Blogs from Fiji, Oceania - page 11


Oceania » Fiji » Nadi February 4th 2015

Bula, were in Fiji, let me just repeat myself again, were in FIJI !!! Bula means Hello. Well it was touch and go whether we got here or not. Believe it or not this was a groupon deal and we all know what groupon can be like, but the deal was too good to turn down. So we booked it, but there was one snag, the transfer time was really pushing it, so Stu spent most of yesterday on the phone to the airlines, to see if we could perhaps stay overnight in Sydney and other options, but alas not to be, they only gave us 30 minutes max to get from one terminal to the international one as well as picking up our cases. Now Sydney is big, too big for the transfer we needed, ... read more

Oceania » Fiji » Nadi January 30th 2015

Had an early start, packed and got ready for my flight. Laurie, Kathryn and Emma came round to say goodbye and we hung out in the kitchen chatting with Alan, Warren, Alex and French Alex! Then it was time for goodbyes which were of course traumatic :( the girls walked me to the station where we had lots of hugs goodbye!! Then I had an easy journey to the airport and a quick check in. The time in the airport went quickly and before I knew it I was on my Fiji Airways flight. The flight was about 4 hours, so went quickly. We had a chicken pasta meal with cheese and crackers and a chocolate biscuit- it was all good! I tried to sleep for a bit. The In flight films were terrible and we ... read more
View from breakfast
Little Boy who asked about my camera

Oceania » Fiji » Nadi December 20th 2014

Fiji is a little patch of paradise only four hours flight from Sydney, and literally on our own doorstep. Aussies flock to this South Pacific paradise in extraordinary numbers, and it's amazing that I have not previously graced the shores of this beautiful island country. Now is the time to make amends, and I've booked a full week to get to know our near neighbour, the Rugby loving and Kava drinking friends of ours from the biggest island country in the South Pacific. Nadi is the international hub where most tourists fly into rather than the capital Suva, and the airport is less than ten kilometres from the centre of town. When I mentioned to the tourist information team where I was staying they informed me a taxi ride would be covered by Bamboo Backpackers, so ... read more
Castaway Island
Boat heading for Bounty Island
South Sea Cruises team

Oceania » Fiji » Malolo December 3rd 2014

Nejkrásnější věc, co se dá na Fiji udělat, je nechat se odvézt výletní lodi na jeden z nedalekých ostrovů. My jsme si koupily denní výlet za $134 (nebo 143) a strávily den v ráji. Potápění, oběd v ceně, lehátka, krásný modrý oceán..ach :) Po pár dnech v Nadi jsme jej konečně opustily (ještě předtím jsem ale pořádně vyfotila ten barevný hinduistický chrám) a vydaly se po jihu pomalu do hlavního města Suwa. Původně jsme chtěly zůstat někde ve třetině vzdálenosti mezi Nadi a Suwa, ale místní nás varovali, že prý by tam pro nás nebylo bezpečno. Takže jsme strávily 2 noci v resortu 2/3 cesty od Nadi a jely na túru do místní vesnice a k vodopádům. A taky si vypily místní nápoj káva. Řeknu vám, je to…"zajímavé" :) Funguje přesně opačné než káva, uspává. A ... read more

Oceania » Fiji November 30th 2014

So today was the day of goodbye, We got up early and lay by the beach for a bit, Gemma sorted out rooms as she wants to stay on the island but has had to go in a dorm. The boat came just after 2:00 the staff gathered is all together and sang. We then gave Gemma a hug warned our princess of what not to do and dear God not to get banned from the island. We then boarded the boat and were waved off. So sad but we will see her again in 11 days. On the boat we saw coincidentally another Gemma we know from NZ. The boat trip back was awful for Laura big swells, she was ill I quite like the feel reminds me of being back on a horse, I ... read more

