Tigre a La Boca/ Tigre and La Boca

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March 16th 2011
Published: March 22nd 2011
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Dnes sme planovali stravit cely den v Tigre - oblubena destinacia pre ludi z Buenos Aires leziaca v delte rieky Parana asi hodinku vlakom z centra mesta. Po prichode sme zistili, ze jedina atrakcia je kupit si listok na katamaran. Voda vyzerala spinavo, plna mrtvych ryb a odpadkov a tak sme odolali. Chvilu sme sa este prechadzali, kupili par veci na pamiatku a vybrali sa naspat. Vo vlaku bolo na co pozerat, stale niekto chodil hore dole a predaval vsetko mozne od vymyslu sveta - baterky, lepidlo, meter ... Vsetci cestujuci tychto predajcov skusene ignorovali a tak nam ostalo zahadou ci sa im to vobec vyplati. Spat do mesta sme dorazili skoro a tak sme este vyrazili do stvrti La Boca. Tato stvrt ma povest chudobnej a nebezpecnej stvrte, ktora sa vsak rozhodla zarabat na turistoch. Par ulic nazyvanich Caminito, plnych policajtov a stankov so suvenirmi je preto vyhradenych prave pre nich. Tych par ulic vyzeralo pekne, ciste, plne farebnych domcekov a velkych umelohmotnych figurin. Tam aj spat sme isli autobusom cez nie uz tak pekne vyzerajuce ulice. Dalsou spacialitou Buenos Aires su jeho profesionalny plateny vencici psov, nieje nic nezvycajne vidiet cloveka s 10 psamy na obojkoch.

This day we planned to spend in Tigre - favourite destination for people from Buenos Aires lying in a delta of river Parana approximately an hour from the centre. After our arrival we found out that only attraction here was to buy a ticket for catamaran. The water looked dirty, full of death fish and rubbish so we we walked around, bought some souvenirs and headed back. There was a lot going on on a train, all the time people were walking up and down selling all kinds of staff - batteries, glue, tape measures... All the passangers ignored them experiencely so we could just guess if it worth it. We came back quite early so we went to another part of the city called La Boca. This suburb has a reputation of being poor and dangerous, but it decided to milk the tourists anyway. Few streets called Caminito, full of policemen and stalls with souvenirs and art is just for them. Those few streets looked nice, full of colorful houses and a big plastic figurines. To get here and back we went by bus through not so nice looking streets. Another speciality of Buenos Aires are profefsional dog walkers and it is nothing special to see a guy with 10 dogs on the lead.

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