Blogs from Latacunga, Centre, Ecuador, South America


South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga November 30th 2017

Latacunga surprised me. It really did. I stay there a couple of days longer than I did most other average towns and found myself liking the vibe of this city. There weren't much to do here. Simply just relax. I met a middle aged Dutch man at the guesthouse I was staying at. We discussed politic and world economy. He gave me a book on my nations fail. I read it from cover to cover. I took the local bus for a day trip to Laguna Quilotoa. It was quite scenic. A crater that has become a lake over time. The Dutch guy and myself joined a group to see Vulcan Cotopaxi. The itinerary in included a hike to the top or near top of this volcano, of which I did not make. The guides drop ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga July 22nd 2017

Suzanne here... It was a long flight to Quito. Mainly because the cheapest flight involved flying right over Ecuador and all the way to Panama. Doubly annoying as we've wanted to go to Panama for ages, but there was no time to leave the airport. We did however get a glimpse of Panama City and the Panama Canal from the air. About 12 hours after setting off, we finally landed at 9pm. Usually we are really stubborn about getting the bus. But even we realised that was a bit daft landing in a brand new county, with a bit of a reputation, in the dark, after many hours of travelling. Our B&B offered to pick us up for $10. I tell you, landing at night to see a smiling face and a board with your name ... read more
Vivero bus times to Quilotoa
Scenery on the way to Laguna Quilatoa
Laguna Quilotoa

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga April 22nd 2016

I arrived back from the US at noon on April 1st, still fighting the last of my nasty California cold. Three volunteers from Engineers Without Borders were due to arrive in Quito that same day at midnight. At 8:00 pm I learned that their flight had been cancelled, so while they lived it up at the Marriott in Dallas I pushed fluids and laid low. I was grateful for an extra day in bed at the hostel near the Quito airport...the health gods were watching over me! I was feeling 85% better by the time I met up with the engineers and we headed off for the mountains. Since they arrived on a Sunday (rather than the scheduled Saturday) all the hardware stores in Latacunga were closed, so we only stopped at the grocery store to ... read more
Village Meeting
Laying Drip Irrigation
Local Hiking Guides

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga March 5th 2016

After nearly 3 months on the road in Peru, we were both looking forward to crossing the border into Ecuador. We played the 1997 iconic tune 'Ecuador' by Sash on You Tube and immediately felt euphoric about what lay ahead! Ironically, having researched a little bit more into where the video for 'Ecuador' was filmed it turns out it was produced in Lanzarote and Tenerife. What a let down! Our time in Ecuador was limited by the fact that it took so long to obtain a Columbian and UK visa for my Iranian partner in Peru and so our cycle journey throughout this country was massively curtailed. We only managed a total of 289 KM, but I don't have any regrets whatsoever. At this stage of my journey, I've achieved what I set out to do ... read more
Panama Hat factory in Cuenca
Panama Hat factory in Cuenca
Getting rid of bad energy

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga December 31st 2013

¨To tigua? At thát desk,¨ they had told us, and we had taken a deep breath before we had went to stand in line at the back of the row: half of the people in the overcrowded bus station of Latacunga seemed to queue upbefore the same desk. And although I knew my backpack was safe and well in the hands of my travel mates, this wasn´t the most relaxing situation that I could imagine. While I tried to find a good balance between my ¨I´m not bothered¨-look, my ¨I´m watching you¨-look and my ¨stay away from me¨-look, I stood there with my hands in my pockets (where my money was), trying to both keep my place in the queue and checking on where the man that was stuck on my back was putting his hands. ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga December 31st 2013

