Blogs from Loreto, Peru, South America - page 2


South America » Peru » Loreto February 24th 2016

I’m not sure if my words can accurately describe my Ayahuasca experiences, at times I feel like they fall short. Some of my descriptions in this blog I am satisfied with and other I struggle to find the words to do the experience justice, but I try my best! I have a few songs I listen to that portray my experiences energetically to a tee that words fail to do, but through both means of expression they come close to re-creating my spirit journeys. This last month, beginning soon after arriving at Eco Truly Park, have been body, mind and soul preparation for Ayahuasca. I have undergone significant healing and lesson learning that have placed me in a heightened energetic vibration, I’m so fortunate. What a ride it’s been being in the flow of the universe. ... read more
The amazing group from the retreat :)

South America » Peru » Loreto April 15th 2015

Iquitos is the gate way to the Peurivan Amazon Jungle. It is the largest city in the world reachable by air only and by boat on the Amazon of course. To date this has to be the craziest city we have been in, so noisy with the engines of hundreds of motortaxi's....modified motorcycles (check out the pics) With100% humidity you feel completely drained just walking, the heat is so oppressive. Sadly alot of extreme poverty. We have seen more poverty in Peru than any other SA countries we have visited.... read more

South America » Peru » Loreto December 25th 2014

Attraversare le Ande nella parte settentrionale del Peru' per raggiungere le porte della foresta e' ormai diventato un gioco da ragazzi: un comodo autobus notturno parte dalla citta' costiera di Piura ed arriva a Tarapoto dopo un viaggio notturno di circa 15 ore. Se si ha del tempo a disposizione si puo' pero' viaggiare di giorno, godendo cosi' del paesaggio e sostando qualche notte in cittadine piu' o meno interessanti; Jaen de Bracamoros e' una di queste, una delle antiche citta' sull' alto corso del Rio delle Amazzoni in cui si fantasticava l'ubicazione del leggendario Eldorado, ma che oggi puo´ solo accontentarsi di contendere alla vicina Bagua il titolo di citta' piu' bollente di tutto il paese; raggiungo quindi anche quest 'ultima, ma un cielo coperto da troppe nuvole ne altera il confronto. Tutto questo per ... read more
Gli ultimi rilievi delle Ande
Navigazione lungo il Rio Huallaga
Il porto di Yurimaguas

South America » Peru » Loreto August 14th 2014

Today was a day of huge to jungle. We woke early in our hotel in Lima for breakfast and to get a taxi back to the airport. Lima traffic is notoriously bad and the trip that took us well over an hour last night was only 30 minutes this morning. Apparently morning rush hour doesn't get going here until after 8am. Our flight out to the northern town of Iquitos took about 90 minutes and it was obvious from the moment we dropped through the clouds that we were in a very different world. Iquitos has somewhere around 500,000 inhabitants and it claims to be the worlds largest town that cannot be reached by road. Everything that is here arrives by boat or plane. From the air it is obvious how isolated it is....there is ... read more
Iquitos traffic
Village by the Amazon

South America » Peru » Loreto August 14th 2014

Our second day in the Amazon started early as we jumped on a small boat to go fishing for Piranhas. On the way to there we saw several groups of grey freshwater dolphins. They're about 3 feet long and catching them is considered very bad luck by locals (it is said to lead to the death of your first child) so they're safely protected by superstition. We were hoping to see the larger pink dolphins but were out of luck. Fishing was fun and I'm pretty sure this is the first time that I've used chunks of beef as fishing bait. The fishing rods/poles were simply wooded sticks with five feet of fishing line tied to the end. The last few inches before the hook was thick steel wire, the reason for which was obvious after ... read more
Our room guest
Tapir by the pool!
Saddleback tamarin monkey

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos November 6th 2013

Hey all, I nearly wept as I left Taraoto, i have come to love it so much! The skies were weeping though... so much they nearly cancelled my flight. I made it, however and am enscoonced at Casa de Clarita in Padre Cocha. It is wonderful living so close to nature while I am here. There are screens on most of the windows but no glass so you hear everything, including the dogs and the roosters at 4 am. We haul water into the house from a spring in the yard. The water table is very high here. We do boil it and I love that Clare keeps a thermos of hot water at the ready for tea and washing. The toile is a very nice outhouse with buckets of water for flushing...never put TP in ... read more

South America » Peru » Loreto October 13th 2013

Hola Mi Amigos y Amigas! Well here I am again, in Iquitos, Peru, the largest, wildest, most chaotic and wonderful inland port in the world, accessible only by boat or plane. Flying in to this place is stunning, seeing the Amazon river snaking through the jungle landscape like a giant cosmic serpent, feeling the blast of 90+ % humidity and the smell of an environment which a combination of jungle and airplane fuel hit you when you get off the plane! I have spent over 3.5 years out of the last 8 here to study the wisdom of plant medicine with some amazing Maestros here and it is just so good to be back in this place. People here remember everything which ever happened down to the tiniest details and my driver, my porters, the people ... read more
A gorgeous Amazonian evening
Just a little tributary of the Amazon
happy in the jungle

South America » Peru » Loreto October 9th 2013

Hello all my beautiful friends! Here I go off tof the Amazon.S'more of the highlights I have in front of me include being in my own Rambo with only a screened wallbetween me and all! Of thejungles at night. Working with local curenderos in the junglefrom the Shipeebo tribe and touring gardens. I will be visiting the Paititi Institute, a permaculture fdeep along the Amazon and Anaconda Cosmically retreat center as they have an amazing wealth on medicinal plant knowledge and they may let me work with them. Thank you again for helping mefeel ok financially with this journey! Now Ijust need to get comfortable with the jungle! Blessings and light my loves, Robin... read more

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos August 14th 2013

We fly 4 hours north to Lima, the capital of Peru, than 2 hours more to Iquitos. The weather has changed dramatically. It is 30 degrees with 90 % humidity. Abreast the Amazon River, lying just below the Equator, Iquitos is surrounded by The Amazonian Rainforest. Only 120 meters above sea level. The largest city in the world only accessible by boat or plane; it has a population of 450,000 hot blooded locals. With a mix of Columbian, Brazilian and of course Peruvian backgrounds. Tuk Tuks dominate the streets, with fewer cars and the odd bus which have to be seen to be believed. The traffic is best described as Asian; speed, skill and prayer necessary to negotiate the streets. The smiling, laughing people spill from every house, shop and bar, adding colourful life to this ... read more
our group
The Amazon

South America » Peru » Loreto » Iquitos » Amazon Rainforest August 13th 2013

De retour en ville, le petit groupe que nous sommes va se prendre une bonne bière. Après réflexion, nous décidons à l'unanimité de reconduire une expérience dans la jungle, mais cette fois dans une famille. Une agence propose ce type de séjour, à la base pour 500 soles, mais après âpre négociation, nous l'emportons pour 300 soles. Nous prenons donc le bateau le lendemain matin, pour nous enfoncer encore plus profondément au cœur de la jungle. Arrivée à San Antonio, petit village très typique, dans lequel on compte une salle de classe, une petite église, une minuscule boutique et plusieurs maisons, le tout en bois. Notre guide/hôte Gilberto n'a pas tout à fait fini la sienne à laquelle il manque les murs, mais l'essentiel est là : nous vivrons ici à la dure comme nous le ... read more
 Début de la session pierre-feuille-ciseaux

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