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Zona de Candelaria  

Zona de Candelaria

Making a side trip to Colombia. Bogota and Cartagena - here we are

October 14th 2014
Bogota for a day - how many things Matt can do??? On the way back to the USA from my work trip, why not do a quick trip to Colombia? Matt gladly joined and had most of the first day to explore Bogota. The best way to quickly see the city - BIKE RIDEEEE! Of course, one has to stop by Bogota's most famous museum - Museo del Oro. I went to it a few years earlier and as ... read more
South America » Colombia » Cartagena

Colombian Flag Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others are Ecuador and Venezuela). A 40-year insurgent campaign to overthrow the Colombian Government escalated during the 1990s, undergirded in part... ... read more
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