Blogs from Pacific Beach, San Diego, California, United States, North America - page 3


North America » United States » California » San Diego » Pacific Beach February 25th 2010

LAS VEGAS!!! Breaking news.. vi tager til Las Vegas på næste torsdag, dvs. om præcis 7 dage! Vi har alle fri fra skole, da der er Furlough Day (nogle dage som alle professorer har, hvor de ikke får penge for at gå på arbejde, pga. nedskæringer i budgettet - noget i den stil) - derfor er det netop oplagt at tage afsted! Vi er 6 piger, så det skal nok blive sjovt. Efter skole idag, var vi nede og reservere en bil da vi skal have en lidt større bil end normalt. Vi glæder os alle rigtig meget til at se hvad Las Vegas egentlig er. Vi er også igang med at undersøge hvor vi skal bo, da vi gerne vil bo på The Strip - som er deres main street. Derfra kan vi gå rundt ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego » Pacific Beach February 21st 2010

SD Er mere eller mindre kommet ind i en såkaldt hverdagsrytme. I tirsdags havde vi dog vores første midterm i faget "Principles of advertising". Det drejede sig om 50 spørgsmål, hvor 25 var true/false og resten multiple-choice. Det lyder umiddelbart nemt, men de fleste spørgsmål var faktisk ret svære. Fik svaret rigtigt på 32 spørgsmål ud af 50 og det gav mig 64 point ud af 100 - ikke det bedste, men kunne have været meget værre. Ved dog pt ikke om jeg er bestået, da vi ikke har fået karakter, men det håber jeg! Vejret har igen været lidt skiftende - næsten hele ugen har der været super godt vejr. Optil 25 grader, men her til weekenden har det regnet og været gråt. Solen skinner dog lidt idag. Har også fået et nyt fag idet ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego » Pacific Beach February 15th 2010

San Diego - "breathe it in, it always goes down smooth!" I'll say now, I have been quoting from the film Anchor Man (filmed in San Diego) non stop since I got here but with good reason because as Ron Burgandy himself said, "it is the greatest city on earth". I have had a good couple of days here. We hopped onto the greyhound bus out of LA on Friday at 5pm and after a long check in process (one which we hopefully won't have to repeat on each journey) we took the 3 hour ride south. I can't actually remember leaving city lights ever so I'm pretty sure it is quite developed all the way down the southern part of the coast. We stopped to drop people at Long Beach. We passes through Orange County, ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego » Pacific Beach February 4th 2010

My life right now.. Whale watching & Little Italy Mandag til middag tog vi ned til havnen for at tage på whale watching. Vi var ikke helt sikker på om vejret ville egne sig, da der var en lille smule overskyet. Da vi kom derned besluttede vi os for at gå ombord - vi var der jo nede. Hele turen ville vare ca. 3 timer og det kostede 32 dollars. Vores forventninger var høje, da vi havde hørt, at der var rigtig mange hvaler ud for San Diego på dette tidspunkt af året. Vi undrede os lidt over at folk havde både huer, vanter og vinterjakker på, for så koldt var det da ikke! MEN vi blev klogere, det var MEGET koldt ude på vandet pga. vinden. Vi sejlede ud fra havnen og endte faktisk på ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego » Pacific Beach February 1st 2010

Er nu officielt en "Pacific Beach-beboer" Nu sidder jeg så på mit nye værelse, i min nye MEGET store seng og egentlig nyder tilværelsen! Har haft en rigtig dejlig dag med masser af solskin og skønne mennesker. Ved middagstid tog jeg sammen med Maya, Rikke og Anneline - og Hannah (svensker) ned til Mission Bay, som ligger 5 min. gang herfra hvor vi bor. Vi skulle ned og ligge i solen ved vandet. Det var lidt absurd at kunne ligge i bikini her, mens der er sne hjemme i DK. Men skønt var det:)! Dog var der stadig en kølig brise, men det er jo kun januar.. Sidst på eftermiddagen kunne jeg så endelig flytte mine ting ind på mit nye værelse. Den sidste nat sov jeg hos pigerne inde ved siden af, da mine nye ... read more

Hello again, Sunday we were up early, made our lunch and off into San Francisco. On the way over the hills to the east of San Fran is this amazing windfarm. We drove through a little piece of it last time but I didn't see all these ones. There had to be over a thousand windmills scattered over the hills and the flats in nice tidy rows of them. Like NZ, they have small ones and huge ones. Alot looked really old and in disrepair, they were on either side of the freeway. Once we went over the Oakland Bay bridge , we hit the traffic jam going to the game. We found a park in a small lot not far from the park. It was 10.30 in the morning , the game didn't start until ... read more

If you like higher class beachfront living then San Diego is the place to be. I really enjoyed my few days in this city as it has an offer of all things Cali - good food, fabulous beaches, amazing sights and awesome weather. I places I went to and would recommend would be the Zoo as it has a huge diverse amount of species and the weather is great to go and walk around and enjoy. Sea World is also a must as I found it most exhilarating and great fun if you have a young family especially. U.S.S Midway which is a brilliant museum set on a aircraft carrier, it has a huge amount of brilliant planes and you get to walk around the carrier which is an experience, also a fitting touch is that ... read more
Setting Sun
San Diego
San Diego

I flew out to San Diego on the 24th and stayed the first night with Todd and Jordan in PB. The next morning I picked Dad up from the airport and drove to Rancho Santa Fe to play The Bridges Golf Course (home of Phil Mickelson). I remember being shocked to see the practice balls being Pro V1. We played with Greg and Greg Sr. Lil Greg and I ended up beating Dad and Mr. Nelson. It was a great course and a fun day. After we finished Dad and I headed to Rancho Bernardo Inn where we were staying for the next few days. We woke up the next morning and played golf with Dad and all is AA former co-workers. We played a course called Maderas. It also was freaking beautiful. Mattie met us ... read more
Me and Nelly
Dad and Greg Sr.
The Bridges 18th

Didn't have to go far to see this. The Annual Hash House Harriers Red Dress Fun Run was last night and the 500 runners(?) went right past the beach house after a beer stop at the Mission Bay Woman's Club. (Why isn't it called Women's Club?) Hash House Harriers is a world wide "drinking club with a running problem" and they have several runs a week and has members of all ages. This Red Dress Run is probably their most popular event in San Diego. It looked like they were having a lot of fun, if we lived here I think we'd join this group. A lot of the runners stopped to talk to us, tried to recruit us, and were more than eager to pose. I didn't send this blog to very many people, but ... read more
Photo 13
Photo 2
Photo 3

Our last full day in San Diego, we wanted to make the most of the beach and went off to Pacific Beach for some sun, sand, sea, and err, Californian's! Pacific beach was nicer than Ocean beach but there was too much sea weed! The sun was out and we chilled in the sun for a few hours before the clouds came over, gutted! Craig decided to leave but me, Jake and Nicole stayed and hoped for more sun, it never came! So we walked along the promenade for a while before catching the bus back to the hostel. In the evening I (Tom) checked in to Nicole's hair salon to get my hair straightened to see how long it really was without the curls!!! It was pretty long, then we hit the sports bar nearby ... read more

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