Blogs from Thimphu, Bhutan, Asia


Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu April 18th 2024

Bhutan – it has been on our list for a long time! And it did not disappoint. A beautiful country of @ 780k people in the area @ the same size as Rhode Island. It has a constitutional monarchy with the beloved King as head of state. The country is @ 60% forested and/or protected. It definitely felt like the entire area we covered was one large national park with small villages and temples or dzongs on the hillside. Our trip covered an elevational change of 5000’ to 11,500’, many times in one day. The mountain roads consisted of switchbacks, narrow, not always 2 lane, paved roads with some pretty impressive drop-offs. But gorgeous scenery, with prayer flags everywhere!. And the rhododendrons were in full spectacular blooms! It was amazing to see the hillsides covered in ... read more
Tallest Buddha in Bhutan  50 meters
Beautiful painted artwork
Temple entrance

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu January 13th 2020

Monday, 13th January 2020 After spending a night at Osel Hotel, it was time for me to check-out in the morning and continue with our journey to Punakha, about 85km away. By 9am, my guide U had arrived and the plan was to cover some sights in the city centre before proceeding with the long drive to Punakha in the afternoon. Barely 10 minutes into our journey, we reached our first stopping point for the morning - the National Memorial Chorten (Stupa). This was built in memory of the Third Druk of Bhutan, Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuk in 1974. Together with my guide, we made three clockwise loops around the structure as this is the rule for any religious structures in Bhutan which I learned over the course of my stay in the country. On our ... read more
Bhutanese Lunch at Simply Bhutan
National Memorial Chorten, Thimphu
Buddha Point, Thimphu

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu January 12th 2020

Sunday, 12th January 2020 From the time I first touch-based with Druk Asia on 8th November 2019 to the time I set foot to Bhutan took slightly more than two months. Travelling to Bhutan required engaging a travel agent who would take care of all the logistics on my behalf - air tickets, visa, accommodation, meals, a guide, a driver and admission fees. This was a fuss-free experience dealing with Druk Asia who would arrange all that. Two months on, I was ready at Changi Airport Terminal 1 to begin my six-hour flight to Paro, where the country's sole international airport is located. Given the limited seat capacity on my A319 flight, the air tickets did not come in cheap even after the 25 percent off-peak discount considering that I would be able to snatch a ... read more
My room
Osel Hotel Thimphu

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu October 24th 2019

Dag 15: rijden! Vandaag vertrekken we om 8 uur in Pokhara en rijden we terug richting Kathmandu. De rit zou ongeveer 6 uur duren als het verkeer meezat. We reden heel vlot door, tot we in de buurt van Kathmandu waren. Tot daar is het namelijk maar 1 grote weg die je kan volgen. Toen we de helling voor Kathmandu op moesten, was er opeens een gigantische file. Ze waren de weg aan het maken en het was dus om beurten eenrichtingsverkeer. De 6 uur werden 8 uur en we kwamen dus pas tegen 16u in het hotel aan. We hadden beiden geen zin meer om nog naar Thamel te gaan, het plaatselijke oord voor toeristen die souvenirs willen kopen, dus keken we de aflevering van Boer Zkt Vrouw maar bij op de GSM :) We ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu October 24th 2019

Vandaag zijn we halverwege onze reis! De tijd vliegt, maar we hebben al immens veel gezien en gedaan! Vanochtend konden we Thimpu eindelijk in het licht zien toen we onze gordijnen opendeden. Voor een hoofdstad is het er enorm rustig en is er niet echt die stadsdrukte. Heerlijk! We gingen ontbijten en ik sprak er met mensen uit Noorwegen (ik had de taal al herkend en zij die van ons), die hier waren voor het werk. Aangename babbel en het ontbijt viel ook best mee. Alleen de boter is hier (zoals op sommige plekken in Nepal) niet te vreten! :) Eitjes zijn gelukkig overal lekker en met toast met confituur kunnen ze (tenzij dan in Dhampus) niet veel verkeerd mee doen. Om 9u30 werden we opgepikt door onze gids en chauffeur. Ook hier moeten we zelf ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu November 1st 2018

I want to live in Bhutan. I want to live in Bhutan and marry the king. I want to live in Bhutan, marry the king and have his chil ... well, maybe not that much but oh my goodness what a lovely country. We flew on Royal Bhutan Airlines, also known as Drukair. I thought that was a bit too close to Drugair or Drunkair for comfort but I later learned that a druk is a dragon, a wingless dragon I grant you and I would quite like my plane to have wings, but it flew us safely past Mt Everest again (is it that one?!), swerved around the mountains at the airport quite expertly, and got us safely on the ground despite that. The clocks only changed by -15 minutes and we three couples were ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu October 18th 2017

We have been so busy on this trip that there's hardly any time to write. This has been our second full day in Bhutan, first exploring the delights of Thimphu, and today travelling to Bhutan's former capital of Punakha. On our first full day here, yesterday, we visited the Jungshi Handmade Paper Factory, the National Textile Museum, the Traditional Medicine (herbal) Clinic, the Arts and Crafts School, and Tashicho Dzong, an historic fortress and monastery. We also stopped at the Takin Preserve, takins being Bhutan's national animal, a heavier and more solid form of antelope. Added to all that, we had a dinner date with a Bhutanese family in their home, and were treated to a cultural performance beforehand, enjoying Bhutanese singing and dancing sitting in the cold Thimphu night air. Our days seem to be ... read more

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu May 3rd 2017

We flew back to Kathmandu from Pokara and visited the Patan area, another place filled with palaces and temples. The month long festival honoring the snake and conducted to bring on the rains was going on, featuring large, as in really tall (over 35 feet tall), carts that are pulled through the city twice a day. If the gods are happy, the monsoons will be good and the rice will flourish. By the way, to end the rains there is a festival where children fly kites. A couple of years ago they got too much rain and the elders blamed it on the kids that were too busy with their electronic devices to go fly kites. Sound familiar? That evening we had a very interesting lecture by a university professor who explained how culture, religion, and ... read more
Friends taking a break
The only stop light in Thimphu
Palace patio in Patan

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu April 20th 2017

20.04.2017 In the morning, we started for Thimpu, capital of Bhutan. The distance is nearly 55 km. We started at 9 in morning and reached hotel at 11 am. Before that we went to permit office in the city as we wanted to visit Punakha Dzong next day. We need to take permit for visit to Punakha. In Bhutan check in time for hotels is after 3.00pm. Check out is 12 noon. We went to hotel and had tea. As rooms were not ready, we went out for sight seeing. Choephal Norkyi was our hotel. It is near the Clock Tower Squre. On Norzim Lam, various important offices and buildings, The clock tower square, the lhakhang near clock tower on Norzim Lam, Bhutan public library, Thimphu immigration office, National textile museum, entrance of Tashicho dzong etc. ... read more
National Liabrary
National Liabrary

Asia » Bhutan » Thimphu February 9th 2016

We left Haa on a bright cold morning and followed more windy roads for a while until we came to the main highway to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. This road even has white lines in the middle! On the way we stopped to visit a dzong which became Bhutan's first prison in the early 1970s - definitely a prison with a view. We did a short walk from there to stretch our legs then continued into Thimphu. Thimphu was a bit of a shock after the small places we had been - it has a population of around 100,000 and a significant number of buildings that are more than a couple of storeys high. We even got stuck in a traffic jam on the main street! After lunch and check-in at our hotel we drove ... read more
Cheri monastery
Thimphu dzong

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