... a love letter...

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October 15th 2006
Published: October 15th 2006
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Dearest New York,

It's been too long since I have seen you. True, saw you from a distance a few times while was flying elsewhere, but time and circumstances wouldn't allow even a small detour. I hope you understand. It certainly isn't because I don't love you, and miss you terribly. It's this stupid ticketing.

Yes, I admit to some indescrepencies; it's true I've had a few flings. Paris, Rome, Lyon, Venice, yes, they're lovely, but mind you, you're more beautiful than them all. And Palermo, yes. I admit to my lust, I am sorry. I am only human. Please forgive me.

How I long to be a nameless person on your streets again. To disappear into a random Jewish deli for matzaball soup like I did that time it was raining cats and dogs. No where on earth was more thrilling that night. And that night I walked and walked until the sun came up. haaaaa, you knew I was in love with you, didn't you ??

Ohh, and how I wish to thank you for leading me to that Spanish restaurant that night... soooooo late, but I meandered into that place, no wider than maybe 15 feet. Sat down next to the little stage; I hardly noticed the piano and drums, or was it 'drum' ? Guess it was a bass, snare and simble. Hey, at 2am, who notices such things? Wow, though those Spanish encheladas were awesome. And then while eating this incredible dish, they came. No. Not prepared in my wildest imagination. The piano player, the drummer, and the dancer. At that moment, my heart lept out of me, and I knew my love for you was more than just skin deep. Fandango. Wow... I am yours. Tell me what you wish.

But alas! My heart is yours, but my body is anothers. I had to go... back to reality, back to enslavement, back to the taskmasters who own me.

Some day, soon, I will return, yes, I will, I will. And again, we'll pretend that there's no one else but you and I... you will forgive me of Palermo...


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