Blogs from British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 426


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver February 17th 2007

回到温哥华市中心,我们住在市中心青年旅社。从那些寒冷的野外和残酷的训练活动后,能睡在软绵绵的弹簧床的感觉这是太幸福了。旅社的服务很好,25加币/晚,包含自助早餐。也有很大一个厨房给住客们自己烧饭。厨房里的厨具和调料也是免费的。一群年轻人住在那里,非常的好玩。看看我们的笑脸!!!我一住就是10天。 ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » YVR February 17th 2007

Leaving a little sleepy. At about 3:00 last night, there came bloody animal screams from what sounded like the living room. Being somewhat uncurious, I did not explore but merely lay awake for the next two hours instead. True to form, dear Cajun had managed to find, bring inside and kill a smallish mouse. He also then proceed to produce a very large hairball that he kindly deposited in Tiana's bedroom and that I found as I went to kiss her goodbye. So, the day began with good squirts of Folex stain remover. Not a portent of things to come! Larrye (Lorraine by birth) and her husband Kirk arrived promptly at 6:30 and we got to the airport without incident. Tiina and Sandi were here to meet us. Checked in and ready to go. There isn't ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver February 14th 2007

2月14,15号这两天再也没有任何的户外训练了。这两天全用在选探险队员。竞争非常激励,除了之前的公众演讲外,每人还进行了两次演讲以及回答大家向你提出的问题,发表你的观点。了解你背景,了解你的能力,问你一些解决问题的方法。。。等等。我也算是第一次体会西方的民主选举。非常强烈的讨论和投票选举。除了考虑队员的个人能力外还得考虑每个国家或每个洲里有入选的队员。2007年1月份选中的25名队员中美国,加拿大和新西兰入选的队员,所以那些区域的队员竞争非常激烈。而且那些地方来的队员都有较好的户外探险经验。况且他们都是冲着探险队来的。选举场面非常严峻,有些流泪,有些人激动,有些人沉默。。。 亚洲这边就比较容易。初次入选的25人中亚洲只有我一个中国人和一个韩国人。我的户外经验,资历和英语表达能力都比那个韩国人好些(这不是自夸)。所以亚洲要入选一名队员的话。我的机会很多。最后我以十八票入选,那韩国人得了八票。2000年从北极出发,途径美洲,最后到南极的探险活动有1名韩国人,一名日本人。这次我被选中,我自己感到很欣慰和也为我们民族感到欣慰。 最为可喜的是中国攀岩有三名员工被选入探险队。他们是:覃庆相(中国)Jon Earle (新西兰) Stefan Hadfield!(新西兰,他是下一段探险队的成员)。 南极到乞力马扎罗山(非洲最高的山)的探险队伍(10名)是: Aukje van Gerven (Netherlands) Dave Henley (New Zealand) Ted Barrett (USA) Eric Welscher-Bilodeau (Canada) Qin Qing Xiang (China) Jon Earle (New Zealand) Ryan Barron (Canada/ USA) Kim Raess (USA) 我们还需要一名黑人女队员和一名法国女队员。 ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver February 14th 2007

Hello from Vancouver, Brittish Colonbia, Canada. Yes after more than a year in planning we have finally arrived in Vancouver. After an arduous 17 hour flight, including a fleeting stop in Honolulu for fingerpriting and photographing (over the top? yes since we only walked off the plane and straight back on) we touched down at YVR (the best airport of the trip so far - more like a museum with waterfalls and totems poles and displays etc) and were greeted with a typical Invercargill day (dull, drizzly abd 7 degrees). Our first reaction to what we had arrived in was one of surprise. It was 8am on a Sunday morning, nothing was open and the only people about were the homeless and off their face drug addicts. As we were basically sleeping on our feet we ... read more
Olympic Clock Protest
Police Presence at Protest
False Creek and Granville Island

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver February 14th 2007

终选训练第三天Day3 of Selection Camp North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver By XiangFebruary 14th 2007Qin Qing Xiang 果然在凌晨两点,大家被叫起来,并被告知穿好泳衣和外套(妈呀!该不会叫我们半夜去游泳吧!),急急忙忙穿好泳衣和外衣后,大家在丛林里集合,并围站成一圈唱歌。那些歌感觉比较能让人心平静。因为半夜在荒郊野外只有我们这群疯子的歌声(这是我的感觉)。不过也让我有种正在练习某种奇异功的感觉。或许“法轮加拿大”。哈哈!半个多小时的唱歌后,大家又被分成五个小组又搬运木头。这次不是在海里,是在丛林里。每组还是扛着昨天早上扛的那些木头(这木头这两天的待遇可算是优等了),穿过丛林,淌过丛林里的小溪,也越过几个独木桥,之后扛着木头在过公路上跑步,然后又是穿越丛林。最后下过一个小悬崖,终点又是海边。时间是早上7点。海边!!我们可都是穿着泳衣的呀!难道又要下海游泳!结果不是。真幸运。天还没有亮,如果... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver February 13th 2007