(Read what happened before, in: ¨Breathtaking Quilotoa: staggering horses on the edge of a volcano.¨) ¨What do we think, is this too touristic?¨ We just climbed out of the truck of our ¨saver in emergency¨ and now we´re standing with our backpacks in the middle of the only road through the little township of Chunchilán before hostel Cloudforest. The wooden constructions and colorful hammocks look inviting, so we get in to ask how much they charge. We get a room all together, with a bathroom and, yes, hot water (and cold water apparently: two buttons in the shower this time) for 12,50 including breakfast and dinner. Around the fireplace we make our plans for the next day while sipping on our coffee and hot chocolate. No, no, not ¨or¨, ¨and¨! To recover a bit. Our meeting ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga December 31st 2013

(Find out what happened before, in:¨The Single Knob for automatic hot water. Uh-huh. Really.¨) ¨Excuse me, mister, are you sure that I won´t crash into the crater together with your horse any moment now? He seems to be really tired…¨ I´m sitting on the swaying back of a snorting and sweating horse that stands still every five minutes to catch a breath. We´ve almost arrived the top of the crater, and I imagine that I would ask that question and that the man would say: ¨yeah sure, no worries, you´ll both be fine.¨ As in: ¨sure, I know the way,¨ or ¨sure, that´s the normal price,¨ or ¨sure, tomorrow morning we´ll have water again. Hot water.¨ I hold on to that last thought when my staggering quadruped and I are both getting ready for the next ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga December 31st 2013

(Read what happened before, in¨One hour, downhill¨ and other Ecuadorian untruths) It doesn´t happen much that I have to think twice about where I am, if I woke up too late or too early and who´s lying next to me, but this is one of these mornings. Soon though pieces of the solution start to enter my awakening mind. Guinea pig soup. The lost gallery. Mountains, always uphill. A string out of the door to open it. Aaah, yes, we´re doing the Quilotoa loop and this village with no water between four in the afternoon and five in the morning is called Zumbahua, known for its Saturday market. It´s Saturday, and next to me lies Graham still asleep: he´s the travel companion that was elected (? :P) to ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga June 6th 2013

Autobuse susipažystu su vietine mergina kuri važiuoja iki tolimesnio miestelio nei man reikia. Į latacunga atvažiuojam kaip ir žadėjo apie 3 nakties, be to ir sustoja autobusas kažkokioj neaiškioj vietoj, net ne terminale, tad nelabai būtų kur prisiglausti iki ryto. Mergina pasiūlo važiuoti su ja iki Ambato, tereikia damokėti 1 dolerį. Ten galėčiau bent jau iki ryto pabūti ir po to pargrįžčiau į Latacunga. Taip ir padarau. Rytą praleidžiu Ambato ir apie pietus važiuoju atgal į Latacunga. Čia susiskambinu su CSere Cami pas kurią turiu apsistoti. Ji man žinute atsiunčia nuorodas kaip atvažiuoti iki jos namų, bet autobusų stotyje pravaikštinėju apie valand laiko, išklausinėju visų vairuotojų kur po galais tas miestelis kurio man reikia. Visi siuntinėja skirtingomis kryptimis ir niekas nieko tiksliai pasakyt negali. Galų gale nusprendžiu sėsti į taksi ir važiuoti iki Cami namų. Čia ... read more

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Latacunga February 22nd 2013

Leaving Banos after excellent last meal at Gourmet Posada then quick final visit to the local guitar shop (90 years making guitars here, no K8, i did not buy one but was tempted). To Latacunga by bus very comfortable and thanks to fellow who gave me his local pears and plumbs (Banos is big fruit area similar to California/Oregon). In Latacunga visited Santiago Sansur, President of local Rotary Club. Their interests and projects focus on education, especially "guardaninos" (pre-school and day care) and clean water. They have been working with Rotary clubs from Pennsylvania for several years and of course Rotary 5450 Denver area on last water project (irrigation) in Malingua Pamba. They have a great track record with successful projects completed, are ready to continue water efforts in Ecuador, experienced, and well placed to make ... read more
2 Banos last AM packing
3 Banos guitar shop 90 years in this location, take 2 months to make each instrument by hand
4 Banos guitar shop, no K8, i did not buy a new guitar, but did think about it!

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