Blogs from Salar de Uyuni, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 7


South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni February 19th 2013

Naktį kas valandą bėgioju į tualetą, bet ryte atsikėlęs jaučiuosi kurkas geraiu nei vakar ir ištiesų jaučiuosi pailsėjęs. Papusryčiavę laukiam dar porą valandų kol tvarkomas mūsų džipas kuris man nuo pirmų valandų nekelia didelio pasitikėjimo. Bet gamta graži, tad nieko prieš palaukti nedideliame kaimelyje. Džipas pataisomas iki patenkinamos būklės ir važiuojam iki pirmosios lagunos kur pirmą kartą pamatau laisvėje gyvenančius flamingus. Pabandom arčiau prie jų prieiti, bet jie nuskrenda. Vaizdai aplink fantastiški, aplink kalnai, augmenija labai nyki nes aukštis visur apie 4km. Aplankom dar kelias lagunas, bei mėgaujamės vaizdais pro džipo langą. Privažiuojam nacionalinio parko teritoriją, čia papildomai dar reik susimokėti apie 70 litų. Įvažiuojam į parką, ir visai čia pat apsistojam iki vakaro. Papietaujam, bet iki saulėlydžio dar apie 2 valandas tad einam pasivaikščioti prie ežero, ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni February 19th 2013

Keliamės dar prieš patekant saulei, papusryčiaujam, pasitinkam saulę ir važiuojam tolyn. Pakylam dar šiek tiek aukščiau, aplink pasirodo sniegas. Netrukus privažiuojam geizerius. Nieko panašaus savo akim nesu matęs, iš žemės veržiasi karšti garų kamuoliai. Priėjus arčiau galima matyti kaip žemėje kunkuliuoja vanduo. Aplink matosi daugybė vulkanų su apsnigtomis viršūnėmis. Pasigrožim geizeriais apie pusvalandį ir važiuojam toliau. Sustojam prie karšto vandens srovių kur galima išsimaudyti. Sušokam į karštą vandenį, tuo tarpu vairuotojas vieną bendrakeleivį nuveža iki Čilės pasienio iš kur jis toliau keliaus į San Pedro de Atacama. Karšto dušo neturėjau beveik savautę laiko, tad šitas karšto vandens baseinas tikra atgaiva. Tai jau paskutinis mūsų ekskursijos etapas, iš čia ilga gelionė atgal į Uyuni. Aš su olandu juokingu vardu Freek, turim nusipirkę autobuso bilietus 18.30 į miestelį Poto... read more

I was told I couldn't get to Bolivia from San Pedro because the salar was completely flooded AND strikes and protests were blocking entrance. But when I got to SP I was told that that was yesterday and its all good now. The salt desert was under a foot of water but it was still gorgeous. I could say a lot, but some things are more amazing than words can describe.... read more
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de Uyuni

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni December 18th 2012

We've been back almost 3 weeks now - been putting off finishing the blogs. But the story must be told! So at last it is time for the second installment of our Tupiza-Uyuni tour, this covers day 3 and 4. First stop of day 3 was the "arbol de piedra" (tree of stone). I think you can see where it gets its name: The stone tree was off limits for climbing, but all the surrounding rocks had some nice bouldering opportunities. The cold and high altitude were an issue though, my fingers and lungs were hurting after scrambling up a few rocks. The next hour or so of driving was pretty barren, save for a few vicuñas and emu things (whatever they are called). It'... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni December 16th 2012

Our 4 day, 3 night offroad tour was so epic it deserves two blogs. This is the first installment, covering days 1 and 2. The adventure started in Tupiza at 8am, where we met the other two travellers who would be sharing our vehicle for the next 4 days. It turned out they were a nice irish couple who were also on their honeymoon. The vehicle was a toyota landcruiser, and we later found out that every single tour agency all use landcruisers. They call them Jeeps though, so I will too. Our driver Mario spoke little english but he spoke very slow and simple Spanish that we were all able to understand. We were glad we saved the $20 each for the english speaking guide option. With the introductions made, we threw our big bags ... read more

The decision to go to Bolivia was pretty last minute. As in until 1 week ago, we were not going there! However after chatting to various people and researching further into what we were going to do in South America, we decided to go for it! As we mentioned before, there are mixed stories about people's experiences of the tours of the salt flats, so with everything crossed, we booked the best reviewed company we could find and hoped for the best! We were picked up in a bus in the morning with 12 people on board, this meant that because it was 6 to a jeep, we were looking at full jeeps for the rest of the ride. Because we were crossing desert and salt flats, four wheel drive is basically the only way to ... read more
more mineral mountains
last lagoon of the day
beautiful red lagoon

The landscape started to change a little bit on a way to Tupiza. The soil started to look a little bit reddish and different vegetation appeared out of nowhere. Tupiza region is said to look like an American wild-wild west, however we cannot judge as this part of the world is still ahead of us to discover. We stopped only once on a way for some ‘almuerzo’ and toilet and even though there was a pretty decent restaurant with FREE banos, majority of locals from our bus went straight to the hard shoulder and just did their business. What the hell? Even woman, who are usually shy of such situations, would lift up their vast, multi-layered skirts and just squat on the ground. Well, maybe in our society it is called ‘private’ business but definitely not ... read more
amazing landscape around Tupiza
behave boys or else....
we even saw twister

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni November 15th 2012

Arriving in to the border town of Villazion was an experience as half the town played host to a carnival of some sort. There were hundreds of kids wearing a variety of colourful outfits and dancing to an off-key brass band. The plaza was a no-go area, but nonetheless Ellie and I found ourselves there trying to reach the town's only cash point. The locals tried to be helpful, by directing us, but they seemed to overlook the carnival and the temporary stands as notable obstacles to our progression! Eventually we passed through the masses, got our cash and then hot footed it to the station. We were told it was 7 blocks from the border, this was a lie of epic proportions, we battled on for what seemed like an age, the altitude adding about ... read more
Bolivian Carnival
Gates of Hell
Kids Play

After I somehow managed to end up in Chile I dont even remember now where to begin... I think it was... SANTA CRUZ! Santa Cruz is a town that doesn't seem bolivian at all compared to other cities. It has a mix of small town feeling in a big city. Or the other way around? It's rather relaxed and green, and very very very hot! too hot, but I was there for a reason: DIEGO! Diego is a Colombian friend that I worked with in London! And I have to tell you that this is happiness: meeting a friend on the other side of the world, a piece of home set in the middle of south America :) priceless, and worth every night spend on a bus, which were 3 out of 4 in total, sometimes ... read more
dont pee- its all made of salt!

Der Südwesten Boliviens ist von einer riesigen Wüste auf 4000m Höhe bedeckt, Ausläufer der Atacama-Wüste. Vom Ort Uyuni aus buchten wir einen Drei-Tages-Trip mit einem Jeep durch diese Wüste. Was wir alles gesehen haben erzählen die Bilder. Die Gruppe war eigentlich perfekt. Holger, ein deutscher Expat in Paraguay, Blancha, eine 71-jährige Musikprofessorien aus Argentinien, Sio, eine Werbefilmerin aus Macao (Referenz: davor und danach noch ein paar Videos von uns), Mario, unser Fahrer und Oscar, ein Stimmungsmacher aus Amsterdam. Schnell wurde Blancha zur "Mamma", Sio zur "Little Sister" und wir alle zur "Familia". Drei Tage Spaß und beeindruckende Landschaften. Und bei jeder Bewegung außer Atem :). Mehr Fotos von unserem lustigen Trip gibts auch noch hier: (Flickr-Account von Sio, von diese... read more
geht ja gut los... :)
Train Cemetery
double Bolt arms

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