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June 24th 2007
Published: June 24th 2007
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Atravez de uma fresta numa pedraAtravez de uma fresta numa pedraAtravez de uma fresta numa pedra

Que de perdas, de alguma foram se encontrem ganhos.
Yeap! Not all travel is about fun. Some are about sorrow and loss, like this one.
My father passed away and it wasn't easy not having the chance to say goodbye.
In Tibet it takes 3 days from death to burrial and in the US usually 7 or more days. In Brazil, however, it all happens in less than 24 hours, and I did not arrive in time to be there at the end.
For those of you who live away from your families, I say this: visit as much as you can and make every minute count. Find ways to make the distance shorter.
I am glad to say that this travel blog got me closer to my Dad more than anything else this past year. He was an avid reader and knew a lot about the world, but he didn't travel. He "saw" parts of the world thru my photos and diaries. I often received nice comments and messages from him wherever I was, even when I didn't have a chance to write in Portuguese, which I did primarily for him. I was sad we didn't get the chance to chat about Russia, a destination I embraced having
Fim do dia num rio Fim do dia num rio Fim do dia num rio

Sossego ainda nao perdido
him in mind.

(Pai, Sentirei saudades, seja onde eu esteja, e de alguma forma, sinto que continuaremos nossas "caminhadas" nesse mundo a fora, ainda mais juntos.)

Sorry friends, but I just feel a need to continue in Portuguese this time.

Eh! Essa ida ao Brazil foi cheia de PERDAS, a maior sendo a PERDA do meu pai.
Mas senti muitas outras perdas tambem:

PERDA DE ESPERANCA de que a corrupcao na politica brasileira acabarah. Nossa! Mais do que nunca os escandalos explodem, e o que eh pior, punicao eh inexistente.

PERDA DE VERGONHA dos politicos desmascarados, que parecem nem se importar com as manchetes detalhadas de suas trapassas, sempre usando o dinheiro do povo pra beneficio pessoal.

Com isso, brota a PERDA DE CONFIANCA no sistema politico e judicial.

Com a sociedade em crise, vi ainda mais PERDA DE SEGURANCA. Nao me importo de sentir medo de bichos, mas me importo muito, e me entristesso, em sentir medo do bicho homem. Maceio era cidade segura, mas nao mais. Nunca fui tao alertada e escutei tantos relatos de violencia e roubos.

PERDA DE TRANQUILIDADE e PRAZER ao caminhar nas ruas.

Como viajante,
Morros de Camaragibe Morros de Camaragibe Morros de Camaragibe

A beleza nao se perde, mas sim se acha de forma diferente, quando a mare recua
senti tambem a PERDA DE TEMPO, de JUIZO, de PACIENCIA e mais um outro tipo de SEGURANCA nos aeroportos e ares no Brasil.
Muitas PERDAS, e ate perda de vc

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Morros de Camaragibe em mare baixaMorros de Camaragibe em mare baixa
Morros de Camaragibe em mare baixa

Aonde paz nao foi perdida
Do fundo do marDo fundo do mar
Do fundo do mar

A aqua recua pra revelar mais beleza

24th June 2007

sad to hear about your dad
Hello Patricia, I'm so sorry for your loss. Cherish the moments past and keep your father in your heart and your mind. he will be watching over you in your travels I am sure. Take care. Julie
24th June 2007

I'm sorry to hear that... Thanks for remind us!
Hi Patricia, remember me? Marcello from Maceio, who was living in New York City and moved to San Francisco... Well, first of all I'd like to say that I'm sorry for the loss of your father and when I read your blog it was just after praying the rosary and I saw your post... I have to tell you that you message remind us about the most precious people in our lives are our parents and even being far, we have to make ourselves close to them in spirit, thoughts, and visit them when we get the chance to... You made me think a lot about my family who's still there and I don't know what to do in case of something happens... So I will be praying for you and your dad and I hope he can rest in peace and I'm sure he will since I know how good you guys might be forever... Thanks for sharing this sad moment because it can help others, like me, to think and renew with our parents and be with them each minute we can... Have a nice weekend... Marcello
24th June 2007

Patricia, Lamento muito mesmo. Perdi minha mãe em dezembro, exatamente uma semana após nossa ida a Maceió. A palavra perda é a que mais descreve o sentimento que temos. Por mais que a gente siaba que um dia isso vai acontecer, na hora a nunca estamos preparados. Muita força! Qualquer coisa que precisar de mim, é só dizer. Beijos.
24th June 2007

Marcello, Ana, Julie and Elizabeth
Thanks for your words and thoughts. It's nice to hear from people who relate to our feelings. Wishing you well. Patricia
4th May 2012
Morros de Camaragibe em mare baixa

Vive muito tempo neste lugar
Minha família materna é deste lugar passei boas ferias, realmente é um paraíso.

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