Blogs from Purmamarca, Jujuy, Argentina, South America - page 2


South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca July 12th 2009

4 days - more than 60 hours on train and bus - 1 beautiful experience Wednesday morning before work: Rush to the train station to book the well planned trip to the North of Argentina. Plan was: Going to Salta, see surroundings, go to Tucuman and take the train back. Thats what we booked. Ended up being just a little bit different, but thats the fun about "backpacking", I guess;) Provided with many advice where to go and what to see by the very friendly and welcoming people at my workplace, we left with a luxurious "cama"-bus (reclining seats up to 160 degrees) Buenos Aires at 18.30. After roughly 18 hours - including 4 movies, which I all watched in Spanish...well, there were in English, but due to the perfectly located aircondition (above my head), ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 13th 2009

Well it has been an adventure going to Purmamarca to see the coloured mountains. When I arrived at Salta I asked the tourist office people if it would be a problem taking local buses to Purmamarca during Easter. ´No´I was reassured, there are many buses. Yesterday I set off on the journey: a bus (2 1/2 hours) to San Salvador de Jujuy, an hour stop-over, then a bus to Purmamarca, just over an hour going up the mountains. The best part of the bus rides was the company. When leaving Salta I sat beside a fellow from France who had traveled the world for 14 months. We discussed philosophy, economics, the meaning of life, for over two hours. I think those of us who travel alone have lots of time to think. When we are in ... read more
Every Angle

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca October 2nd 2008

soo last wedensday becca and I got on an 18 hour bus to salta from retiro at like 6:15 in the evening. they played bomb movies - premonition, made of honor, 27 dresses, and fed us delish alfajors and an edible dinner. we got to salta the next morning around noonish. we dropped off our stuff at backpackers hostel - city and made out for the city to do some exploring. we saw some linda churches, ate amazing food at doña salta - an amazing empanada with dried salted meat. we took a tram thing up to the top of the mountain and chiled by the waterfalls and then walked down the mountain, our legs were shaking! sooo then we are walking back downtown and a guy stops us asking for directions, turns out he's from ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca August 5th 2008

Hi Everyone! Right now Dain and I are at the front desk of our hostel in the city of Salta waiting for our car rental to show up, its already a half hour late. We are going south to visit the cities and national parks south of the town of Salta. First we will head towards Cachi, making a stop halfway to trek and explore. Then we´ll move towards Cafayate again stopping at a halfway point to get a good look around. After Cafayate we head north back towards Salta stopping to see the dam. We have the car for 3 days and will make the most of it, I´m sure. What´s been going on up to this point? We´ve had some lucky adventures getting from place to place. Of course, any travel in Argentina doesn´t ... read more
Salinas Grandes
Where's My Hat?
Cerro de los siete colores

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca May 12th 2008

Saturday was an even earlier start as we headed out to a hilltop Pachamama memorial and then to the HUGE salt flats. There is no road through the salt flats, but the idea is to drive around on them wherever you want…this is where having rented a car and being on my own with a couple other people would have been FUN. The salt flats were pretty similar to those in Utah, except much bigger and instead of being completely flat, they have ridges all over them that are mostly in the shape of pentagons (not exactly ideal for breaking land speed records). After about an hour on the salt flats, my eyes were shot (snow-like reflection issue), and we headed out to Purmamarca for lunch and a solo Bob Dylan-style serenade (He played the double-layered ... read more

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca March 11th 2008

English version below Juz wiele razy zdarzylo mi sie w czasie tej podrozy, ze bylam w tak cudnym miejscu, iz sadzilam, ze nic piekniejszego juz nie zobacze. I tyle samo razy Argentyna mnie zaskakiwala. 2 lub 20 godzin jazdy autobuses i znow roztaczaja sie krajobrazy piekniejsze, niz moglabym sobie wyobrazic. Na polnoc od Salty znajduje sie kilka wiosek, z ktorych mozna podziwiac Quebrada Humahuaca (Wawoz Humahuaca). Z braku czasu zdecydowalam sie wybrac tylko do jednej z nich-Purmamarca, ktora znajduje sie u podnozy Cerro de los Siete Colores (Wzgorze Siedmiu Kolorow). Tego miejsca nie jestem w stanie opisac slowami. Wioska, w ktorej na stale mieszka ze 100 osob, otoczona jest wielokolorowymi gorami, ziemia wydaja sie wysuszona i spieczona od slonca. Mimo to klimat jest bardzo przyjemny, a lekki wiatr sprawia, ze nie odczuwa sie lejacego z nieba ... read more
lokalna cepelia/local handycraft

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca July 25th 2007

The smooth asphalt of the Ruta 52 brought us to Purmamarca and its colourful hills. The scenery was truly gorgeous at every turn and we soon ran out of superlatives in our diaries! Just outside town we stopped to take a photo of some purple and yellow hills. There we met an American couple who had read THIS blog! Small world eh!!! Once we got to Purmamarca we were surprised at how busy it was. All of the hostels seemed to be either full or way too expensive for us. The Tourist Information Centre showed us a house on the map and told us to go there and as for Fernando who apparently had a room. When we got there it was a lovely little room, but there was NO heating. The temperatures during the day ... read more
Cerro de Siete Colores
Blanket Stackers
Close-up Colours

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca March 18th 2007

San Salvador de Jujuy... de poort naar de Quebrada... 1600km van Buenos Aires, maar lichtjaren verwijderd in termen welvaart, cultuur en traditie... Jujuy lijkt ook meer gemeen te hebben met zijn buurlanden Chili en Bolivië; deze regio spreidt zich dan ook over een grote archeologische zone en de inca-invloeden zijn hier dan ook erg uitgesproken. Ik herken de typische indiaanse gezichtstrekken uit Bolivië en de Quechua taal weerklinkt overal... In Buenos Aires kon ik me gemakkelijk voorstellen dat ik me in Europa bevond, maar in Jujuy is het onmogelijk om te vergeten dat je in Zuid-Amerika bent! Ik ben blij dat mijn ouders de Argie en Andes zijde van Argentinië kunnen ontdekken! Gelegen op 1259m hoogte, geniet de rustige hoofdstad van de provincie Jujuy het hele jaar van een lente klimaat. Het stadje zelf heeft ... read more
More Purmamarca
Salinas Grande

South America » Argentina » Jujuy » Purmamarca April 20th 2006

Hallo ihr Lieben in der grossen weiten Welt, Eigentlich wollten wir in die Wolken fahren und nach einer Fahrt durch die Puna durch die Quebrade de Humahuaca zurueck nach Salta fahren. Aber schon nach 36 Km mussten wir unsere Plaene aendern. Auf einer schmalen Schotterpiste die sich an den Haengen einer Schlucht in Richtung Wolken windet stand ein LKW quer auf der Piste. Er war gegen den Berg geprallt und an Ort und Stelle stehen geblieben. Waehrend wir noch warteten und hofften, dass er irgendwie zur Seite bewegt werden wuerde, kam aus den Wolken ein Bus und blieb auf der anderen Seite der Unfallstelle stehen. Die Insassen waren nicht so geduldig/hoffnungsvoll wie wir und zwaengten sich zu Fuss an dem LKW vorbei und machten sich auf den Weg in den naechsten Ort. Nachdem klar war, dass ... read more
Hindernis auf der Strasse
Kirche in Urquia
Strassenzug in Humahuaca

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