Blogs from Bohol, Philippines, Asia


Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao January 18th 2024

The shanties of Cebu City are nothing more than crates stacked on top of each other, waiting for the next typhoon to sweep them away. There are no sidewalks. Exhaust-blackened storefronts offer junk for sale. Tattered laundry flaps from second-floor windows. Stray dogs lie in the middle of the road. Children play among piles of unused construction material—broken cinder blocks, rusted pipes, fragments of corrugated sheets-- covered in weeds. Dark narrow alleys reach back into the slum as far as I can see; as far as I dare to see. We are in an air-conditioned van, stuck in rush-hour traffic, inching our way to Shangri La, a generic resort surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards. I wondered about the wisdom of bringing my granddaughters—Vivienne (12) and Bella (5)-- to the Philippines for their first big ... read more
Philippine Telecoms
Adam and Eve

Asia » Philippines » Bohol July 16th 2023

How could it be so many years since I last visited the wonderful Philippines. It's a travesty, there is no doubt about it! Now that the long radio silence is coming to an end it's time to prepare for a month in these magnificent islands. The flight from Sydney to Manila is a lazy eight hours, everything is super close and convenient for Aussies heading out to South East Asia. After an overnight stopover I boarded a domestic flight down to Cebu reasonably early in the morning. This was my second visit, and I booked a top rated hostel online for the stay before the trip. To my surprise, the hostel was not in Cebu City but further south, however after arriving it was certainly worth the minor inconvenience. Coincidentally two of the top attractions on ... read more
Cute tarsier
Lovely nature
Beach in Siquijor

Asia » Philippines » Bohol October 12th 2019

For every traveler that wants to visit the Central Visayas region of the Philippines should at least visit Bohol if they are in the mission to look for adventure and fun experience. Bohol would be a perfect candidate for those who seeks for adventure, fun experience, historical and cultural lessons and relaxation. Bohol is located in Central Visayas and it is the neighboring island of the 2nd largest plane hub in Philippines which is Cebu City. The Bohol island has 4,820 square kilometers of land area and it has a lot of tourist attractions ranging from beaches, islands, mountains, hills, historical sites, ruins and many more that made Bohol remains an option to visit. You should at least spend a day in Bohol if you want to experience it for yourself the beauty and the wonders ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol July 20th 2019

This is a blog about my trip to Bohol last November 2018 and I just want to share this in here to let others know that there's a magical place in Philippines as well that you can visit for a very cheap price. Traveling to the Central Visayas region of the Philippines would be perfect for your summer vacation. Aside from the ever-famous travel spots in Cebu City, you could also try visiting some of the world class travel destinations and attractions in Bohol. Quick tip, Bohol is known for its Chocolate Hills and the Tarsiers, but that’s not all, actually, there’s a lot more things to do in Bohol aside from those mainstream attractions. You could also try these as well in Bohol; dolphin watching, kite surfing, paddle boarding, island hopping, and visiting historical sites ... read more
Bamboo Hanging Bridge 1
Bamboo Hanging Bridge
Blood Compact Monument

Asia » Philippines » Bohol December 25th 2018

The dog sleeping on the runway didn’t seem to mind our jet landing, and the pilot and the airport didn’t mind either. We’d read Bohol airport was moving but in a couple of months to Panglao Island from Tagbilaran City so were surprised to find we landed in Panglao. The terminal isn’t quite finished, but apparently they switched last month. This was a bugger for us as it was farther away from where we were heading so meant a more expensive fare. Taxi touts wanted 800 pesos. We always play it cool and act with no urgency, as the more passengers come through and they haven’t got a fare the price usually goes down sharply. We’d got one down to 400 pesos and were about to accept when a tuk-tuk arrived to drop someone off and ... read more
Accommodation you could stay at forever

Asia » Philippines » Bohol September 15th 2018

August 31st - Hualien to Taipei - Dia 71 Needing to catch a plane from Taipei to the Philippines I took the train back to Taipei. Today was just a long day of traveling. 4 hour train ride reaching the city of Taipei. I had booked a Hostel relatively close to the airport to reduce the taxi fee. My flight left at 4am so I could not take the liberty to take the public transport. In the metro, trying to figure out how I was going to get to my Hostel, I met a really helpful 65 year old woman who did much more then help me out. Realizing we were heading the same direction I followed, she guided. Taking a bus together she told me everything about her life. She was worried as a mother ... read more
A day after a good dive. Beer, friends and sunser
Map of the amazing diving places. Visited 5!

