Blogs from Concepcion, Paraguay, South America


South America » Paraguay » Concepcion March 3rd 2023

Venerdì 17 Febbraio - Arriviamo a Concepcion dopo uno straziante viaggio in autobus da Asuncion, con frequenti fermate a scaricare e caricare passeggeri durante tutte le otto ore della sua durata. Nostro scopo è la navigazione lungo il fiume Paraguay a bordo della storica (1965) motonave "Aquidaban". Per l'occasione ci stabiliamo nello storico (1905) Hotel Frances. Sabato 18 Febbraio - L'Hotel Frances è in fase di profondo decadimento ormai da diversi anni ma la nuova gestione ha finalmente avviato dei lavori di restauro. Scendiamo al porto per chiedere informazioni sulla navigazione ed apprendiamo così con orrore che la prima imbarcazione in partenza per Puerto Vallemi, la nostra destinazione a monte del fiume, è la piccola e poco invitante "Dalma", una nave dalle dimensioni ridotte ed ingombra di quelli che a prima vista sembrano cumuli di rottami. ... read more
Hotel Frances
Prua I
Mercato galleggiante I

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion April 18th 2014

Hola nuestra amiguitos! We will open this blog with the first page of a book about Paraguay... A remarkable book about a remarkable country! ‘An island surrounded by land’ said Boa Bastos of his country, Paraguay. ‘It’s a remarkable observation, not so much because it is true, but because it comes from a Paraguayan. I have met few Paraguayans who saw their country in relative terms, quite simply, for most, there was, quite simply, no other world than their own. As I travelled around Paraguay, I began to appreciate the scale of its insularity. It sits at the heart of a continent but not on the way to anywhere else. Bounded by three other nations, it is a country nearly twice the size of the United Kingdom but with only a tenth of the ... read more
Our cabin at El Roble
Gardens at El Roble

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion February 27th 2014

Religion has played a powerful role in Paraguay. It is partly due to the church that the Guarani language has survived, although the same church also was the church of the oppressor and slave raiders. The church in Paraguay was like the two headed eagle of the Byzantine Empire, one head condoned the Spanish treatment of the natives in all its cruelty, while the other head spread its wings over the indigenous people and protected them. The head that protected was the Jesuit order, with full support of the Vatican and the pope. The same Vatican and pope that endorsed the Spanish, who conquered and enslaved the local population. Obviously that protection came with the price of having to convert, but either way the locals were being converted, whether they were enslaved or not. At least ... read more
San Ignacio
San Ignacio
San Ignacio

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion April 14th 2011

We had planned on taking the bus to the terminal, but feeling lazy we ended up getting a taxi. It did mean we managed to fit brekky in before we left the hostel though, so it felt justified…kinda! And Lisa got to buy some tat while waiting for the bus so everyone was happy! The bus wasn’t too shabby at all (we had heard horror stories the night before from some French guys) – there was air-conditioning and we bagged reclining seats next to the door entrance so had lots of space to stretch out. Nice. Music blared from the speakers which took us back to travelling on Ecuadorian buses but Ian slept through it for the first 4 hours as Lisa watched the world go by spotting lots more wildlife including falcons, storks, herons and ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion March 27th 2011

Spali sme skoro do 12, rano prsalo ale velmi to nepomohlo teplo je aj tak. Dnes bola nedela, vsetko pozatvarane, nikde nikto a tak sme cely den len prelezali. Uz sa vobec necudujeme ludom zijucim v takychto teplych krajinach ze cele dni len sedia a nic nerobia. Stanik vcera zabil svaba, dneska ho objavili mravce a tak si ho po kuskoch pomaly odnasaju. Chodia len popri stene a tak nam nevadia a aspon sa tu nieco deje. Navecer mesto ozilo, ludia konecne povychadzali von. Vsetci tu jazdia na motorkach, dost casto velmi mlado vyzerajuce deti, skoro ziadne auta. We slept till 12, it was raining but it is very hot anyway. It was Sunday, everything closed, nobody to be seen and so we just spend whole day lying in bed. We dont anymore wonder while people ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion March 26th 2011