终选训练第二天Day 2 of Selection Camp North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver By XiangFebruary 13th 2007Qin Qing Xiang 今天早上十点钟时,大家在睡梦中被叫醒来。五分钟内准备好,并穿好泳衣,泳裤。北风潇潇,天空下雨,山上下着雪。25人的大组被分成五小组,每组得搬重木头(5个人刚好能抬起来),要越过礁石,一边在海里游泳一边拖着木头,然后再越过礁石。这个活动主要训练团队沟通,合作和领导能力。他们扛着摄影机,相机,还有穿着保暖衣和雨衣在旁边观察。活动开始前每人都必须自己在海里游泳一分钟,作为热身。有着竞选的压力,我没有顾得上会有多冷,没考虑就往水里跳。大家也都是依次往里跳。这时候听到的只是嗦啰声和其他的叫喊声。这一分钟怎么就这么久呀!活动开始了,由于,天气寒冷,队员心里也有压力,再加上扛着木头在滑溜溜的石头5人一起走,真的不容易。有些人跌了,身上很多处刮破,流着血。在海里拖着木头游泳也是个痛苦... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver February 13th 2007

It is almost 10:00 and I am still prepping to go in weird ways. Yes, the rupees have been tucked away after my four year old nephew and I made varied piles with what seemed like a lot of Monopoly money. But why the compulsion to scrub inside a fridge? Or give away clothes to the school fair now when the event doesn't happen until April 21st? I have re-written my will, tidied my office, and am now organizing my taxes. I have written post-dated cheques, cancelled the mail and papers and countless other small tasks. Maybe it is this compulsion to ensure that life is orderly and controlled. If all external stuff is "handled", then the stuff that I can't control will somehow seem tamed. Or perhaps it is knowing that friends will be periodically ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria February 12th 2007

Well, Rod is in the shower right now and we are getting ready to go to the airport. I have spent the last couple of days (ok....weeks) being soooo sad about leaving everyone at home. My friends, my family, my clients.... I just love where I work and have the best boss in the world. I love the great people that I work with. I can't imagine not being there every day. One of my bestest friends in the world and the most dear person ever will be having a baby while I'm away and I'm gonna miss it!!! I have also been sooo worried about all the what if's about the trip. All of the unknown's that I have no control over anyway. And then just now I realized that I am about to fly ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver » West Vancouver February 12th 2007

早上四点半起床,六点钟在温哥华市里的MEC户外装备店屋顶集合,简单介绍和热身以后,全队跑了半个多小时后到了STANLEY(斯丹利)公园捡垃圾,九点钟的时候从公元跑步到温哥华市里的积善街做了两小时的益工。十二点钟结束,本来说是提供午餐的,但是结果没有午餐。全队分成五小组在唐人街买食物准备下午去郊外做终选训练露营。下午两点多钟左右买好事物后,自己付钱吃午餐。吃完午餐,我背我那个四五十斤重的背包在市里走了三个小时,做一个定向游戏。五点多钟坐公交车再改成坐船去温哥华西部的Sunshine Coast,差不多七点钟我们从船上下来。我们以为到了露营地点。原来不是。七点钟我们背着背包开始徒步,穿过丛林和海滩。我不知道我们究竟是要徒步到哪里。12点了,我们没有晚餐,只有短暂的休息和喝水。凌晨1点多种的时候我们得了些像饼干一样零食,可是完全不够。依然饥俄难忍,而且非常的疲劳。一路上天空一直在下雨,天气又冷。因为是终选训练,每个人都想表现自己的能力而不想表态很累。不过凌晨2点钟的时候,还是有个女队员坚持不了,落队了。最后在凌晨四点钟的时候我们到达了露营地点,结束徒步。每个人心里都想着热乎乎的晚餐在等着我们呢!但是不是,非常的失望,相反的是冷冷的面包和水+盐汤。没有人有什么意见,顾不上那么多,赶紧坐在篝火旁边吃起来。并不是吃完了就马上搭帐篷睡觉,而是,一直在讲些锻炼意识的方法和故事。我没有什么心情。心里念着我什么时候才能进我的帐篷睡觉呢!结果那天我们睡觉的时间凌晨5:30左右。超过24小时的连续运动我也是人生第一次。 ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Victoria February 12th 2007

Das war eine unglaubliche und unwiederbringliche Möglichkeit mal tiefe Einblicke als Ziviler in die Marine zu bekommen. Nun, das mag wohl möglich sein, wenn man in seinem eigenen Land unterwegs ist, aber bestimmt nicht, in einer völlig fremden, westlichen Nation, die man nicht einfach mal mit ein paar Mäusen bestechen kann. Umso bestechender war, einmal auf einem richtigen Kreuzer Manöver zu fahren bis zu 30° Schrägneigung, über Strategie und Hilfsmittel der Seeüberwachung und Bekämpfung von Schmuggel aus erstklassiger Hand zu erfahren, und am eigenen Leibe mal richtige Technologie zu spüren. Hunderte Tonnen volle Fahrt voraus... rückwärts... Mann über board... Schiffsicherung.... 3h auf hoher See unter der Canadischen Marine. Warum? Um die Canadier für ihren Job zu begeistern. Und das alles von mit studentischen Kontakten organisiert. - Was ich nicht abkonnte, waren die ... read more
Und los geht's
Auf die offene See

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