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao January 20th 2018

Alles Einfache ist uninteressant. Daher beschloss ich nach dem Miniboot mit dem Jeepney Richtung Fähre weiterzufahren. Es gab ehrlich gesagt auch keine andere Möglichkeit. Zusammengequetscht saß ich mit einigen anderen Tauchern und Einheimischen auf den kleinen Bänken des präparierten Jeeps. Direkt vor mir saß eine alte Dame auf einem Hocker. Gemütlich war das nicht, aber abenteuerlich. Ich wollte zur Fähre, doch der Jeepneyfahrer konnte kaum Englisch, nickte aber immer freundlich. Natürlich bin ich viel zu weit gefahren, doch das verriet mir erst mein GPS. Aber alles halb so wild, denn der nächste Tricylefahrer witterte schon sein Geschäft. Die Fähre brachte mich von Dumaguette nach Bohol. Dort angekommen regnete es in Strömen. Mein Rucksack hatte das Fahrpersonal halb aufweichen lassen und so quetschte ich mich auf den Sitz hinter den Tricyclefahrer. Ich wollte nach Panglao Island. Zu ... read more
Die kleinen Primaten auf der Tarsierfarm
Die Tränen der Riesen
Markt am Loboc River

Asia » Philippines » Bohol March 23rd 2017

White Sands and Cave Pools Leaving the beautiful Polaris Dive Resort and arriving at DapDap Resort in Anda brought us crashing back into reality. At half the price, we were not expecting much, but the contrast was stark. A bumpy 700m driveway took us down to DapDap, recommended in our guide book. It looked a little run down but we went ahead and took a look at a room. It was the old thatched style but had four beds and looked passable. It was easier to just take it for the night and reconsider in the morning. We went down to see the beach. It was a small, pretty bay but it was hard to get into the water due to rocks that came right up almost to the high tide mark. Useless for swimming! We ... read more
Our room at DapDap Resort
Shower time, Philippino style
First time sleeping in a mosquito net

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Cabilao Island March 16th 2017

Cabalao island is somewhere we'd read about the last time we were in The Philippines but had never been to. The only places to stay are dive resorts, which tend to be quite pricey, and as there are only a few options, you need to book ahead, never our forte in the past. This time we are spending much more on accommodation as we are getting air conditioning, and we are pre-booking a lot more. Hence, it made sense to try Cabilao this time around. Primarily a dive island, Cabilao is not known for its beaches so we definitely wanted to book a place with a pool. As we got off the boat and walked onto Polaris Dive Resort, I anxiously looked around for their pool. Given our recent luck with pools, I was half expecting ... read more
Melinda showing us around Polaris

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Tagbilaran March 1st 2017

The Philippines is a land of islands, 7107 of them to be exact! After spending a month on just one of the bigger ones, Palawan, it was time to spread our wings and explore some new islands. Two short flights later we were arriving on Bohol for what I consider The Philippines Part II. We left the tiny Tagbilaran airport and found a tricycle, Kyla and Jake watching with interest as the driver tied on our luggage. By this point in the trip I'd been determined to ditch one piece of luggage, but it wasn't happening. In the past we've always traveled with just a big backpack on our backs and a small one on our fronts. This trip we've been using the exact same backpacks but we have also added a huge wheelie suitcase into ... read more
Dark clouds rolling in to  Alona beach
 Milk shots at breakfast

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