Blogs from Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina, South America - page 9


South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 13th 2010

Hey so the falls were absolutely amazing. so tall and they were quite spread out, they covered a lot of land. They were on different levels and were really fast flowing. The first site of the falls took your breath away! The Brazilian side gave you a good idea of the layout of the falls, you could walk a little way into the spray and you could go up a viewing tower. The Argentinian side you could see the falls up close and you could peer over the edge into the falls mist. Unfortunately on the the Argentinian side, it was rather cloudy. We all sat in the jeep to take us to the boat in which we were going to go under the falls, and it just started to pour down. Not just rain, the ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 12th 2010

Hey guys, sorry i havent blogged for ages.....When im in Buenos Aires, il update you, thats where we are off to tomorrow. x... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 9th 2010

Onze laatste dag in Puerto Iguazu... In de voormiddag brachten we een bezoek aan de mijn Wanda.. Er worden hier edelstenen opgedelfd: agaat (geel), ametist (paars) en rozenkwarts. De veiligheid liet hier een beetje na... we gingen de mijn bekijken terwijl ze in een andere gang dynamiet lieten springen om verder in de mijn te geraken. Toen mochten we ook in die mijn gaan kijken hoe ze daar werkten... Toen iedereen terug buiten was - "Volgens mij zijn ze dat allemaal, laat ma knallen " - staken ze nog een paar lontjes af. Daarna werden we langs het atelier geloodst en natuurlijk ook langs het winkeltje... een paar souveniertjes gekocht van de eigenaar die van Lucca - Italia bleek te zijn... De namiddag doorgebracht aan het zwembad van het hotel, wat gelezen, een duikje genomen...gerelaxed. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 6th 2010

Vlucht naar Puerto Iguazu, we gaan van het Patagonische ijs naar een zwoele tropische zon. beter gezegd subtropisch heet en vochtig.. > 70% 2 stappen zetten en zweten.. kenmerkend hier is de roodbruine aarde.. Hostel is super, iedere kamer heeft hier zo zijn eerste gebruik was de plee al verstopt, na het 'onweer' van 's avonds stroomt het water via de lamp int plafond naar beneden bij de buren.. en de bewoner was zo stom om de lamp aan te doen, helaas kan hij het niet meer navertellen naast de schimmelgeur is er dus ook nog de geur van ontbinding ;-).. Rond de middag waren we ter plaatse, de spullen even op de kamer gegooid en dan tot aan het 3 landen punt gewandeld omdat het nog te vroeg was om te eten. Argentina, Paraguay ... read more
Luchthaven Puerto Iguazu
Luchthaven Puerto Iguazu
Puerto Iguazu

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú October 31st 2010

We took the bus up to the Iguazu Falls from Buenos Aires which took 18 hours. It was however very comfortable and we felt like we were in business class with big padded seats and food and drinks. Laura wasn’t too keen on the nightcap of whisky though. When we got there we found a nice hostel and adjusted to the 30 degree heat we were now in. The falls are on the border of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay but we stuck to the Argentinian side as they have nearly 200 of them and we thought that would be enough to keep us busy. We went on a boat which takes you up close to the main one called Devil’s Throat and we got soaked! We also got to see racoons, butterflies, iguanas and a turtle ... read more
laura thinking she'd broken the camera...
but it's not!
a bridge over troubled water

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú October 22nd 2010

Leider hat es in der Nacht angefangen zu regnen. Deshalb fahren wir nicht wie geplant schon mit dem ersten Bus nach Cataratas, sonder warten erstmal ab und hoffen das der Regen nachlässt. Leider tut uns der Wettergott diesen Gefallen aber nicht, sodass wir gengen 11:00 Uhr bei leichtem Regen yu den Wasserfällen fahren. Dort angekommen, geht es mit dem Touristenzug gleich mal bis zur "Garganta del Diablo", dem Teufelsschlund. Es ist der grösste der zahlreichen Wasserfälle. Noch bis zur Kante fliesst der Iguazu langsam und beschaulich dahin und lässt nichts von der gewaltigen Kraft erahnen, die er freisetzt, sobald der die Klippe hinunterstürzt. Leider lässt sich die Sonne den ganzen Tag nicht blicken, nur gegen Mittag hört es kurz auf zu regnen. Das hat natürlich negative Auswirkungen auf unsere Fotos, aber dafür erleben wir das Element ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú October 21st 2010

In der Nacht machen wir halt in Concordia. Die nervenden Telefonierer aus der letzten Reihe haben sich schon den Unmut der anderen Mitreisenden eingefangen. Gott sei dank verlassen sie den Bus und es herrscht endlich Ruhe. Am Morgen hat sich die Landschaft um uns herum noch nicht wesentlich veraendert (trotz bereits 20stuendiger Fahrt). Einen Film spaeter und nach dem Mittagessen, kommen wir in die Provinz Misiones, benannt nach den zahlreichen Jesuiten-Missionen die damals in dieser Region errichtet wurden. Heute stehen davon nurmehr die Ruinen. Langsam hebt sich die Landschaft nun deutlich von der Pampa ab. Die Vegetation wird ueppiger, der Anteil der indigenen Bevoelkerung steigt im Vergleich zum restlichen Argentinien stark an. Die charakteristische rot-braune Erde tut ihr uebriges um den Eindruck der tropischer werdenden Gefilde zu unterstreichen. Man kommt sich beinahe schon vor... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú October 14th 2010

So, it's been a few days since we last bombarded you with three blogs, so we waited to fill you in on this amazing place called "Beautiful." (Bonito) We last left you in Campo Grande, where we got up nice and early, and backpacked (haha...walked 100m) our way up to the bus station. We still hadn't booked anything, but our Portuguese was good enough to get a ticket to Bonito at 9am. We then found a Hostel Tour Agency right inside the bus terminal, with one private room available for the 2 nights we required only...God has got our backs!! :) We had some brekky, and jumped on board. The bus trip was about 4 1/2 hours to travel only 250km, as in Brazil you can hail a bus wherever you are!! Unfortunately, the air-con was ... read more
Our Bus Company....
Jess on her deadly treadly
Balneario Municipal Rio Formoso

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú September 22nd 2010

Day 17 & 18-22nd & 23rd September This was the day we left Brazil; we’ve been there for just over 2 weeks and knew it was time for us to move on. The plan was to head over the border into Argentina and spend a couple of days in Puerto Iguazu so we could see the Argentinean side of the falls before undertaking the longer journey to Buenos Aires. We were sad to leave Brazil, we’ve had a wicked time in this country and we’d definitely like to some back. So onwards to the steak eating land of Argentina! So once again we packed up our things and prepared to leave. After swapping details with Miguel who’d taken us into Paraguay the previous day and getting some directions we headed out to get a bus which ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú August 23rd 2010

We got off not the greatest bus in the world at the external bus station in Foz do Iguazu and had to get a bus to the central bus station. Still unsure what we were going to do with our bags we took them to the supermarket and had beakfast. After breakfast we were recommended to leave our bags at a little shop in the TTU (transport terminal urbano) while we went to the falls on the Brazilian side. We were told by quite a few people to miss the Brazilian side but again never listen to everything you hear because in my opinion you have to see both sides of the falls to fully appreciate them. Although it is quite expensive with it being 37 reales for the day and a full day on the ... read more

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