Oceania » Fiji November 28th 2014

Moji drazí, Vítejte na Fidži. Dnes jsem tu strávila celý den, takže Vám povyprávím něco o místě, kde teď žiju (na pár dní, ale snažím se žít okamžikem, takže tohle vyjádření je v pohodě)- Nadi a přihodím pár praktických informací. Vy, co mě neznáte tak dlouho: v létě 2012 jsem byla v Indii na 6týdenní stáži. Indii a Fidži stále porovnávám, protože, co si budeme povídat, 40% Indů na Fiji dělá svoje. Vyhazování odpadků je tu denní chleba. Ne tak moc jako v Indii, ale pokuty se bát nemusíte. Kulturní šok je převážně patrný pro cestující z Austrálie, kde je všechno perfektní. Přijet rovnou z Indie, považovala bych to tu za krásnou a čistou verzi. Třídění odpadků. Třídění odpadků? Děláš si srandu? Dobře, třídění odpadků tu nefrčí. Pokud cestujete z Austrálie, nekupujte milión sušenek, abyste tu ... read more
Ach ty ceny! Uzas! Ooh, the prices, amazing!
ALE mleko je tu drahe - jak krava :D

Oceania » Fiji » Nadi November 27th 2014

Splnila jsem si dva sny a oba vám tu dnes představím. Začneme snem o Fiji. Představa lákavé dovolené mě nadchla, takže jsem si v září koupila letenky. Dnes nastal den F, a tak vám mohu zprostředkovat dojmy přijíždějícího turisty - do NEturistickeho resortu. Na konci malé překvapení - můj 2.splněny sen. Hned při koupi letenek se stala chyba v Matrixu: vyhledala jsem letenky na datum 28.11.-4.12. stejně jako mě 2 kamarádky. Potom jsem otevřela ještě jedno okno, podívat se, kolik by stalo letět 27.11. (zpět stejně, 4.12.). Cena byla stejná, ale jedu přece s holkami, takže zavřít okno, 6 dní stačí. Doklikala jsem na konec, společně jsme odeslaly poslední "OKAY" a hurá, máme lístky....COOO? Počítač si pamatoval moje poslední vyhledávání a nechal mě letět o den dřív. Hned volám Fiji linku a prerezervovani by stalo $200. ... read more
Letuska dava instrukce (kyslikova maska, pasy atd.)
Nemam ebolu? Nemam

Oceania » Fiji November 25th 2014

We finished that day on beachcomber doing nothing literally could not move. Again me and Laura couldn't really eat the food and after the bar tab we did not want to spend. On the night I had a quiet one and read for a bit, but another incident arouse in the form of a furry little mouse... I called him tuppence. He came out under my bed ran around, Laura is practically abit to cry, screams, reception called, they come, get traps, more screams, we beg them not to kill tuppence, they don't know what to do leave him there night of terror.... Next day we left early for Mantaray where we managed to get again our on jungle bure we have been so fortunate. This island is so beautiful the nicest one so far. The ... read more

Oceania » Fiji November 23rd 2014

Oh dear god what did we do last night! So it started tame me and Laura didn't have dinner because of the food, Gemma had everything she could. We went to the bar where I was on Fanta Pineapple and Cara the girl we met in Nadi airport was there and she sat with us and for a bit a girl called pippa. Soon we just went from talking to them going just one wine just one so I had just one... I don't do just one! Before you know it a second one is out and I am then introduced to the nightmare that is B52 these shots are lethal taste like coffee but destroy you. We had the first one, second round came in, third round, wine before you know it me and Cara ... read more

Oceania » Fiji November 23rd 2014

Beachcomber is an experience we were initially put in 100 bed dorm which initially Laura said hands down no way she could do. So we never were planning to come here but we spoke and they said they do smaller dorms so we went to reception and discussed and managed to get a 12 bed. Laura still not happy she went for a shower put her towel on and a gecko crawled out she was screaming her head off. She was ready to kill herself. She went to reception about finding a boat out of here they then automatically upgraded us to a private 3 bed ocean view room ensuite it is the best room we have been in. On the night we watch the fire dancing and started speaking to a few people after a ... read more

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