Blogs from Llanos, Venezuela, South America


South America » Venezuela » Llanos January 14th 2015

We booked a four day three night tour from Merída to Los Llanos with Gunnar, a blonde haired blue eyed Danish 24 year old and Yoann, a French guy biking throughout South America. We drove for 8 hours in a big 4x4 through the mountains until the land started to level out into savannah-looking planes. The lodge we stayed at had at least 30 different chickens, ducks and roosters with dogs and cats scurrying around. We spent our time horseback riding through the savannah, spotting caimans on the river, searching for anacondas and anteaters on a safari ride, piranha fishing during sunset and a lot of napping in the hammocks. It was a very tranquil and relaxing tour with good food, a fun guide and great sights.... read more
Safari Tour

South America » Venezuela » Llanos » Apure February 25th 2013

After making it to Panama with the Red Baron and confirming that the Darien Gap is, in fact, a real thing, the best option for getting to South America was to hop on a sailboat to Colombia. Me and Max had booked our spots on the Wildcard two months ago in Mexico and, excited for something a bit different, made the short drive from Pacific to Caribbean coasts, where we met up with our ship, crew, and fellow tourists for a five day sailing adventure through the San Blas islands to Cartagena, Colombia. The San Blas islands are a group of 350 or so small, white sand and palm tree covered islands, inhabited by the Kuna people, making up an autonomous province within Panama on the Carribean coast. I guess some years back they rose up ... read more
Lunch... Red Snapper sandwiches
The good kind of swimsuit...
... and the bad kind. He wore this all day, everyday.

South America » Venezuela » Llanos » Apure February 2nd 2013

On Monday morning we left Merida with our guide Toto. It was going to take 2 days to reach the cattle ranch. On route we passed through several High Sierra Nevada Andes villages. At 3,900m we took a 3 hour hike to the Black Lake. We were heading for the Hato El Cedral ranch. A vast and remote cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere, run and owned by the government. This was the reason we came to Venezuela – it is one of the best places in the world for wildlife spoting including over 300 species of birds. Accommodation has gone downhill since we left Caracas. We stayed at an average posada (inn) in Merida. Our en route stop to the ranch was a new travel experience. We had to stop to collect the... read more

South America » Venezuela » Llanos » Apure July 19th 2012

Hello everyone, this is my third blog from Venezuela! I left Coro on a nightbus towards the southwest and arrived about 12 hours later in Merida. Merida is a well known tourist destination in Venezuela. It lies in the Venezuelan Andes mountains, with its highest peak (Pico Bolivar, 5002m). The city has a bit more than 200.000 people and is cheaper compared to Caracas, Maracay and Valencia. It's very famous for having the world's highest cable car (teleferico) reaching a height of 4700m with various stations along the way. The cable car has been closed for over 4 years now as it's going through a mayor renovation. The system was built by dicator Marcos Perez Jimenez in the late 1950's. The city lies at approx. 1600m and has a nice, cool climate. During the day you ... read more
Llanos de Apure landscape
Merida landscape
Perro Nevado, typical Andean dog

South America » Venezuela » Llanos June 11th 2010

South America » Venezuela » Llanos » Apure October 25th 2009

SO we have just finished a four day trek in Los Llanos. Los Llanos is a flatland area that is buzzing with wildlife. We were a bit hesitant at first to book the tour as a result of our last tour in the Amazon which we didn't see very much even though we were promised we´d see crocs etc. The first day of our tour was very relaxed. We got picked up at the bus station in Barinos and met the rest of our group for the four days. Unfortunately our group was not as good as at Angel Falls. There was 2 couples from Germany who didn´t seem to know how to smile!! We had a Spanish guy and also a Russian frmo Moscow who English was not great so he stayed quiet most of ... read more
Dead Cow
Anne in our dormroom
Yeehaa - just the the wild west!

South America » Venezuela » Llanos » San Fernando July 3rd 2009

Well as the tensions rise, we fled caracas without brian, to Merida once again. From there Talyn and i joined some folks in a land-rover to get into the llanos, this time much deeper. We had planned on going to one of the Hatos, the biological reserve like HAto Frio, or Cedral, but decided we wanted a more authentic experience. We ended up at a ranch in the state of Apure. The decision was extremely rewarding. We rafted the Santo Domingo river, rode horses through the llanos among lagoons of caiman and storks, took multiple trips looking for wildlife, pirana fishing,...... the list goes on. Even got the chance to catch an anaconda. Hard to expect any future trip to compare. Talyn and I were both struck by the pirana meat. There is so little meat ... read more
Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 16

South America » Venezuela » Llanos July 21st 2008

Nous partons du camp pour nous rendre sur un site appartenant à l’université en rapport avec la conservation de la flore et la faune, pour en glisser quelques mots techniques, si nous survolions en avion la région, nous pourrions voir un quadriller de 10 kilomètres par 10 kl, ceux-ci ont créé à main d’homme il y a une vingtaine d’année en vue de préserver un milieu humide en période de sécheresse. Donc ceci accroît la faune et contrôle les eaux de surface dans l’année courante. C’est une belle initiative d’un gouvernement antérieur à Chavez. Avant la construction de ce monde artificiel, il y avait beaucoup d’animaux qui ne pouvaient survivre en saison de sécheresse. En créant les terre-pleins, ils ont modifié et accentué la vie des animaux de cette région, un gros bravo pur eux. Nous ... read more
à perte de vue
bassin créé

South America » Venezuela » Llanos July 20th 2008

Après un réveil par les coqs et les oiseaux qui hurlent pratiquement, nous partons à cheval jusqu’à un autre campement situé à 1 heure et demi plus loin. À cet endroit nous prenons une barque en acier propulsé par un moteur de 70 chevaux. Nous naviguons à l’intérieur de canaux et de rivières pour y découvrir toute sorte d’animaux. Les premiers sont des capivaras « sorte de gros rongeurs ressemblants à un castor sans queues » par la suite des caïmans sur la rive et sur des arbres à l’horizontal pas tellement accueillants avec leurs grandes bouches ouvertes. Sans parler des dauphins d’eau douce d’une drôle de couleur rose et gris qui se baignent dans une eau rougeâtre pratiquement opaque. Les iguanes étaient au rendez-vous ainsi que les oiseaux de proies et autres. Multiple sorte de ... read more
balade sur les terre-pleins
deux males
un oiseau préhistorique

South America » Venezuela » Llanos July 19th 2008

Rien à voir avec la veille, nous reprenons la route sans nos deux américains, 1,000 kilomètres plus loin, nous arrivons presque à la noirceur dans un campement au beau milieu de nul part avec des chants d’oiseaux, nous sirotons enfin une bonne bière après toute cette route interminable. Nous découvrons une hutte circulaire avec 10 hamacs accrochés à un poteau central, c’est l’endroit où nous dormirons pour les deux prochaines nuits. Ce camp est vraiment rudimentaire avec les douches et les toilettes en plein air. Les maringouins, les tarentules, les grenouilles et encore celles que nous ne connaissons pas étaient toutes présentent. Dans la cour intérieure il y avait poules, pintades, canards, chiens, cochons, chats, chevaux toutes la méningerie y était. Après le souper encore au poulet nous avons joué au domino et dansé la salsa ... read more
le maître de la place
repas du soir

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