Thailand - Vacations from Vacations

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March 11th 2009
Published: March 16th 2009
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The first tuk-tuk ride in Bangkok...of course we got screwed, but at least it was fun:)
Hi everybody...
This update is mostly written in Slovenian, coz Uros got a sudden attack of laziness so here is just a short version in English. we left Myanmar and landed in Bangkok for the second time. Like the first we again felt the crowds of tourist moving the streets, but this time it was too much for us and we just went to sleep.
Next day it was the B day for Anja so we started the day with updating the blog, eating breakfast in complete silence and listening to a couple of Slovenian girls that sat next to our table - pretty funny. After this great breakfast (finally muesli and yogurt) we went for some SNAKE FARM seeing which was so-so, but we still petted a snake :P. After that we went for some shopping but not bought anything and then the evening finally came...and drinking 😊)) We went for a game of golf (9 holes) but ended at the 3rd one with Anja finished...ok after a short brake...some food, water we continued at a slower paste. We ended in a great bar with live music until 3am when everything closes anyway.

Ok next day, with
Bangkok - The Snake FarmBangkok - The Snake FarmBangkok - The Snake Farm

It was the first time we saw cobra snake
a bit of a hangover, we again went for a breakfast at the same place...and of course we again met a Slovenian guy...this time Anja even knew him 😊) (How is that possible..there is only 2 million of us). We then went together to the weekend market..a huge market where they sell almost everything...from 1eur t-shirt to puppies. We spent the day together and then in the evening we went to the train station to catch the sleeper train to Chaing Mai.

Chaing Mai was very a more laid-back city with tons of massage what can you do 😊 One evening we took first a 1hr oil massage for 4eur and then walking back home saw the second salon and took another 30min foot massage 😊)) cant get better than this :P Moire or less what we did in Chaing Mai was that we rented a motorbike one day..went for some waterfall sightseeing and then again on a massage 😊

After 2 night we had enough and we took the bus to LAO...where we crossed the border in 'so far' the most funny way...first on Thai side you have to check your passport in the middle
Bangkok - Rambuttri Rd.Bangkok - Rambuttri Rd.Bangkok - Rambuttri Rd.

Quick beer before we go...actually it was a shame that we already had train tickets otherwise this evening would not end with only one beer;)
of a small street then walk down to the river...board a long-tail boat and cross the river...and you're in LAO.

Our second visit in thailand was short but we have bigger plans with other countries so...

until next time


Slovenian version:

Jst bi ful rada pisala pa se mi ne da v anglescini tako da sva se odlocila da ima Uros cez anglescino, jaz pa slovenscino.
Skratka trenutno sva ravno preckala mejo z Laosom, mal razocarana ker sva zamudila Gibbon Experience (je bilo ze polno) po drugi strani pa vesela da ni treba zapravit tok denarja, pa se zelo so bili neprijazni tako da mislim da je za vse bols.
No tajski dnevi so minili zelo hitro in so bili bolj podobni pocitnicam...dopust od dopusta😊 Torej v cetrtek sva priletela v Bangkok in jaz ne bi bila jaz ce me ne bi zacel sraufat v trebuhu...skratka ze tretje leto zaporedoma sem en dan pred rojstnim dnevom fasala vrocino (to je treba met v genih!). Tko da je bil cetrtek bolj namenjen zdravljenju, sicer sem bila pa zvecer ze ok (me je Jernej poklical, da nej pridem na Skype in sem od vsega veselja nad
Chiang MaiChiang MaiChiang Mai

Lovely colours of sushi stand
internetno povezavo cudezno ozdravela😊.
Na moj rojsktni dan me je Uros presenetil in mi zapel vse najboljse (vsi veste da je to smesna in za usesa rahlo neugodna izkusnja) ampak je bilo zelo lepo! Najprej sva poskrbela za vse vas in pisala blog ter updatala slikce kake 2 ure (ne morte verjet koliko je blo za povedat), potem pa se odpravila raziskovat bangkoske trgovine (jupi zame😊) Prej sva si sla se ogledat Snake Farm kjer sem (vsaj jaz) prvic vidla kobro, in to ne samo bozala sem druge cloveku prijaznejse kace...odlicen obcutek! Sploh ni sluzasta!
Nadaljevala sva v shopping mall-ih Siam Paragon in MBK-to je noro! Ampak sva se (sem se) mogla zadrzevati glede na to da je prostora v ruzaku zelo malo😊 Imava pa rezerveranih vsaj 3 dni v Bangkoku na koncu potovanja😊
Za zvecer je bila planirana igrica GOLF (9 lukenj) - zataknilo se nama ze ze pri tretji luknji, ker sva nasla super barcek z live music, cel bar na nogah peli in plesali, tako da sva kar naprej "puttala" pri tretji luknji do zaprtja😊 Super vecer!
Naslednji dan pa se nama je na zajtrku zgodila najbolj bizarna stvar...skratka v miru uzivava ob toastu z marmelado
Maewang waterfallMaewang waterfallMaewang waterfall

