Blogs from Malaysia, Asia


Asia » Malaysia May 23rd 2024

SE Asia 2023 – Leg 6 of 8 – Malaysia Friday 24th March and after being wished a safe journey and taking photos with the owners of the hostel on Koh Lipe we left and made our way down to the International Ferry terminal (well the small hut on the beach) we checked ourselves in and our luggage and waited for the ferry which was over 2 hours late. The crossing was also quite long at 3 hours so once arriving in Langkawi Malaysia and putting the clocks forward 1 hour they day had almost gone. The arrival terminal looked very modern and all was very straight forward when arriving, we took some cash from the ATM at the nearby shops and bartered with a taxi driver (it's the done thing) for the lift to the ... read more
Kuah langkawi
Street food Kuah Langkawi
Georgetown Penang Malaysia

Asia » Malaysia May 10th 2024

May 2; Not the best departure we've experienced. It now seems but a distant memory when we planned this foray to the northern hemisphere. Then, we scheduled our departure similarly to others; a flight to an Asian hub, stay a day or 2 and then head west. In this case it was a daytime flight via AirAsia from Coolangatta to Kuala Lumpur . Some months ago we got a message that our flight had been cancelled and replaced a day earlier with a night time flight! As Judy is prone to DVT (blood clots), we try and fly during the day so she can move about the cabin and minimise the risk. On review, there were no daytime departures at all. In other words, AirAsia had altered all flight departures from Coolangatta. Our 'solution' was to ... read more
KL 2024
KL at night
KL by day.

Asia » Malaysia March 14th 2024

We arrived in Singapore on Monday after 2 days at sea. We had planned to go to Sentosa Island as I had not been there. We went to disembark at 10am but the queue to get off was very long so we returned to the cabin and tried again at 11am. This time the queue was even longer. We had a drink in the bar until the worst was over and joined the line at about 11-45. From there it took us 2 hours to make it through Immigration. What a waste of time. The captain said later he had written a letter of protest about it. When we finally emerged at nearly 2pm we bought tickets for the cable car. Fortunately it was only a short walk to the cable car station. We had a ... read more
Our ship
View of Sentosa
On Sentosa

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 21st 2024

Georgetown has a colourful vibrant feel about it. Narrow streets lined with restaurants and food sellers. There's a mixed array of traffic meadering along along the roads and streets no matter how narrow. Buses, huge posh cars, old broken down cars, bikes galore and cyclos all share the road and pedestrians chance their luck to cross in-between! In contrast close to the port and several grand looking Colonial buildings, built by the Brits many years before Malaysia got independence in 1957. There are several Indian and Chinese temples scattered amongst the old heritage buildings that house the Nasi Kanda restaurants. If you follow your ears in the evening you come across cute bars with live music and chairs and tables spilling out onto the street. A great place to meet up with fellow travellers. Penang is ... read more
Queen Victoria clock tower
Colonial buildings
Komtar Tower

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town January 19th 2024

The Komtar tower in Georgetown is famous for it's glass walkway 68 stories up. There's also a very narrow walkway that you can walk on around the outside of the building on, 65 stories up. A harness in needed for this for obvious reasons. Our first task here in Penang was to get to know our way around the narrow busy streets and the public bus routes. Within half a day we'd mastered this- well almost ! The tourist map we'd been given by our hotel was a great help. There's a free bus that runs around the city where you can hop off and hop on again. It loops around in all directions so a bit difficult to know where you're actually going to end up but we got there in the end. Having mastered ... read more
Glass floor in the observatory, 65 floors up in the Komptor Tower, Penang
Getting braver now
Cruise liner docked.

Asia » Malaysia » Penang January 19th 2024

For a day away from the hustle and bustle of Georgetown, Taman Negara, Penang is a good choice. Getting there involved a local bus ride that took one and a half hours due to the many stops followed by very twisty uphill roads. Not good in a bus with barely any suspension. Once off the bus, and having got the feeling back in our numb legs due to the bumpy ride, we set off to the national park entrance. As we entered the park we were greeted by a family of monkeys, we were a bit wary at first but they stuck to their side of the path as we passed by. The first path took us to some beautiful white sand beaches, over the sea we could see the towering buildings of Georgetown. We'd heard ... read more
One of the many beaches in the park
Monkeys greet you on first entering the park

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » Batu Ferringhi January 5th 2024

A good article on the "The Travel" lists several places I have visited. And I would agree that they can be visited cheaply, or at least less expensive than typical Paris, London, Rome, Rio, Tokyo, Sydney, Munich visits. Morocco Interesting place to visit, but not sure how safe it is these days. Food and lodging are quite reasonable, but the pressure to buy from street vendors and store merchants is hardly worth a day on the Medina. Perhaps once you head out to the country or to Marrakech, the retail blitz would lighten to a reasonable level. Hint: forget the snake charmers and camel rides! The Travel says: Morocco is just a rock’s throw from Europe and cheap to travel. Morocco can be quite averagely priced if going on organized tours, but expenses drop significantly when ... read more
Camps Bay, South Africa
Love Creta

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kinabatangan October 12th 2023

I wanted to do something different and signed up to volunteer for two weeks in the jungle of Borneo. I mainly wanted to see the orangutans, but also learn about the life and the culture of the island of Borneo. We were three volunteers and stayed with our guide in a small camp close to the Kinabatangan river. The cabins were simple, but cosy. We were surrounded by nature and only a small village of 100 people was near by. Every morning we had to get up at 6am and take a small canoe like boat down the river to an empty plot of land for clearing and planting new trees. We usuallly spend the whole morning helping with reforestation of empty plots of land left by the timber or palm oil industry. Within two weeks ... read more
Borneo Elephants
Proboscis monkey
Grey monkey

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah August 11th 2023

We arrived in Sandakan in Malaysian Borneo with 1 main objective and that was to see an orang-utan in the wild. We are both keen wildlife fans having been up close and personal to all of Africa's big game whilst on safari, tigers that strolled past our jeep in India and even a great white shark that circled the cage I was in whilst in Cape Town. However we knew that they were increasingly rare as a lot of their habitat has been lost to the ubiquitous palm oil plantation. This was depressingly evident as our plane approached Sandakan as all we could see from the air were rows and rows of palm oil trees. Anyway, our first stop was in Sandakan itself at the lovely hotel Elopura where, to our amazement, we spotted these huge ... read more
A wild orang-utan
A wild orang-utan
A sun bear - finally it lifted its head

Asia » Malaysia March 13th 2023

Day 5 (13/03/2023) Last day of our trip. Husband bought some pastries from the cafe next to our hotel. They were pretty delicious. After breakfast, we had to rush off to the airport. Our initial plan was to shop at the airport, sadly we didn't have enough time and my husband's Youtrip card had issue making payment (plus we didnt have enough cash), so we only bought a bowl of noodle for A and had to rush to board the plane already. On a bright side, A was feeling much better.... read more

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