Blogs from El Chaltén, Santa Cruz, Argentina, South America - page 25


South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén February 15th 2006

A rainy day by the lake, sheltered in the woods... read more

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén February 14th 2006

An 8 hour trek to see some clouds... read more
Appearing from the cloud
A little more

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén February 12th 2006

I have backdated this entry and it will speed through several locales with the most important being Mount Fitzroy located in El Chalten, Argentina. This is Sara by the way. We last left you at the Torres del Paine in Chile following an expensive lunch and a dusty bus ride. We then spent two nights in Peurto Natales eating wonderful vegetarian food, getting our laundry done, and doing some serious R & R following our tough trek. Our hostel was wonderful, with a great breakfast and the manager was extremely helpful and nice. We left on Peurto Natales on February 14 for Calafate, another touristy town but this time in Argentina. We were worried that our food would get confisgated in Argentina if we had anything fresh since the border crossing to Chile had been so ... read more
Sara and Jill. . .on a Glacier
Magellanic Woodpecker
Mount Fitz Roy

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén February 8th 2006

Zu viert sind mir am Sunntig Morge am 8i uf e Bus nach El Chaltén gange. Dr Oobe vorhär isch mehr oder weniger ruhig und eher gmüetlig verloffe und mir sind sogar no vor de 12e ins Bett cho. D Fahrt isch vorwiegend durch die patagonischi Pampa verloffe, im Oschte no knapp in Sichtwite die schneebedeckti Andeketti. So gege Mittag sind mir in El Chaltén acho. El Chaltén sälber isch wiederum ganz andersch als el Calafate. Es git au im Dorf keini teerte Stroosse, was drzue füerht, dass nach jedem Auto e riseigi Staubwolke in Windrichtig durch dr ganzi Ort weiht -- das heisst alli paar Minute tief Luft hole, Auge zue und Luft ahalte, denn witerlaufe. S Dorf sälber seht us, wie wenn s grad in däm Momänt wurd besiedlet wärde. D Hälfti vo de ... read more
Strasse nach El Chaltén
Das Fitz Roy Massiv
Auf dem Mirador Lago de los Tres

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén January 29th 2006

James and I are back safe and sound from our second major attempt at trekking in Patagonia. Again it was very succesful and we got to enjoy some top views along the way. The terrain was easier than last time with much less climbing to be done, but the notoriously fickle Patagonian weather made sure that the trek was never easy, with lashings of wind and rain to keep us on our toes!! A quick summary and some piccies follows: Day 1 - I hadn´t been feeling all that well in the run up to this trek so I found the quite gentle first day´s walk to Laguna Torre quite tough and was glad to reach camp. One thing I hadn´t mentioned about the previous trek - possibly because I had attempted to blank the painful ... read more
Day 1 - Cerro Torre and Glaciar Torre
Day 2 - Glaciar Torre
Day 2 - Monte Fitz Roy

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén December 15th 2005

El Chaltén is a new town, inaugurated only 20 years ago, known as "the capital of trekking", due to the amount of tourists who come here to do just that. And the truth is that one cannot deny that the landscapes are indeed beautiful. Connected to El Calafate by a gravel road, the 135 mile, five hour journey seems never-ending. The incessant shaking and rattling of the bus makes everything wobble like a strawberry jelly (note to self: MUST lose weight at any cost), it is impossible to rest, read, nor entertain yourself in any other way. We understand this is what awaits us in Bolivia for example (where only about 5% of the roads are paved) so we guess it was good practice for what's to come... When we arrived at our destination we had ... read more
Planning the route / planeando la ruta
Wild flower / Flor silvestre
Good balance required / Se precisa buen equilibrio

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén December 14th 2005

I've decided that the hardest thing about hiking in the backcountry at El Chalten is the constant stream of other gringos who walk past saying Hola, Hola, Hola ... I tried everything from G'day to Cheers, but I got the same response time and time again ... just Hola. The only satisfaction I could derive from this situation was when I replied with 'Buenos Tardes' ... for some reason that seemed to throw most people. Oh what joy there is in the simple things in life. As always, I start in the middle of the story. We managed to escape Coihaique despite the public holiday. As an aside, I read somewhere that there were two cities called 'Coyhaique' or some such, so to avoid confusion with directions they changed the spelling of this town to Coihaique ... read more
Dog of the Day
Ferry Crossing
Cool Dude

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén December 14th 2005

Alle.... Nach einer etwas laengeren Pause also endlich mal wieder das Neueste aus dem Sueden Suedamerikas: Ich schreibe euch gerade aus unserem Hostel in Calafate, rechts von mir ein Kamin; wenn ich aus der grossen Fensterfront vor mir schaue, sehe ich den tuerkisfarbenen Lago Argentino und dahinter einen Andengipfel an den Naechsten gereiht. Wir sind gestern hier angekommen und geniessen seitdem die Vorzuege die eine Stadt, auch wenn es nur eine kleine Stadt ist, zu bieten hat: Supermaerkte in denen man von A-Z alles kaufen kann, Weihnachtsdekorationen in den Schaufenstern, Eiscafes, Coffeebars, ja sogar Taxis und einen Busbahnhof gibt es hier. Und natuerlich endlich wieder eine Internetverbindung die erschwinglich ist. Wie ihr euch wahrscheinlich mittlerweile denken koennt gab es all das in den letzten Wochen nicht. Dafuer gab es majestaetisch wirkende Berge, glasklare Gebirgsbaeche, t... read more

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