The most delicious lunch...god it felt good!!!
ter zdraviva rahlega macka, ko do naju pristopi fant ces, da naju je slisal govoriti slovensko...jaz pogledam gor in...Sebastjan Korosec (skratka star druzinski prijatelj) - mislim da smo se nazadnje vidli ko sem bila 7! (mimogrede skoraj vsak dan srecava ene slovence tko da nevem a pr nas nobeden vec v sluzbo ne hodi, sam se uzivajo:P hehe). No in tako smo skupaj preziveli cel dan, sli na vikend market (spet same hude stvari, nevem kako bom to vse domov prinesla😊, zvecer se na pivo in potem naju je ze klical spalni vlak za na sever tajske (Chiang Mai). Spalnik je bil super (za spremembo eno prevozno sredstvo kjer sva lahko recem skoraj uzivala!) 15 ur kasneje sva bila ze v Chiang Mai-u. Ko sva se sprehajala po mestu so bili povsod okrog naju sami stanti, tako da sva si mislila "joj no pa ne spet samo shopping!" nakar ugotovivam, da je prav danes Chiang Mai Sunday Market! Tako sva uzivala dokler ulice niso postale nepremicno prenatrpane in sva se odlocila, da si privosciva masazo (kar vak2! najprej full body oil massage potem pa se foot massage-za 4 evre...sej ne mores verjeti!)
Zgodaj zjutraj sva rentala motor in rumeni in
Maewang waterfallMaewang waterfallMaewang waterfall

Gasilec Samo in njegov pomocnik
rdeci gasilec Samo (bo vec jasno iz slik) sta se podala na pot po levi strani ceste. Na poti zagledava Carrefour, zavijeva s ceste in nashopava cisto pravo evropsko malico (francoska strucka, francoske rogljicke, suha salama, sir, sok in pivo). Nasla super slap kjer sva si privoscila pojedino (Urosu se je tok mudilo jest, da je skoraj v vodo padu😊. Po popoldanskem pocitku sva nasla se drug slap, se stusirala potem pa na hitro sibala nazaj v mesto. Spet si nisva mogla upreti razvajanju in si privoscila se eno masazo😊
Ok zdej me pa Uros ze preganja...torej zdaj sva ze v Laosu, jutri greva na sever v Luang Nam Tha, v upanju na dobre trekkinge!

Do naslednjic...lp

Additional photos below
Photos: 26, Displayed: 26


Bangkok- The nake FarmBangkok- The nake Farm
Bangkok- The nake Farm

I touched the snake!! And it's actually not "yucky" (sluzasta)!!
Bangkok - The Weekend MarketBangkok - The Weekend Market
Bangkok - The Weekend Market

Seba and me cuddling the puppies...there is nothing you can't find on this market:)
Bangkok to Chiang MaiBangkok to Chiang Mai
Bangkok to Chiang Mai

Sleeper train...15hrs
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

A few hours more and this street will be packed packed and more packed...we just went and take a massage:)
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

We stopped and Carrefour...gosh how lovely "Gasilec Samo" looks with the matching T-shirt and helmet...
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

The first elephants we saw...they are actually much taller than u'd think!
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

There was the cuttest little elephant just 20days old...and I cuddled it, but I was a bit scared of his "not so little" mother:)
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

Maewang waterfall
Maewang waterfallMaewang waterfall
Maewang waterfall

Some catching up with the journal with the most amazing vistas
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

Anja with the fireman helmet
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

The best shower ever...Anja's picture was not for public:)
Chiang MaiChiang Mai
Chiang Mai

The best dinner so tasted even better han it looks!
Chiang Mai to HuayxaiChiang Mai to Huayxai
Chiang Mai to Huayxai

When you think you've seen all the transportation...there is always one more that surprises you (5 seats in the can imagine how small the seats were)

The first glimpse of the Mekong river

16th March 2009

Sebastjan Korosec;)
Smeh! Jst tega fanta poznam na videz, ker je stomatolog:)In ravno dons ena sestra ne vajah rece: "Pa kje je tist fant, specializant ali stazist, Sebastjan Korosec al kaj ze?" :))) Hehe, ne morm verjet kaksno naklucje:) Uzivajta!

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