Blogs from O Higgins, Chile, South America - page 7


South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu January 8th 2008

Sabem como é o Oceano Pacifico? ( no chile) Agora está bem pacífico. É gelado. Cheira deliciosamente a mar e a algas(Cochaiullo, que os indigenas comiam e ainda se comem aqui) As cores mudam, como acontece com todos os mares. Agora esta com uns tons de azul petroleo ao fim do dia. Aqui tem lobos do mar e outros bichos que nunca vi em liberdade. Parece igual a todos os mares que vi. Parece igual ao oceano Atlantico. Mas nao é. Está do lado de cá e chama-se Pacifico e isso muda tudo. Nunca pensei que chegasse alguma vez a estar No Oceano Pacifico. ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu January 8th 2008

Pensava que me tinha cansado, mas nao. Sigo em busca de experiencias novas. As vezes outras vidas que nao sao a minha. E ter a ilusao apoderar-me dessas vidas, apenas fechando um pouco os olhos e experimentando-as.... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu January 6th 2008

Chegamos a Pichilemu no dia 1 à noite, uma pequena vila na costa de Rancagua. Ficamos numa pequena residencial. passados dois dias mudamo-nos para a praia em Punta de Lobos e é deste lugar que eu quero falar. Encontramos o que procuravamos. À chegada , recebidos por uma festa de luzes de um final de tarde espectacular. A paisagem árida varrida pelo vento, os cactos floridos nas escarpas, pássaros negros cruzando o ar gorgeando e as ondas perfeitas e interminaveis que se formavam atras das duas grandes rochas - as tetas, em cujo topo repousava a colonia de pelicanos - e traziam os surfistas ate a praia. Com os pes quentes enterrados na areia negra fiquei a ver os surfistas, pequininos, fluir nas ondas na companhia dos lobos marinhos que la brincavam tambem. De noite, um ... read more

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu June 12th 2007

after my trip to santigao and valparadiso which took longer as i thought i am back again in pichilemu. after a little celebration together with sergio and anchel and dinner with two girls from the Netherlands, which were guests at the hostel i went a little baracho to bed! it was a little hard to get up to work the next day, tried to improve the access road to the hostel. If its gonna be hopefully sometime somehow finished - it will be a amazing place! Worked far to long so have to check tomorrow the surf place and see what i can do to find an other guy who wants to go surfing with me. I guess i have to try the wave surfing thing here but actually i am more exited to start ... read more
punta del lobos
el cáncamo
punta del lobos (pichilemu)

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu May 11th 2007

hola amigos, bueno les cuento hace una semana y media comenzo la mini cruzada en la escuela de discipulado de Jucum. el equipo esta visitando un pueblo llamado Teno, esto queda a 2 horas desde pichilemu o a 3 horas al sur de Santigo. Con mi esposa Mandy no pudimos ir a esa mini cruzada ya que el equipo solo tenia que ser de 20 personas dandole toda la priporidad a los estudiantes de la escuela, no obstante nosotros aprovechamos la oportunidad de ir a concepcion ya que Mandy no se encontraba bien de salud, para que sepan ella tiene una gastritis bien avanzada, y damos gracias a Dios que el provello todo lo que necesitabamos en concepcion, ahora ella esta en un tratamiento que debemos seguir rigurosamente. Estuvimos una semana en concepcion, fue un ... read more
evangelismo en Teno
evangelismo en Teno
la obra familia

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu April 15th 2007

Wow its been a long time since I have written on this thing. I can’t remember where I left off last time so I will just start at the end of my outreach in Colombia. So in Colombia we went to a few different places. We were in Bogotá for about a month which wasn’t the greatest then we went to Melgar and a few surrounding cities also. I can’t remember how to spell them so no sense in trying. In Melgar there is about 5000 pools and about 20000 people in the city. So you can imagine how hot it actually was. Sweat all day every day. So while here we were working a lot and I mean a lot. Like going t 5 different schools a day and then maybe giving a sermon ... read more
Mini Niagara
National Park in Pucon
Pucon and Lago Villarica

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Santa Cruz March 28th 2007

Käytiinpä tässä päivänä eräänä kämppisten kanssa vuokraemäntämme järjestämällä päiväretkellä Santa Cruzissa. Vielä tätä reissua ennen oli vuokraemäntämme aitous jonkinlainen kysymysmerkki. Eipä ole enää. Meitä piti alunperin olla seitsemän henkilöä lähdössä tälle retkelle - yhdeksälle oli tilaa. Sain pakumme tyhjät paikat täytettyä parilla saksalaisella kaverillani, Falkolla ja Stephaniella. Santa Cruz on historiallinen kaupunki noin 180 km Santiagosta etelään. Matkaan sisältyi kuljetukset, visiitti museossa, viinitilalla (jolla myös ruokailtiin), sekä ökyhaciendalla. Hintaa reissulle kertyi tuollaiset 18 000 pesoa (= 24,50€) Nousimme kahdentoista hengen korealaisvalmisteiseen pakuun. Meillä oli oikein kuskit ja kaikki. Lähdimme matkaan matkaan aamutuimaan. Ilma oli vähän niinkuin Anderssonin Pamela, aivan törkeen kuuma! Olikin tosi miellyttävä istua 180 km:n matka siten, että aurin... read more
Pyöräilijä kävi Shellillä tankkaamassa
Viiniä tynnyri poikineen

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu March 17th 2007

As you know i have had a problem with my right foot for some time now. Since i got bitten by mosquitoes 4 months ago in Ecuador, i have had one bite on my right foot that has refused to heal. It quickly turned into an ulcer and due to the fact that i wouldn't stay out of the water, it has got progressively worse. I have tried tape, waterproof socks, plasters, iodine, antiseptic powder, special dressings, alcohol, cream, antibiotics and it has still not gone away. I spent quite alot of time out of the water when Emma visited me in Peru and then following that it didn't spend too long in the water in Brazil (due to there being little swell). When i arrived in chile, there was also a flat period of about ... read more
Our Home For The Last Two Weeks
Dinner time

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu March 12th 2007

So, you've quit your job. You have a bit of money in the bank. A trusty shooter and a mate equally as daft as yourself. What are you waiting for?? Hit the road!! Last weekend was 5 months since we left Heathrow for South America. In five days we leave for New Zealand. I am not sure if leaving for a country where we can speak the language will help us or whether it will just get us into more trouble. Only time will tell. Five months in South America has been incredible. Definately happy times. As i started to think about the adventures we will have on a different continent on the other side of the world, i came across an article in a surfing magazine outlining the rules of any good surf trip. Lets ... read more
Whos Round is it?
Pete Enjoys Animal Sex
You Lot Really Dont Know How To Dance

South America » Chile » O Higgins » Pichilemu February 24th 2007

It was hard to leave the city since I was also leaving many friends behind. In a very short time, I met so many wonderful people, mostly at the language school, from all over the world. But the road was calling. The first stop Pichilemu, the surfing capital of Chile. It was 8 of us: me, Jordan and Jenna (US), Becca (UK), Joanna (France), Marcello from Brasil, and two Chileans whom I did not know before. The town definitely had a laidback atmosphere, as one would expect from a beach town where surfing dudes hangout. What a change from the ritzy Vina del Mar! As soon as we arrived, we headed to the beach. The water was even colder than in Vina, and I literally froze my private parts off. Luckily, our Chilean friends had ... read more

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