Blogs from Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brazil, South America - page 2


South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara April 27th 2011

Dia 09 - Finalmente fomos para Jeri Não é que estivéssemos mal em Fortaleza, muito pelo contrário. Mas a viagem a Jeri era muito desejada. Acordámos cedo, estava marcado irem buscar-nos às 07:40, a Van chegou por volta das 08:15. Arrancámos para Jeri, parámos a meio do caminho para uma pausa de 20 minutos. Depois foi sempre a andar até Jijoca para mudarmos da Van para uma carrinha de caixa aberta mas coberta. Éramos 8 lá atrás (tudo aos saltos devido ao caminho, foram 50 minutos entre dunas, água e vegetação, burros e vacas). O caminho é simplesmente fenomenal. Chegámos à pousada, ficámos instalados na pousada Capitão Thomaz, fomos comer, esperáva-nos uma caminhada de 2 km sensivelmente, entre burros e vacas, a pastar no feno, muito próximo da praia. Fomos ver o pôr do Sol à ... read more
Susana na Pedra Furada

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara July 24th 2009

The bus for Jeri was late arriving at the Praiana Palace Hotel at Ave. Beira Mar, once we got moving we stopped some more at the airport and bus station to pick up more passengers, it took a good 6 to 7 hours of travel stopping once for lunch, someone stink up the toliet,doing a number 2 why cant they understand that only number one is allowed in bus toilets? We have to change into a 4 wheel drive truck similar to the overland truck we had in Africa, and for another hour or so we went through dunes and sands until we finally arrived at Jeri where Wolfgang, the owner of Pousada Tirol was waiting for his clients including me at the stop of point at Rua Principal. Got checked in at the hostel, the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara April 25th 2009

Und wieder eine fantastische Reise voller Ueberraschungen hinter mir. Es erstaunt mich jedesmal aufs neue, wie unterschiedlich das Klima hier innerhalb des Landes ist. Da ist man im Norden, genauer gesagt Saõ Luis, Maranhau, zu Besuch bei der Familie von Elma, meiner Gastschwester, und schwitzt sich die Seele aus dem Leib, weil es so tropisch feucht ist. Nun, zurueck in Brasilia friere ich in der Nacht, weil Wuestenlandschaft!!!!! Diese Woche war kunterbunt, mit allem was dazu gehoert. Zuerst sind wir von der Familie (Muter, Vater, Tane, Schwester, Nichte, Esel, Hund und Vogelspinne (!!)) in Saõ Luis warm empfangen worden. Elmas Mutter ist eine unglaublich herzliche und religioese Frau, die es liebt, alle zu bekochen... Saõ Luis befindet sich in einem der aermsten Laender im Nordosten von Brasilien, das ist an der Struktur, den Haeusern und den ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara March 18th 2009

Tim Version: * Stayed at another kind couchsurfing host's house, and walked around Jeri and its beautiful sand dunes. * Didn't get to windsurf as just like Puerto Escondido when this place is off season it is REALLY off season and crappy for it. * Had a heavy night out ending up in me losing everyone in what is a very small town and waking up on a restaurant bench. All good fun =) The windswept but not enough to windsurf version: Well yes I could have windsurfed... but at a very very slow speed with no excitement and with me being the only one out there. Its also pretty damn expencive, prices close to home! So I didn't. But that didn't bother me, the place is beautiful anyway and I can see I need to ... read more
The awesome 4wd bus to Jeri!
The bus from Forta to the 4wd

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara January 25th 2009

We left Barreirinhas on a 4by4 and headed through the dunes to the small town of Paulina Neves from where we jumped on another one to Tutoia. The journey was very rough and scenic and much more fun than doubling back on ourselves on a boring bus! From there we hopped on a bus to the town of Parnaba. We had been unsure of whether to stay a night but decided we would rather move on to our next spot, Piripiri. So after the 3 hour bus ride we finally arrived at about 9.30 that night and went to the first hotel we came across, a very nice little hotel that not only fed us with huge delicious breakfasts but cost us peanuts (we have questioned how people make money over here). We intended to get ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara January 20th 2009

I know I've been slacking on the blog entries. Sorry guys. Been traveling to quite a few beach towns and cities and I just haven't really taken many photos. Too busy exploring the places and swimming at the beaches. Plus, the internet connections haven't been the speediest, so uploading photos to this site takes forever. I'd rather be laying on the beach getting some rays and drinking some brews. Here's the list of the towns and cities I've visited after Rio...with a brief summary: 1. Arraial d´Ajuda - Cool little town. Nice beach. Very Brazilian touristy. 2. Itacare - Very cool town. Lots of young folks my age. Parties in the streets. Great beaches. Lots of babes. 3. Salvador - Huge city. Noticed a lot of poor folk here. Small beaches, but cool to hang out ... read more
Salvador, Brazil
Natal, Brazil
Jericoacoara, Brazil

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara December 30th 2008

So...Lets go to Jerri... Jerri Jerri you´re so fine, you´re so fine you blow my mind.... heh Jerri...(tap tap tap)...heh Jerri! Okay, all fairness, if you need to pay some dude 16 deep sea squids to take you across a beach and 2 rivers for a good hour and a half sitting on the back of a deathtrap of a beach buggy (like a VW beetle, with a frame and massive wheels) you must be going somewhere pretty special and it must be worth it! I´ll let you in on a little secret - it was!!! We tried to barter with this dude because he wanted 66 pound to take 4 if us (Locky on tow plus Cyril frenchie Portugeese translator friend...good man!)on the back of his mean yellow buggy machine - where health ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara October 10th 2008

JERICOACOARA An isolated town with streets made of sand and located by the sea surrounded by dunes and wonderful landscapes. We really fell in love of this place, by day you could explore the dunes and lagoons by buggy while driving along the beach, enjoying the most amazing sun set from the top of the dune overlooking the sea and by night there was a fantastic party atmosphere with trolleys on the beach which were make shift where you can buy the cheapest and best cocktails. We have spent an entire night on the beach with our own make shift bar and barman before heading to a reggae party... ... read more
wonderful sun set

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara October 3rd 2008

Jericoacoara "Jeri" - As we switched from the bus to 4WD and headed into the sand dunes towards Jeri, Frank looked around and commented "this must be the most remote I have ever been..." and it certainly did feel like that, knowing that the little town was surrounded by sand on all sides! Jeri is a hippi town and a destination for windsurfers or kitesurfers and not the idyllic swimming and sun bathing beaches we had hoped for. Given we only had a few days it wasnt really long enough to have lessons in either, so we took advantage of the cool cafes, bars and relaxed in hammocks.... A full day dune buggy ride was great fun....although on the way back we were driving into the wind and the force of the sand was so strong ... read more
Jeri 2

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara August 4th 2008

Ciao, sono arrivato a Jericoacoara, appena faccio delle foto ve le mando. Itacare sembrava un paradiso, questo e molto meglio, non pensavo esistesse un posto cosi. Dune di sabbia bianca ovunque, sembra un deserto ma in realta e pieno d'acqua. Finalmente un tramonto in mare. {peccato esser soli} Baci... read more

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