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Plaza de Martes, Santiago de Cuba  

Plaza de Martes, Santiago de Cuba

Also a wifi square.
Cuba Libre

May 29th 2016
Santiago de Cuba is a pretty small place; we kept bumping into the same locals all over town as well as Emma and Patrick again, two days after they had left us behind in Baracoa. Having all enjoyed each other's company so much first time around, we thought we might as well reconvene in the evening for one last night out together. Famed for its music and nightlife, Ching enjoyed both so much in Sa ... read more
Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » Varadero

Cuban Flag The native Amerindian population of Cuba began to decline after the European discovery of the island by Christopher COLUMBUS in 1492 and following its development as a Spanish colony during the next several centuries. Large numbers of African slaves ... ... read more
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