Blogs from Sri Lanka, Asia


Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo April 26th 2024

And we are back on the coast, enjoying the cooling sea breeze, relaxing in a hotel before our flight home. We are all desperate to get out of the heat, and I’m not sure my sweat glands or clothes will ever be the same again, but it’s been an amazing two weeks, topped off by yesterday’s fantastic leopard experience!... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Northern Province April 25th 2024

Our last day here was met with some expectation and anticipation. We were excited that no more 5am starts awaited us and equally delighted that our slow roaster would soon ding. But we were excited to see what Wilpattu had to deliver. A quick tea and we were on our way, pleased to be in pole position at the gate. The paperwork was done (in triplicate, again, identically incorrect as yesterday’s) and off we bumped down the road, still holding on to first place. We held our position for a while before another jeep, unencumbered by pesky passengers wanting to stop and look at animals sped past us, only to stop just around the bend ahead and flick its hazards. Apparently the human alarm call for leopard! Sure enough, on the road ahead, a mother and ... read more
Sighting 2 - Cleopatra and cubs
Just a casual stroll
A woman can’t even wee in peace!

We certainly weren’t relishing the idea of leaving the beautiful airconditioning to head back into the furnace of a safari camp again, but an evil-looking centipede basically chased us away, and we were keen to see a sloth bear. We’d heard good things about Wilpattu, that it was “the best” national park etc, and well, Yala had some making up to do! So we hopped in the van for the relaxing and cool journey to Wilpattu. We arrived just before lunch and relaxed under fans in our tent before a tasty lunch under a tree. We requested a later start to avoid too much heat and started the journey to the gate with some trepidation over what furnace-like conditions lay ahead. But we needn’t have worried. Beautiful tree-lined roads meant a lot of shade and much ... read more
Angle #2
Angle #3

Asia » Sri Lanka » Central Province » Sigiriya April 23rd 2024

We’ve taken to undertaking our activities in the dark - given it’s about 600 degrees by 7.30am, it seemed like a good idea to start at 4am to see if that made it any more pleasant…alas not. By 5 minutes in, we were still coated in sweat as we hauled arse up what can only be described as a ginormous mountain - Pudurangala. The idea is that you haul arse up there to see the sun rise over Sigiriya which is sacred. About eleventy billion steps carved into the rock, many many sweaty puffing bodies and we made it about half way on this ‘easy to moderate hike’. Given that part had half killed us, the ‘slightly challenging’ bit at the end was set to be a showstopper! Which it was, for me, I was physically ... read more
My peaceful Buddha buddy
Now we see it!
Cultural show

Asia » Sri Lanka » Sabaragamuwa Province » Udawalawae NP April 20th 2024

Pleasing to report that this time the brochures did not lead us up the dusty bumpy path in search of a pipe dream, and there are, in fact, a heap of elephants in Udawalawe National Park. First item on the agenda today was a cooking class, which actually consisted of us sitting and watching Geoff cook. They clearly read my brief! But he did a great job of curried dhal, which we then enjoyed for breakfast. The call of the airconditionined car had us almost breaking into a sprint from the tent, and we all looked as though we’d run a marathon by the time we got there! Drove like maniacs to the Elephant Transit Home where they take abandoned young to raise before putting them back in to the park. The babies live in the ... read more
I want my milky!
Beeb and the mini wrinklies!

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province April 19th 2024

We were excited to start our search for the elusive Spotted Beeb-Eater, also known as a leopard, given the boastful claims made by Yala National Park that it has the highest concentration of SBEs in the world(?). What they don’t mention in the brochure is that the Beeb-Eaters have chosen this part of the world to congregate because it also has a very high concentration of forest. And safari vehicles. Which does not make spotting a Spotted Eater an easy task! We had a slow drive to our camp, not because of traffic or any actual impediment, but because we were apparently early. We should have made the most of the aircon while we had it, because once we arrived, it was like a furnace. We were able to enjoy some lunch in the shade before ... read more
Beautiful grey faced langur
Eagle taking a bath
Dinner with Dante

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province April 17th 2024

We’ve cracked it, reached the zenith of turtle. First was the Philippines where we saw one and jumped in after it, next was Lord Howe where we snorkelled around them while they were feeding, next Hawaii where we watched them topsy turvy and swum with with them as they moseyed along. But we have now encountered world’s friendliest and least law-abiding turtles. Unlike the Americans and Australians, they apparently had no idea of this 5m distance rule, and quite liked to get up close and personal. So we were ... read more
Mirissa harbour
Monkey bum shot
Monkey face shot

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province April 14th 2024

So, volleyball is the national sport of Sri Lanka. You wouldn’t know it, given the number of cricket games we’ve seen in progress, even some with what looked like a tennis ball. But a great bonding opportunity with our driver Nishantha when we can discuss which Big Bash team we follow! After a long, boring and uncomfortable flight, which was topped off with what seemed like an equally long trip to the terminal, the rest of the formalities went off without a hitch and we arrived at our hotel at around 1am. No one really cared too much about the welcome drink but the aircon was very much appreciated. We were happy with a relaxed start to the day before a quick tour of Negombo and its lagoon before heading south towards Galle. A lunch stop ... read more
Negombo lagoon
Baby turtle
Another one ~  one day old

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Galle March 20th 2024

We arrived in Colombo on Monday. As we had visited before we had booked the ship excursion to Galle. Having watched the cricket from there we had noticed the old fort next to the cricket ground. It was an all day trip. We started with a 2 hour bus trip through the Sri Lankan country side. Very green with white temples scattered around, it was an interesting trip. Once we arrived in Galle we drove to the fort. As we entered Galle we passed an picturesque beach where there were many small fishing boats, and fishermen selling their wares on the side of the road.Our guide said they do business there because it costs too much to have a stall in the fish market. Then we drove to the fort.This was a very busy place with ... read more
Old library
More old buildings

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Negombo March 4th 2024

This is the final week and is one that always brings mixed emotions. A sadness that the trip is coming to an end but joy about returning home. Sri Lanka is certainly a beautiful country and across two trips, eight years apart we have seen a reasonable amount of what it has to offer. Saturday and we had booked a safari through our accommodation in Wilpatthu national park. It was another early start, 6am and in keeping with the place we collected our picnic basket with our breakfast. The park entrance was only 15 minutes away and we paid our 22,500 LKR entrance fee, that's 34€ each. We had a jeep to ourselves and our driver was Namaal and he was great at spotting things. Most people go expecting to see leopards and are usually disappointed, ... read more
Mother and baby
Look at those eyebrows
Sandbar chat

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