Blogs from Mount Kilimanjaro, North, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro December 2nd 2023

My friend and I planned this trip for months, since about April and we were looking forward to it. I knew I would have availability in December and it would not be during peak season. We knew it was at the tail end of the 'short' rainy season, meaning the length of the season was short and the duration of rainfall during the day was short (we were later told it was usually a couple hours every couple days). The main rainy season is during April, which is a definitely no-go! I was so looking forward to this trip. My friend, A, is a trail runner and physically she could have done it months ago. She had never tried high altitude before, but she took a few trips in California to try some higher parks. On ... read more
Sunrise at Barranca camp
Sunrise at Shira II camp
Day 1 hike to Shira I camp

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro January 5th 2023

From the Female Traveler: A solo trip is about you and what you need or want to do for yourself. The best solo vacations give you a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment and help you grow as a person. Regardless of whether or not you have done this, always remember that traveling alone can be a defining moment. The fact that you can travel alone is a gift and privilege, and you should use it to the maximum of your ability. Above all, don’t forget to have fun! Over the last few years of solo travel, I have met more and more fellow solo travelers. The common traits are: independence, confidence, inner peace, and good planning. On my last trip to Europe, I met some interesting travelers, since it was winter, and not the tourist season. ... read more
A lonely road?

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro October 9th 2021

Summit day was obviously the hardest day of the trip. I woke up at 10pm after about a 2hr nap from dinner to get ready. It had been snowing, and there was fresh 1/2" of powder on the ground. At 10:30 we quickly ate something and then started hiking up to the summit. I had on every single layer I brought with me (and slept in them as well), and not much more than my poles, 2 liters of water in bladder, and 1 liter in a nalgene in my pack (for when the water in bladder tube freezes). The hike started out amazing under a full moon that lit up a big portion of the route up. As we started getting higher, the cold really set in and made everything harder. Our rest stops were ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro October 3rd 2021

Day 6 is sometimes referred to as a mini summit. It's basically the start of the summit push as you get up at 6, and simply straight hike to base camp. This day was cold and rocky as well as very sunny. The terrain is pretty straightforward, as you aim towards the ridge that takes you to the summit. The hike up is a little easier than going to the lava tower because of acclimitization, but still difficult. As you achieve the ridge, you get to the lower base camp, Barafu camp. This is where most people set base camp, and it usually gets very crowded. There are some permanent structures here, but not many. My group kept hiking a little higher, in order to not cross some scrambling terrain at night. There is a little ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 29th 2021

Day 5 was the most technical part of the climb. It involved going up and over the Barranco wall. The wall is 287m high (about 800ish feet), and does require some scrambling. None of the scrambling is incredibly difficult and typically just requires smart hand placement as you go up the wall. If you don't know where to put your hands, the guides can always tell you. The best part of this wall is section called kissing rock because you do have put your body against the rock and kiss it, in order to traverse across it (I don't have pictures of me going across this). The scrambling is not nearly as dangerous as some people may make it out to be, and can be done by even a person who doesn't have rock climbing experience. ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 23rd 2021

The 4th day was the second climitization day. It involved hiking up to the Lava tower to climatize about 15k feet, and then come back down to around 13k feet at the Barranco camp. Every day gets us up at 6, so again, up at 6, hiking by 7. This day of hiking mostly was going though rocky terrain up to the Lava tower. This was a long, slow, hike. I was breathing heavy for a lot of it as my body adjusted. We finally made it to the lava tower around noon or so for lunch. The lava tower is exactly what its name makes you think it is. A tower of volcanic rock from an eruption many many years ago. You can approach the summit from the Lava tower, and some routes do this, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 19th 2021

Day 3 was the longest (distance wise) hike of the whole trip. It mostly consists of making up the rest of the westward travel towards the base of the mountain by crossing the shira plateau. This was the first day that the affects could be felt in full force. Multiple applications of sunscreen were neccessary and it was very wasy to feel it beating on you as you hiked. There are very few spots for shade across the plateau. The Moir hut doesn't get used by very many groups because it's 'out of the way' to get to the summit. We basically went north and then traveresed back south the next day to go to the hut. The rocks in this area had some salt on them that animals will sometimes come and lick (none showed ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 16th 2021

Day 2 started with a 6am wake up call, 6:30am breakfast, and started hiking at 7am. This day was the first climate zone change from rainforest to mooreland (I initially thought it was alpine desert, but I I think I was kind of wrong). this day had all kinds of cool looking flowers as we transitioned out of the rainforest, past tree line, and started walking east towards the mountain. The climb was steep out of the rainforest, but then evened out as we approached Shira 1 camp. The weather was still pretty warm and I could wear shorts during the day for most of the hike, but did need to start applying sunscreen almost immediately leaving the rainforest. The sun was direct, and in charge. My body felt good and wasn't really feeling the elevation ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro September 12th 2021

The first day of hiking started by waking up, getting my pack weighed, and then a long, 3 hr van ride, to the Londrossi Gate. The van ride was long with a small break at basically a gas station for the porters to eat some breakfast. There are people who farm right along the slopes that lead up to the gate because the volcanic soil is so good. The gate is straight West of the mountain and is mainly used for anyone who is hiking the Lemosho route. At this gate, I ate a boxed lunch, and then began hiking. The entire day is through the Rainforest zone with lush green landscapes everywhere. The trail is pretty evenly graded and this was the easiest day of hiking out of the 8 total. There are also some ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Mount Kilimanjaro March 25th 2020

After not achieving my goal of reaching Uhuru Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro, I book to go back in February 2016. This time I booked with a company called Climbing KILIMANJARO, based in Perth. I also chose the Machame route, one day shorter than my previous trip, but basically the same route. I also made the decision to book a single tent after my previous experince. On a business trip to Papua New Guinea, I was talking to a friend, who asked, "So what are you going to do different this time?" Well I hadn't thought about that, but after thinking my answer was, "Not let others dictate my outcome." That may sound selfish, but this time, my decision was too prove correct. So in Febuary, 2016, I return to Moshi and Mount Kilimanjaro. I had decided ... read more
The Crew
The Goal
Uhuru Peak

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