Blogs from Cochabamba, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, South America - page 3


South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba November 16th 2011

On our last day in La Paz, we took a relaxed day trip to the Moon Valley - sandstone stalagmites that are busy eroding away. A lot of the town actually looks like that - not sure what type of insurance the guys take out for their houses! We saw some house clinging precariously to the edge of the sandstone cliffs. The past few days have seen big action! We kicked off with the Death Road cycle - claimed as the most dangerous road in the world, we set off with 4 others and a guide. The first part was great for Phil - 32kms of downhill on smooth tarmac. The rest of the road kept Marco happy with downhill offroad stuff for the next 33kms. The scenery was spectacular, the photos don´t give it justice. ... read more
Moon Valley
Moon Valley
 Shoe Shine!

Bonita ciudad, con un centro de aires coloniales, una parte más céntrica donde las calles se están quedando pequeñas. Y alrededores de calles anchas, con buenas aceras y algunas grandes avenidadas. Sorprendidos del gran número de restaurantes, y de la gran afluencia que tienen de gente. Debe ser que la gastronomía es un punto fuerte de esta ciudad. Un gran cristo domina la ciudad, está prohibido mearse dentro. LA subida en teleférico es muy bonita. Un mercado o cancha, lleno de cualquier artículo que podamos necesitar Al estar preparando las maletas para salir hacia Uyuni, Carol se da cuenta que su pasaporte no está, la ultima vez que lo vió en los lavabos del aeropuerto… Por suerte lo encontramos en información ... read more

Well it´s been a very long time since I´ve blogged so this is going to be a long one! I left off in Peru as we were about to head to Cusco. We flew from Lima in a tiny plane (much to my horror) but arrived unscathed in Cusco in the early morning. At 3300 metres above sea level, the altitude hits you right away, I felt like I´d downed a bottle of red after getting off the plane! We spent the next two days aclimatising as we were all feeling pretty horrible from altitude sickness but got to know Cusco as quite a cool city with good restaurants, bars and markets. There are lots of tourists here as it is the gateway to the Inca Trail. Unfortunately I came down with a head cold the ... read more

At last I met the woman of my dreams on this trip on an excursion to a local national park (see first photograph). A friendship developed and we seemed closer with each passing moment (see second photograph), eventually achieving such a rapport that she fell asleep in my arms (see last photograph). However, my future happiness was cruelly snatched from my grasp when due to the callous adherence to petty regulations by the British Embassy they refused to grant her a British passport. What hope for this world if such coexistence is discouraged! Por fin conocí a la mujer de mis sueños en este viaje de excursión a un parque nacional (ver primera foto). Una amistad y nos parecía más a cada momento (ver segunda foto), con el tiempo el logro de una relación que se ... read more
asleep in my arms

We arrived for the second time in Cochabamba's seedy southern part of town. The area smells like a developing country, the streets laden with garbage and full of people. The streets in the southern part are not appealing in the least, the buildings almost universally appear to be in some state of decay. Walking north the city changes quickly, the buildings began to appear cleaner and the litter lessened to nothing. We walked past the central plaza and the cathedral and checked into a huge hostel/hotel hybrid. After much faffing about town, we sat in a huge American style (searching for the right word....) restaurant, Globos. The menu had a huge array of cakes, ice creams, elaborate drinks and eventually a huge selections of sandwiches. We ate well and there was cake left over. Watching Brazil ... read more
Cristo de la Concordia
Cristo de la Concordia

Knowing we would be hiking the inca trail few days after arriving in Cusco we spent our time relaxed and preparing. We visited markets, enjoying the meals there for less than £1 and walked around the beautiful city. We had our briefing on the trek, which made us all nervous as they discussed hours of walking uphill, cold weather conditions and carrying large sleeping equipment. The first day didn't start well when our alarm failed to go off (at 5am) and our guide is at our door wondering why we weren't ready! Secondly we quickly learnt that 3 Aussy guys and us were the only people daft enough not to pay for an additional porter. It wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the weighty sleeping bag and mattress we needed to carry with ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba December 24th 2010

Rano sme sa vydali naspat do Cochabamba jedinym autobusom odchadzajucim z Torotoro o 6 rano. Cesta a okolie bolo krasne, ale vsetko sme videli vcera len v opacnom poradi a tak sme vacsinu cesty prespali. Najvacsim rozruchom bolo ked sa autobus pokazil a zastavil, ale soferovi sa nastastie podarilo opravit zavadu. V autobuse mi zacalo byt naozaj zle a to bol aj jeden z dovodom pre ktore sme sa rozhodi stravit tuto noc v Cochabambe a nepokracovat dalej. Po par hodinach spanku som sa citila ovela lepsie a tak sme vyrazili do mesta. V meste bolo strasne vela zobrakov, hlavne matky s malymi detmi. Niektorym sme dali drobne, ale natiahnutych ruk bolo ovela viac ako nasich drobnych. Mali sme so sebou flasku pepsi a v jednom momente sa maly chlapec na tu flasku zavesil a pozeral ... read more
vanocni vyzdoba/christmas deco
vahovy byznys/weight business
cestou nazpet/on the way back

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba December 8th 2010

Der Grenzübertritt von Peru nach Bolivien verlief unkomplizierter und lockerer als erwartet. An einem Tischchen unter dem Bild mit dem dekorierten Evo Morales wird ein einfacher Stempel in den Pass gedrückt. Die einzigen die sich abmühen mussten, waren die US-Bürger, die ein Visum für 135 USD lösen müssen und dafür einige Zeit aufwenden. Nach kurzer Fahrzeit treffen wir in Copacabana ein, treiben ein Taxi auf und lassen uns zum Hotel Chasqui del Sol fahren. Das Hotel ist nett, hat seine beste Zeit jedoch bereits hinter sich. Copacabana ist ein herziges Städtchen, mit einigen Lädeli-Strassen und vor allem einer Imbiss-Buden-Strasse am Strand vom Titicacasee. In einigen dieser Buden assen wir die Beste Forelle die wir je hatten. Das Forellemahl wurde zum festen Tagesbestandteil während unserer paar Erholungstage in Copacabana. ... read more
Unser Hotel...schön aber ausgestorben
Das Hotelkätzchen
Abendessen mit dem Schweizer Geologen Theo

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba November 9th 2010

day before halloween. I dont have a costume and actually right now my stomaches not entirely ok. Think Im still going out which is Ironic. Many moments have arisen that actually make me contemplate what the hell Im doing. For example drunk watching the sun come up and after sitting at jose luis's house at 8am drinking a beer. ... Seeing 3 sunrises back to back... I worked security at this discoteca called Tequilas and failed sort of at stomping randoms from approaching the band. I managed to somewhat succeed in my new job but they may just like me and have decided to just let me in for free and give me a few drinks. I also joined a rugby team "National Rugby team of bolivia" only because theres only 6 different teams in the ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba November 1st 2010

Or Why I'm a Shit Boyfriend We waited for our 9:00PM bus in Uyuni at a bar called “Extreme Fun Pub” which, surprisingly, was not Japanese. Our main motivation for eating and drinking there was because the Lonely Planet said that they had a book exchange and, thanks to the boring as shit salt flats, I’d finished mine. Turns out the Lonely Planet was wrong. Again. But it was an ok evening - the food was basic (a menu consisting solely of burgers and nuggets) but tasty, the staff were friendly and the drink selection was a bit of a laugh. They had a shot called “Llama semen” which featured a secret ingredient and a series of drinking challenges which gave the place its motto of “not for chickens”. The ultimate challenge was 10 drinks - ... read more

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