Vacsinou sa snazime byt na autobusovej stanici pre istotu aspon pol hodiku pred odchodom autobusu. Dnes nam to nejak nevyslo a z hotelu sme odisli asi hodinu pred odchodom nasho spoju. Cesta na miestnu stanicu nam vatsinou trvala okolo pol hodinku a tak sme sa ani velmi neponahlali. Ako naschval nas sofer sa rozhodol chytit kazdu cervenu ktora sa dala. S kazdou pribudajucou minutou sme si boli menej a menej isty ci to stihneme, spoliehali sme sa vsak, ze nas aubobus bude meskat ako obycajne. Nakoniec sme sa na stanicu dostali asi 10 minut po oficialnom odchode, nastastie tam stale bol a tak sme len nalozili veci a hned sa aj pohli. Este ani raz sa nam nestalo aby tu autobus odisiel na cas, 10minutove meskanie je velmi dobry cas, mozno za to mohlo meno tejto ... read more
na ceste/ on a way
na ceste/ on a way
na ceste/ on a way

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion December 2nd 2010

CONCEPCION DAY 1 After a rough night’s sleep, in our grimmest lodgings so far we set out with the daughting task of crossing boarders overland. Thankfully it seems this can be done with $25, a Spanish to English Dictionary and a willing taxi driver. So after a quick stamp in Brazil and a not so quick one in Paraguay, we’d made it to our second country. The difference of a few hundred meters into each country was vast. Whilst Brazil boasted nice roads, bright shops and top of the range cars, a couple meters down the road was a completely different pictures, with market stalls, horse drawn carts and bump roads. Luckily we arrived at the bus station just in time to board the bus to Concepcion. I use the term bus in the loosest way, ... read more
Mo River
Kjersti's New Fella
The old Skool Buildings

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion June 20th 2009

Bueno! Well, we are in Immaculate Concepcion, Paraguay right now. I´ll get back to talking about that in a second, but first I want to discuss a couple other things- 1. Bus from Santa Cruz to Filadelfia- After our experience with the wayward bus to Samaipata we wanted to make sure we would get to Filadelfia. So I asked all of the bus guys multiple times, made sure our ticket said Filadelfia on it, and had the ticket seller introduce us to the bus driver who also assured us that the bus would go TO Filadelfia. Not near it, not past it, but TO the center of town. Si si, centro, centro they all said cheerfully. So we got on the bus. One good thing about it was that it only took 15 hours as opposed ... read more
Filadelfia in a dust storm
Mystery fried ball thing
Wonderful Dinner in Concepcion

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion May 31st 2009

Ok well time to leave Paraguay. So first idea was to get to asuncion then head north to concepcion where we would take a boat out on the Rio Paraguay and head north. We left Asuncion on the 19th of May after staying in a dodgy hotel accross from the bus station. The Royal hotel for 75 000 Guarinies for a room sharing. O the day before when leaving the bus station after buying the tickets an officer approached us speacking spanish so we were there a while not understanding a word, then we finally realised it was a local prank show because there was a guy hidding behind the tree with a camera filming, haha... OK so on the bus heading on the grand chaco high way known for how bumpy it is, it was ... read more

South America » Paraguay » Concepcion May 18th 2008

I have almost come to the end of my last week here in Concepcion. After all my bitching and moaning and whining and winging, turns out I'm actually rather fond of the place, and even more so of the people. Having said that, the thought of only having a month left untill I will be home envokes a feeling not unlike a five year old waiting for christmas morning. All the kids clubs this week were goodbye meetings instead of a normal teaching. We played games, sang songs, ate cake, took photos and gave me presents. In the teachers meeting on tuesday every ten minutes I was told to go check on the brownies in the oven (the chocolate kind, not the small child kind) untill eventually I just yelled "I know when I'm not wanted" ... read more
The Chaco Kids
Gourmet Kitchen

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