Meeting the underground while hanging out with "the boss" (Sagada and Lup Lupa)

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June 18th 2012
Published: December 19th 2012
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Lup LupaLup LupaLup Lupa

Village life
25.-30. April

(Slovenian version below)

Next stop was Sagada known for its trekking and exploring the caves. Initially Sagada was not in our plan because it supposed to be very touristic and not very interesting, but we were very glad we chose it anyway. The road itself from Banaue to Sagada was phenomenal, first over high passes with excellent views, through a larger town Bontoc, followed by a ride on the roof of a jeepney (Uros) to Sagada. Pleasant little town, friendly and entertaining locals and excellent food was convincing enough for us to stay even an extra day (this does not seem like much but according to our plan ... uh!). The same afternoon I fell for Uros’ idea of ​​exploring the surroundings and visit the cave. We visited the Echo Valley, where you can see the famous coffins hanging from high walls then continued walking on the river through a cave full of bats ... ofcourse why not doing that in flip-flops! After about 30 min we were clearly lost. While I was bitching about why the heck he had to drag me hereJ we finally saw the “goal” - a small waterfall with tiny pool. The

The famous hanging coffins
next day we handeled business a bit more organized and went with a guide on a fantastic caving trek to "Cave Connection". After three hours of crawling through the narrowest passages, where the guide had every step figured out - where to go, which foot goes where etc., we got to the hall with beautiful stalagmites and stalactites of various shapes and sizes.
The last destination of northern Luzon was a small village of Lup Lupa inTinglayan area, where Isabel, the wife of the German owner of the Riverside Inn, was already waiting for us. This tiny village was visited by 8 Slovenians in the past month, and all of them were either Uros’ family or our friends. The village is really a true example of the deprived live of Philippine villages; some rice terraces, a roof over their head, a few animals around the house and the most important, drinking water. In my beliefs, the biggest problem for Philippinos is their strong Christian upbringing, which insists on no contraception, so the average number of children in the household is around 6-7, in the village even more (our guide for example had 16), which is obviously impossible to

Exploring the underground
sustain. We spent two days trekking through the surrounding villages and rice terraces, and this was definitely one of the highlights of northern part of the Philippines.

Next blog is all about diving!

Naslednja postojanka je bilo mestece Sagada znano po trekkingu in raziskovanju podzemlja. Sprva Sagada ni bila v najinem planu ker naj bi bila zelo turistična in ne prav zanimiva, ampak sva zelo vesela, da sva se vseeno odločila zanjo. Že sama pot je bila fenomenalna, najprej čez visoke prelaze z odličnimi razgledi do večjega mesta Bontoc, nato pa vožnja na strehi jeepney-a (Uroš) do Sagade. Zelo lušno mestece, prijazni in zabavni domačini in pa odlična hrana naju je pritegnila da sva ostala kar 2 dni (to se sicer ne zdi veliko ampak glede na najin plan... uh!). Še isto popolne sem podlegla Uroševi ideji o raziskovanju okolice in obisku jame. Zvlekel me je, čez Echo valley, kjer z visokih sten visijo znamenite krste, po reki čez podzemno jamo polno netopirjev... ko sva na drugi strani prišla ven, sva pot nadaljevala po reki naprej (jasno v japankah!) in po 30min hoje sva resno verjela, da sva se zgubila, ko sva končno zagledala cilj –
Kalinga ProvinceKalinga ProvinceKalinga Province

Rice terraces cut by the canyon
majhen slap s tolminčkom za kopanje (glede na situacijo moram reči, da sem bila kar pridna in je bilo slišati zelo malo pritožbJ). Naslednji dan sva se stvari lotila malo bolj organizirano in se z vodičem odpravila na bombastičen »caving« v jamo »Cave connection«. Po treh urah plazenja po najožjih rovih, kjer ima vodič naštudiran vsak naslednji korak, kam se obrniti, s katero nogo stopiti v določeno špranjo, prideš do prekrasne dvorane s stalagmiti in stalagtiti različnih oblik in velikosti.

Zadnja destinacija severnega Luzona je bila majhna vasica Lup Lupa predela Tinglayan, kjer naju je že nestrpno čakala Isabell, žena lastnika Riverside inn hotela. Čakala naju je pa zato, ker je vas v zadnjem mesecu obiskalo kar 8 slovencev, od tega obe urošovi sestričniJ. Vasica je resnično pravi primer kako skromno živijo v filipinskih vaseh, kjer jim največ pomeni pitna voda, nekaj riževih teras, streha nad glavo in nekaj živali okrog hiše. Za moje pojme je največji problem filipincev močna krščanska vzgoja, ki ne dopušča nikakršne kontracepcije, tako je povprečno število otrok v gospodinjstvu okrog 6-7, na vasi še več (najin vodič npr. jih je imel 16), kar je praktično nemogoče vzdrževati. Dva dni sva namenila trekingu po okoliških
Meet the bossMeet the bossMeet the boss

The province's most powerful and beloved "boss" - the mayor Victor Baculi (in his free time also the tourist guide)
vaseh in riževih terasah in to je bil tudi eden highlightov severnega dela Filipinov.

V naslednjem blogu pa končno potapljanje!

Additional photos below
Photos: 91, Displayed: 25



Passing a lovely church on the way to Echo Valley

Cemetery on the way to Echo Valley

Echo Valley

Hanging coffins in Echo Valley

Echo Valley

Echo Valley

Latang Cave

Latang Cave

Latang Cave

Finally reaching the Bokong Waterfall

Bokong Waterfall

The greatest pastry shop... mmm I can still smell the cinnamon cakes

Cinnamon cakes!

This is the magic place!

Tasting the homegrown and brewed coffee

Who would have taught Philippines are famous also for their coffee!

20th December 2012

I like
The shot of the woman in the rice paddie and the old guy in front of the door.
20th December 2012
Sagada to Lup Lupa

Death Road
...exactly on my mind when we went to Sagada! Happy Travels. x

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