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Photo 34  

Land of wonders... Photo 34

Land of wonders...

August 3rd 2010
After 4 days and 3 nights enjoying Mykonos island it was time to say our goodbyes... it was good times and mixed with a few bad ones... but in total it was an amazing experience... I did told my friend Arlene it's just impossible for me to live there for the whole summer because I know I'm going to die early... with their crazy partying and insane drinking... not only my health will start to deple ... read more
Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Kusadasi

Turkish Flag Modern Turkey was founded in 1923 from the Anatolian remnants of the defeated Ottoman Empire by national hero Mustafa KEMAL, who was later honored with the title Ataturk, or "Father of the Turks." Under his authoritarian leadership, the country adopt... ... read more
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