Blogs from Huayna Potosí, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 3


The first thing you notice when arriving in La Paz is the scarily busy streets filled with many markets and the constant sound of car horns. The most interesting market is the witches market which is filled with different potions, llama foetuses, jaguar skins and other more things used for different spells and sacrifices. Aswell as looking around the city we managed to fit in some activities too. Dave and some friends cycled down Death Road, which is known as the most dangerous road in the world. You begin at over 4000 meters high above La Paz then descend 3000 meters in 80km and end at Coroico. The road itself didnt feel that dangerous, it was however, the hundreds of cyclists flying down the hills on cheap bikes with bad breaks which made it scary. Everyone ... read more
Huyana Potosi
Ice Climbing
Huyana Potosi

Last Sat there was a giant festival in all of La Paz that started at about 9am and went till about 3am. The streets were packed with people and there was a huge on-going parade. It was pretty fun to watch. It was also the day of the Bolivia vs. Venezuela soccer match. We spent the day walking through the festival and then went to the soccer game, which was pretty exciting, but Bolivia lost.. On Monday I started the H.P. climb. The first day we tried on gear and then headed to our first refuge camp, which was really really nice. We then had a few hours of practice on a glacier so we could get used to the crampons and using our ice picks. Day two we were able to sleep in, had lunch, ... read more
festival and la paz
sportin our Bolivia shirts
huayna potosi

Why do you keep stopping? the guide asked with an irritated expression on his face and agitation in his voice. Mmm...because I can't breathe!?! I replied in turn. The monster had flicked his switch. The previous morning Christophe and I were left waiting in vain for our departure. C's guide had called in sick and the agency was desperately (in Bolivian terms) trying to find a replacement. Low and behold, an hour later Mr. Sick shows up smelling of liquor. An exchange of words followed between him and the agency owner and things seemed to be settled. C was looking kind of nervous. Never having done any serious climbing, let alone high altitude ice climbing, he didn't want his first experience to be his last. He needn't have worried. In a twist worthy of a James ... read more
Will it help?
Will Power
Ski Power

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí December 18th 2008

Huayna Potosi is a mountain located in Bolivia, not far and north-west of La Paz. The idea to summit this mountain was initiated by our Dutch friend Jerome who had recently tackled it successfully. He showed Steve some photos and that was all it took - he was hooked. The summit sits at 6088 metres above sea level and although it is a mixed climb with some technical difficulty, not a lot of experience is necessary making it the ideal mountain for us to try. We did some investigating once we arrived in La Paz and found an agency which offers a 3 day trip for reaching the summit. All equipment required is provided and they work with a ratio of one guide for two people. This agency also owns the refugios (hut accommodations on the ... read more
La Paz, Bolivia
Mining graveyard

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí December 10th 2008

Hello again. Nice to see you. How are you doing? So, before I set off for my trip, I had a couple of goals. One of them was to become as close to fluent as possible in Spanish. Another was to climb a 6,000m mountain. The first one is coming along alright, and in the next few paragraphs you'll find out whether my attempt to achieve the other one was successful or not. Day 1 I'd always earmarked Huayna Potosi as the one I was going to make my attempt on, as standing at 6,088m, it has a reputation as being one of the easiest 6,000m + mountains to climb. And that's how it came to be that myself, Hans, a Belgian that would be attempting the mountain with me, and our guide Nelson left La ... read more
Ice climbing
Old Glacier
View from the Summit

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí November 24th 2008

Hauyna Potosi Hauyana Potosi is a mountain an hour or so to the north of La Paz standing at a whopping 6,088m or near enough 20,000ft! I thought oh it would be cool to climb that then i will have beaten dad before he even gets to the top of Mont Blanc! So i me and the only willing volunteer Joe set off to climb a very big mountain and this is what went on; Day One & Two We set off from La Paz in a taxi with our guide Phillipe for two hours up dirt roads to the lodge at base camp (4,700m) which was already surrounded in cloud (Camera died here so all these photos were donated by Joe). We had some lunch at base before getting our ice boots and thermals on ... read more
Crampons for the glacier
Me and big crevass
Death Road

