Blogs from Maldives, Asia


Asia » Maldives » Raa Atoll April 9th 2024

There have been long periods of solitude during a month of island-hopping in the beautiful Maldives. Although I am a seasoned solo traveller, we all crave the company of fellow travellers when on the road. The weather has been prefect, the sea views sublime, and the marine life totally out of this world. Getting to know the local people has been a real treat, but nothing could have prepared me for what was to come on the final island visited during the trip. Kamadhoo is a beautiful island in Baa atoll and a highlight of the trip so far; the perfect destination to bring my trip to a close with a full week of downtime booked. The views from the bikini beach are gorgeous, featuring a perfect blue sea and abundant marine life, with private resorts ... read more
Kamadhoo beach
Beautiful sea
Lovely view

Asia » Maldives » Raa Atoll March 30th 2024

The travel journal continues, dear reader, from where we left off on the beautiful island of Maafushi. I'm now in the third week of my travels in this intriguing country. Maldives consists of a series of atolls just south of Sri Lanka and close to the equator. Of course the world knows the destination as a famed tropical paradise for the rich and famous. However, the country is opening up to local hosts on the islands who will benefit from the pristine marine environment that has attracted tourists over the years, and not just for the resort island operators. I'm here partly to investigate whether it is practical to visit the Maldives for an extended period of time and not leave as a pauper, Risky you might suggest,.. sure, but a worthwhile experiment either way. So ... read more
In paradise
Dramatic beach scene
Full moon

Asia » Maldives » Male Atoll March 20th 2024

It's been five long years since my last opportunity to add to the visited countries tally. After such a long time without a new travel experience, I got to thinking the chosen destination deserves to be somewhere special. So then, which country remains at the top of the bucket list? It proved to be a bit of a no brainer, and the winner is... the Maldives! From extensive experience flying here and there during my travels, it was a pleasure to fly out from Sydney with Singapore airlines again after so many years. I'm pleased to say that the service is still superb, this is without doubt one of the best airlines in the world. The flights took off on schedule; the food and drinks and attention to detail of the cabin crew first class, with ... read more
Drone shot of Gulhi
Beautiful sunset

Asia » Maldives January 27th 2024

8.-27.1. Die Reise von Goa nach Male verläuft planmässig. Dort hingegen werden wir von starkem Regen überrascht. Es schüttet wie aus Kübeln, Taxis sind begehrt und wir warten vergeblich auf eines, das uns vom Fährhafen zum Hotel bringen könnte. So klauben wir Regenjacken und Rucksackhüllen hervor, krempeln die Hosenbeine hoch und waten los. Das Wasser steht bereits knöcheltief auf den Strassen, im Verlauf des Abends steigt es fast bis auf Kniehöhe. Die Abflussschächte sind längst geflutet, und sämtliche Dachkännel münden ebenfalls in die Gassen. Autos, Busse und Motorräder pflügen im Schritttempo durch die schmalen Strassen, Fussgänger drängen sich auf den leicht erhöhten, aber engen Trottoirs, beim Kreuzen muss immer jemand auf die Strasse hinab ausweichen. Die Leute sind es sich gewohnt, wenn auch nicht um diese Jahreszeit. Am nächsten Morgen ist der Spuk vorbei, die Sonne ... read more
Land unter in Male
einfach fantastisch

Asia » Maldives July 8th 2022

Friday, July 8 – Today is like a Saturday at home since weekends are Friday & Saturday here. It’s also the mosque-going day, like Christians and Sunday church. Due to this, not all boats travel on Fridays, but I’m glad this island was one of those that did. I was able to sleep a little longer today and got out of bed at 7:30. Breakfast was quick, with a couple of fried eggs on toast and some vegetable curry with chapati bread. It was a little rainy so I went back to my room and puttered around on the internet before giving snorkeling another go. I had dreams last night of enormous sharks and harrowing circumstances which made me a little nervous, but decided to be brave and go again. I felt incredibly lucky that two ... read more
Looks like a storm coming as I get in for a snorkle

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll July 7th 2022

Thursday July 7 – Maybe I spoke too soon about how to have the perfect sleep. The earplugs worked again this morning but overall I woke up a lot last night. It’s just me, no noise to speak of. I got out of bed at 6:30 and went to breakfast at 7am. After breakfast, I stayed in for a bit catching up with email and planning to do some more work for the Camino when I read an email from the airline to Spain, Lufthansa. It was an email to inform me that they had canceled my flight from Basel to Munich, the first leg of my trip, and did I want to keep the rest, cancel or postpone? Um, what? When do they cancel the first leg and not offer you the replacement? Do I ... read more
Every day a new theme
Remember when I was wondering where the crabs go when the tide is high?
It's the big dry(ish) rock!

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll July 6th 2022

Wednesday July 6 – Success on the sleep front last night. My room is right next to the staff work room and they start early. Every morning at 6am I hear them raking the sand outside my door. This morning I think I heard a door close at 4:30am, so I took that opportunity to put in ear plugs and that blocked the other noise and I was able to sleep until 7am. This is the secret! Not ear plugs at night but in the early morning. I’ve been here long enough that I’ve developed quite the routine. Breakfast then work on a Camino plan (read looked at blogs/maps/fb comments) for an hour. Walk around the island. My favorite point but had no seashells of note today. Back to the room just in time to catch ... read more
Beauty with a hint of toilet
My sidewalk

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll July 5th 2022

Tuesday July 5 – I woke up at 4:45am and wasn’t able to fall back asleep. Part of it was that I’d signed up for a snorkeling tour to see Manta rays this morning but I wasn’t sure if the weather or sea would be good (it was really windy) and part was that I have no idea what I’m doing with the Camino walk I’ll start next week and IT’S NEXT WEEK. And I’m in the Maldives not preparing. I had hoped a friend would be able to join but I got word last night that it won’t be possible due to familial obligations. So now I really need to figure stuff out. I finally got out of bed at 5:30am and started to do some more reading and make a plan. Or get close ... read more
Our crew

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll July 4th 2022

Monday July 4 – If you saw the first photo and you’re still here, welcome. There are more crabs to come. If you hate crabs, why are you still here? You saw what you’re getting yourself into. I wish I could sleep in, but I still can’t. I think it’s the years of getting up so early for work combined with being in an unfamiliar setting. At the last hotel I slept too hot with that winter duvet in the tropics. Even the aircon couldn’t penetrate it. Here, I have only a sheet and slept a little cold, even with the aircon at a mild setting. I thought I would be alone at breakfast, but a man was already eating, and another came in before I left. Breakfast options are fewer at this hotel so that ... read more
Not so cloudy
Hermit crab
House shopping?

Asia » Maldives » Ari Atoll July 3rd 2022

Sunday July 3 – Alarm set for 5:30 but up at 5am. Made sure all was packed, did some internetting, took a tablet for sea-sickness (well, to prevent it) and at 6:15 I headed down to reception. When I left my room there was a guy from the hotel just there. I think he was checking to see if I owed anything from the minibar. (I didn’t). They gave me a little breakfast sandwich for the journey (this is like one-eighth of what I normally ate for breakfast there, but probably a normal human portion size). The weather looked good online (cloudy but not raining) and it looked that way heading to the boat as well. I got a good seat and watched person after person step on after me. I don’t know where they went, ... read more
My grandma room
Still have some snacks left
Ukulhas in front of beach

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