal mit gut 500 Metern das höchste Gebäude der Welt. ... read more
Der Taipeh 101.
Der Taipeh 101.
Der Taipeh 101.

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei October 22nd 2023

Tropical Taiwan hits us with heat and humidity. We've flown three hours south and the difference is remarkable. The vegetation is tropical and the country immediately feels less affluent, less well developed. Gone are Korea's phonetic symbols, here it is all Chinese characters. This island, only twice the size of Wales, is one of the most politically sensitive in the world. We land in the industrial city of Kaohsiung and immediately head an hour north to Tainan. The train is comfortable, fast and cheap and, of course, on time. Tainan is a city with an ancient past. The Dutch were here in the early 1600s, trading with Han Chinese and encouraging them to grow rice, sugar and tobacco which the Dutch wanted to export to Europe. Tainan is Taiwan's oldest city and was the capital of ... read more
Buddhist temple altar
Botanical gardens
Night food market

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei November 23rd 2019

Over the past 25 years, I have visited China, Hong Kong, and Macau, but never Taiwan. All of these can be classified as Chinese, but with a different history. Fortunately, Taipei is also served directly from Vancouver, so it became my City Tour for 2019. The trip didn't start well, as I misjudged the weather. I quickly realized this as I exited the airport for the subway, and nearly everyone had a jacket on and in some cases a down jacket. While I knew it wasn't going to be overly hot, I didn't realize how cool 18 to 20c can actually be when it is windy and humid. Some of the summer clothes I brought would not be needed. My other first impression was the cleanliness of the city. I really couldn't find a piece of ... read more
Taipei Grand Mosque
Taipei from the Hills
Tamsui Market

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei November 21st 2018

Today we were travelling to Taiwan. We had another Cathay Pacific plane, we took off at 9.15 am and arrived at Taipei Airport 30 minutes ahead of schedule at 10.45 am. We had another British pilot (they get around!) and the clocks went back an hour. So far so easy. But then the queues at Immigration were massive and, despite no visa being required, it took forever to get through the photo and fingerprinting process. As a result our luggage was waiting for us by the time we got to it, so there was that ... Our prep indicated we needed to catch the NRT airport shuttle into the city. We found the booth where foreign travellers could buy their tickets but we had to use our credit card, despite having a small amount of local ... read more
Elevated roads and rails
Me in apartment complex
HOHO trip photo

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei October 10th 2018

Arrival in Taipei was drizzly but it did not dampen our spirits. We were met at the port by our driver and 7 of us set off to see what this city had to offer. First stop was Lungshan Temple. The place was bustling with chanting, singing and praying. It was hard to know if we were interrupting or being disrespectful by watching and snapping pictures but no one seemed to mind so we went with it. There was also tonnes of food laying about. We came close to snagging a quick snack, but correctly thought better of it - the Gods need their sustinence. It was a national holiday in Taiwan and maybe this is why this temple was so busy. After this stop we took a gondola ride up over the hillside tea growing ... read more

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei September 3rd 2018

August 24th- Taiwan,Taipei- Dia 64 Waking up at 8am I tried calling the number again but receiving with no response ? I guess I was going to go to Taiwan with my Honor phone which I can't open any Google applications ? Drinking the last amazing home made coffee cup until who knows when I grabbed my bag, thanked the parents and Federico, sayed goodbye and was on my way. Taiwan, Taipei bound Beautiful city of Taiwan. Immediately after arriving I tried some fried dumplings in the street. They had told me Taiwanese food was incredible and I could not wait to try it ?  Uuui were they right, so flavourful and juciy. Waking to my Hostel at around 3pm I started seeing big trash cans outside all of the local businesses. Next to the trash ... read more
Your a beauty taipei 101
Hiking in Yangmingshan National Park
The peak #noviews

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