Blogs from Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 9


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon October 19th 2010

Day 44-47-19th-22nd October So with a poisoned husband, we did very little for the next couple of days. We had planned to move on to Arequipa the day after the Lake Titicaca tour, but with Ellory in such bad shape we decided to stay put and wait for his stomach to get better before we risked the 6 hour bus journey. Bless him, he really wasn’t very well, but eventually progressed from eating nothing and only drinking water, to some pasta with tomato and tuna sauce and finally onto a meal in a restaurant in the centre of Puno, which I believe was called the Inca Cafe. The food was pretty damn tasty, but the presentation, holy cow it blew posh London restaurants right out of the water. I was gutted as I didn’t have my ... read more
Overlooking the canyon
The trail
Bridge at the bottom of the canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon October 14th 2010

Always Be Prepared After finally getting off the bus at Cabanaconde, we went up the hill to the Pachamama hostel. Recommended strongly by Kyle and Tahlei, it is also the Lonely Planet’s “pick” of the hostels in Canyon country (with their typical style they signed off on the place with the line “this is travel” - seriously, who writes these articles and do they go through a heavy screening process to ensure that only the biggest dorks are allowed?) The bus was an all too fresh memory and the need for a feed and a beer were critical. We walked in to the hostel bar to find it pretty busy and so we were told to grab a seat and we’d be seen to soon enough. A minute or so later a European girl walked in ... read more
The Boss
The Boss

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon September 28th 2010

Comme nous partions de Arequipa pour le Colca Canyon vers 3 heures du matin, nous avons décidé de nous coucher pas trop tard, vers 9h30 environ. Stratégie peu efficace pour moi, je ne dormais toujours pas à 11h00, ni à minuit, ni à 1h00. Au moins, quand mon cadran a sonné à 2h45, ça a pas été trop difficile me lever, j'étais vraiment pas dans un sommeil profond. En embarquant dans l'espèce de mini-bus 20 places, nous avons réussi à nous trouver 2 places assez confortables. Après avoir tourné dans la ville pendant une heure pour ramasser d'autres gens, nous avons enfin amorcé notre chemin vers le canyon en compagnie de péruviens, israéliens comiques, anglais, hollandaises ne comprenant pas que quand tu baisses ton banc, l'autre personne a les genoux qui touche à son front (elles ... read more
Photo 5
Photo 3
Photo 4

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon September 14th 2010

Hallo zusammen So, jetzt habe ich wieder ein bischen etwas zum erzaehlen. Ich war naemlich mit Florian (geht mit mir auch in die Spanischschule) ueber das Wochende am treken und zwar in der Colca Region. Am Freitag, nach der Schule goennten wir uns ein feines Mittagessen, mhh, endlich mal wieder gute Pasta, die nicht verkocht oder zu hart ist! Dann schnappten wir uns ein Taxi zum Busbahnhof und erwischten noch 2 Tickets fuer den 16.00Uhr Bus nach Cabanaconde. Leider hatte es nur noch in der letzten Reihe Sitze frei, aber was solls! Nach 6 Stunden Busfahrt erreichten wir um 22.00Uhr dan Cabanaconde. Wir wurden auch gleich von Einheimischen angesprochen, wo uns eine "habitacion (Unterkunft)" anboten. Wir folgten einfach mal der Frau, die Ihr Hostel gleich bei Plaza del Arma (Hauptplatz) hatte und fielen muede ins Bett! ... read more
Mirador del Condores
Colca Canon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon September 10th 2010

WOW!!! I havent had internet in a while. I must apologize. We decided to not do the Colca Canyon Trek on our own, (well Jenessa didnt want to... something about trusting her life with my boy scout abilities) we book a tour and I am kinda glad we did, not because it was an overly hard trek it was because we learned a TON of Peruvian Culture. It was actually a really rewarding experience. We spent time in a small village and visited the SMALLEST museum ever. It was really neat. We went to natural hot spring and I managed to get horribly sun burnt. Well we are back in Arequipa, and going to view the city and attempt to get money out of our accounts. It was so funny, I didn’t withdraw any money before ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon August 13th 2010

Een van de hoofdredenen waarom we naar Arequipa wilde was omdat we graag een trekking door de Colca Canyon wilde gaan doen. Dus na 2 dagen genoten te hebben van de stad, hebben we via het hostel de trekking gereserveerd en we moesten zaterdag op zondagnacht om 3.30h klaar staan bij de receptie. Dan zouden we daar opgehaald worden door de bus. Uiteraard beginnen we zaterdagavond weer veel te laat met het inpakker van onze rugzakken en liggen we pas rond 22.30 in bed. Maar na een paar uur slaap worden we gelukkig op tijd wakker. We mogen onze grote rugzakken bij het hostel in een gesloten ruimte laten liggen tot we terugkomen dinsdagavond. We nemen alle twee een kleine rugzak mee met wat schoon ondergoed, shirts, een handdoek, zwemkleding en een berg energierepen, fruit, snoep ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 12th 2010

AREQUIPA. craziest adventure yet. so it all began with this massive double decker bus with blaring, horrendous, sort of tribal music along with music video. i was sitting on the top floor in the front row with a fantastic view of the night drive. the bus left at about 8 pm and was due to arrive in arequipa at 6 am. the road to arequipa is a windy, mountainous, scary as hell journey that was pretty awesome and terrifying at the same time. being in the front allowed me to witness the constant possible ways i could die, but the views were so cool and we were literally on the side of a mountain, taking up both lanes because the bus was so large. after half sleeping and half freezing because peruvians don´t seem to believe ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 8th 2010

Guides for Colca Canyon claim that it´s the deepest in the world, but I trust my topographical map, which ranks it as second only to Cotahuasi Canyon, which is also in the Arequipa region of Peru. Close enough, I guess. Expect to pay about 125 soles for the 2-day journey and 145 for the 3-day. I opted for the two day trek. The journey to the canyon begins at 3 AM and is a long, rough 6 hour journey on a dirt road. On the way we stopped for breakfast and to take pictures of condors. They were amazing, but the site is very touristy, as if we were on a cruise and stopping at various islands. The first day begins with a four hour hike into the canyon and across a bridge to a small ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 15th 2010

We began our tour at 8:30am on Monday morning. We were picked up from our hostel in a van. As we were heading out of Arequipa, the tour guide was telling us interesting facts about the ciy. For example, there are 1.5 million people in Arequipa and they live right below an active volcano. According to her, if the volcano erupts, 60-70% of the people in the city will die. Pretty scary fact! Along the outskirts of the city were the poor areas where the houses were constructed by hand. There were tons of stray dogs. I saw a stray dog way out of even the poor area of the city going through trash :( poor little guy. We purchased coca leaves and coca candy to use on the tour. The coca candy was grosssss. It ... read more
The ram!
Colca canyon

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 12th 2010

Apres 8h de bus on arrive a Arequipa (sud du Perou) avec Ben(Belgo-Quebecois!) , rencontre dans le bus. On reste 2 jours dans la ville le temps de se renseigner pour le canyon et aussi visiter le monastere(une ville dans la ville). A l hotel on fait aussi la rencontre de Boris et le lendemain on se met en route pour le canyon.Vue la soiree bien arrosee et la nuit passee dans le bus, on mettra 4h pour descendre jusqu a l oasis en bas du canyon de Colca. On s installe dans un lodge et on profite de la piscine (alimentee par une source naturelle) et de balade au niveau du rio pendant 2 jours, avant de remonter a Cabanaconde en un tps record (hehe), 1h50! De retour a Arequipa le groupe se separe et ... read more

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