Despues de 13 horas durmiendo, empezamos a realizar lo que hicimos. El 1 de octubre 2008 es un dia muy especial para nostros. Por primera vez en nuestra vida escalamos sobre mas de 6000 metros - llegamos a la cumbre del Huayna Potosi. Estamos muy orgullosos pero todavia muy, muy cansados. Pero - lo hicimos junto con el nuestro amigo Vladimir. Y lo mejor: no habia ni niebla ni neve - tuvimos una vistas estupenda! Gracias a nuestro guia Felix! So und nun der Rest in Deutsch: Nach 13 Stunden Schlaf geht es uns besser und wir koennen langsam wieder klar denken. Der 1. Oktober 2008 geht in unsere ureigene Geschichte ein. Um 6.20 Uhr morgens standen wir auf dem 6.088m hohen Huayna Potosi: megastolz, es geschafft zu haben, aber so kaputt, dass wir uns erst ... read more
In unserem Luxus-Biwak
Unser first class Hotel von aussen
Wir auf dem Gipfel

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Huayna Potosí September 16th 2008

Lordag 13. sept dro vi til Refugio Huanyna Potosi paa en tre dagers tur for aa bestige Huayna Potosi. Et fjell paa 6088 moh. Foerste dag var det klatretrening paa isbre med stegjern og isoeks anfoert av lege og mountaineer Dr. Hugo Martin. Lege i regntiden og mountaineer i hoysesongen... Hovedgrunnene til at vi hadde valgt dette firma var at Senior Doctor virket svaert serioes og at det var overnatting i hytter begge nettene. Teltlivet virket ikke saa fristende der oppe i kulden. I tillegg til oss to var ogsaa Petra fra Sveits med. Doktoren (svarte kun paa tiltale naar tittel ble benyttet) var en svaert ivrig laerer og vi holdt paa i isbreen til krampa tok oss og solen forlengst var gaatt ned. I det vi pakket sammen sluttet det aa snoe, og en vakker ... read more
Paa vei til Huayna Potosi
Mot high camp
Styrkedrikk, coca-te, inntas i high camp

So after just 3 full days of acclimatisation in La Paz, it was time to take up the challenge of Huayna Potosi. Those have have been reading the blogs will remember that Chris and I summited the Volcano Cotopaxi, during our time in Ecuador, which was a height of 5897 metres, well HP offered an even stronger challenge, with a summit that tops 6088 metres. At 19'973 feet, its a shade under 20'000 feet, a distance so close that the thought of carrying a ladder to the summit with me had crossed my mind! But still, its pretty damn high so onwards and upwards as they say! My preparation hadnt quite gone as well as it could have it has to be said. The night before we set off, I attempted to get an early night ... read more
The First Refuge (4624 metres)
The wind was up on the first day....
The jagged seracs,

Samstag, 29.03.2008. So - da bin ich wieder. Gestern wieder mal frueh, das heisst um 06.30 h aufgestanden und im Dunkeln alles zusammengepackt. In der Nacht hatte es geregnet, so dass das Zelt noch nass war. Nach 2 Stunden Fahrt durch das einsame, noerdliche, wolkenverhangene Argentinien treffen wir an der bolivianischen Grenze ein. Das Wetter hatte sich zwischenzeitlich etwas gebessert. In Bolivien veraendert sich einiges schlagartig. 90 % der Bevoelkerung ist indigenen Ursprungs und mit ihrer Kultur stark verwurzelt. Die meisten Leute sind noch sehr urspruenglich gekleidet. Auch die Strassen verandern sich drastisch. Meistens fahren wir nur noch auf schlecht unterhaltenen Schotterstrassen. Unser Gefaehrt verwandelt sich in einen veritablen Schuettelbecher! Auch unsere Uhren mussten wir eine Stunde nachstellen - der Zeitunterschied zur Schweiz betraegt nun (-) 5 Stunden. Wir fahren bis ... read more
Bolivianische Grenze
Hard road
Zerfetzter Reifen

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