Blogs from Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brazil, South America


South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara September 7th 2014

Après avoir retrouvé Martin et Ana, nous partons tous les quatre pour 10 jours de folie dans le Nordeste. Nous démarrons notre voyage par la découverte de Jericoacoara, un petit village de ruelles de sable sur la plage au creux des dunes, à la cool ! Le soir, nous montons sur la dune pour observer le coucher du soleil et tenter de voir le rayon vert ! Il paraît que Jeri est « un des rares endroits de la terre d’où on peut l’apercevoir » d’après le Lonely… Mais c’est un échec… Nous regrettons un peu Saint-Lu ! Nous profitons ensuite du barbec et des petites gargottes de caïpi. Nous nous énervons contre le sale chat de l’hôtel qui nous pique une grande tranche de viande mais dégustons le reste de la bonne pièce de bœuf ... read more
Lagoa Paraiso

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara August 19th 2014

Mit einem Bustransport über 4 Stunden von Cumbuco nach Jijoca de Jericoacoara und der anschliessenden Fahrt mit einem kräftigen Pickup durch die Sanddünen habe ich mein Ziel Jericoacoara erreicht. Jeri wie es genannt wird, liegt inmitten von Sanddünen. Neben diesem touristischen Dörfchen gibt es keine anderen bewohnten Gebiete in der Nähe. Für diese Woche mietete ich mich im Hostel América do Sul. Alles was man sich unter einem netten, tradionellen Hostel vorstellt ist hier anzutreffen. Da gibt es die typischen Lagerbetten, viele Hängematten, eine einfache Küche und chilligen Sound der den ganzen Tag leise läuft. Ebenfalls sind Leute aus aller Welt hier und mit den verschiedensten Hintergründen. Da habe ich Italiener getroffen die von Fiat aus geschäftlich unterwegs sind und einen Abstecher hiering geplant haben. Da sind etliche Brasilianer und Argentinier die wohl schon Ihr halbes ... read more
Ausblick aus Lieblingsbar
Hostel Chillbereich

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara March 22nd 2013

Fortaleza was a necessary stop on the way from Pipa to Jericoacoara, but I didn't plan to hang around too long. It's a big city on the coast with a nice enough beach, and that's all there is to say about it. There are better destinations. Next stop was one of the best-kept-everyone-knows-about-it-secrets in all of Brazil - Jericoacoara. It has the hallmarks of the familiar story of old fishing village turned tourist mecca, however luckily mass-tourism hasn't taken over yet. You won't see any high-rise hotels or apartments here, but how long that lasts I'm not sure. Its not terribly easy to get there which helps keep the package deal tourists and geriatric bus hordes at bay. The nearest major airport is 8 hours drive, buses don't (can't) go there, and the only way of ... read more
Every. Day.
Crossing the tidal river
Views from the dunes

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara June 8th 2012

It has been a different time for me, I keep thinking of mum at WDHB while I am having fun. Mum is never far from my thoughts, I know Sharon will look after things as she does, but it must be very hard back there. Down the Rio pregiucas. Well we had a day down the river, which is lined with palms trees to start with and then cuts over to mangroves. After a while we reached the end of the river, and I am talking at least an hour we reached the end where there was a lighthouse on one side and Caburi on the other. At Caburi there is a hotel, on one side of the hotel is the river and then you can walk thorugh to the sea on the other side - ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara June 8th 2012

Just a sample of what we have seen - the crabs were lovely in a souflet... read more
Red Ibis
Which way does the wind blow?

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara April 11th 2012

So I finally tamed the Amazon river from one of the starting tributaries to the end at the Atlantic Ocean. I hopped on her back like she was a bull at the National Finals Rodeo and I rode her for the full 8 seconds (by BTW, did you know that some of the best bull riders come from Brazil? Who would've thought??). Well since I didn't have to navigate the ship, plan the route, etc maybe it was more like riding a horse along a trail. Come to think of it, maybe it was closer to riding a merry-go-round, but that doesn't sound as exciting now does it? I finished the boat ride a few weeks ago and am now traveling south down the coast of Brazil. I will have more details on the trip down ... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara November 21st 2011

November holiday in Ceara, with Bel n Tuga. Sort of lost, true... funny stuff! We found ourselves though :)... read more
Photo 9
Photo 7
Photo 2

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara May 21st 2011

The journey from Barreirinhas to Parnaiba consisted of three legs, the first of which was worthy of its own blog. The three hour ride in a 4x4 truck to Paulino Neves is along a bumpy, mostly flooded track, beginning through forest and ending by passing over vast sand dunes. It was a very uncomfortable ride, but the beauty of the scenery completely took our minds off it. We ate pineapples with an Israeli couple while we waited for the next truck in Paulino Neves, while sitting on the other driver's porch. From here it was only an hour by truck to Tutoia. We had lunch in a restaurant by the river while a local carrying his passport asked Chris if he'd swap identities. He declined. The last leg was a 2 hour bus ride to Parnaiba, ... read more
On the way from Barreirinhas to Paulino Neves
On the way from Barreirinhas to Paulino Neves
Us on the truck

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara April 29th 2011

Dia 11 - Regresso de Jeri, é muito duro... Chegou o dia de regresso. Acordámos bem cedo, por volta das 07:30, fomos tomar o pequeno almoço. Ainda houve tempo de aproveitar a piscina. Às 09:00, hora combinada para regressarmos com passagem em Lagoinha. Mais uma praia paradisiaca, com redes de descanso dentro de água. Estivémos lá até às 13:00, deu para comer uma massa de camarão, uma Skol, uma Kaipirinha e um jarro de suco de laranja. A água da lagoa era simplesmente espectacular. Voltámos até Jijoca e mudámos para a Van. Chegámos por volta das 17:30 a Fortaleza. Tomar um banho e... Spranger's in the night. É daqui que escrevo o blog hoje, é que já tem wireless :) Neste momento o bar está bem composto.... read more

South America » Brazil » Ceará » Jericoacoara April 28th 2011

Dia 10 - A praia de Jeri... e a piscina do hotel Acordámos bem cedo, eram 07:30. O pequeno almoço já estava na mesa. Muita fruta, sucos, pão, café, leite, bolos... havia de tudo para todos os gostos. Mesmo junto à praia e a ver o mar... delicioso. Terminado o pequeno almoço, uma ida até à praia, o mar estava bem longe, a maré estava vazia. Deu para dar uma corrida até ao cimo da Duna do Pôr do Sol. A água estava quentinha, melhor que em fortaleza. Depois da praia fomos dar uma volta às ruas de Jeri (praticamente 2 ruas) e fomos tomar banho à piscina (só para nós). Por volta das15:50 hora de procurar ESPN, para ver Benfica - Braga (1ªmão da Liga Europa) ficou 2-1. Passeámos mais um pouco e acabámos por ... read more

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