Blogs from Turkey, Middle East - page 388


Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia June 25th 2007

From Allepo we drove for 14 hours, passing out of Syria (with no problems, no inspections, no hassle at all), into Turkey, up the mediterranian coast and the north inland to Goreme in Capidocia. Capidocia is famous for its strange caves cut into the soft rock, or tufa, which is capped with a harder volcanic stone. the harder stone prevents erosion from eating away the tufa and has resulted in the cone like formations. Over the centuries many people have carved out houses, stables, and even cities in the rock. Currently there are restaurants, bars, motels and so forth using these stone formations as part or all of the structure. We are staying at the "Flintstone Pansion", a motel with rooms carved partially from the rock, and we partied last night at a "turkish night" ... read more
Dervishes dancing
Truck at the Flintstones motel
Down into the underground city

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 24th 2007

Sorry but this isn't going to be much of a blog. It is more like a quick update before we head off to Ladakh, India to live in a villiage for the last month of our journey. I must apologize for lack of blogs. I do intend on adding blogs for each country but am also pretty sure that won't ever really happen. That doesn't mean that all our adventures are not being recorded however. I am currently on my fifth journal and am expecting to get to a sixth before it's all over. So that means you'll either have to get the tales the old fashioned way by word of mouth or just wait for the book. Just so everyone knows is going to be down for a bit. Surprisingly, we filled our space ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 23rd 2007

Well, we made it! I am struggling wıth a Turkısh keyboard at the 'No Name' internet cafe which is a few blocks away from the Berr Hotel where we are staying for a few days. The city is beautiful and our hosts could not be more welcoming. The people are extremely friendly and generous. It is all about having connectıons here in Turkey - money only goes so far. We toured most of the major attractıons today - Hagıa Sophıa, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace. Also saw what has to be the coolest small venue ın the world - the Basilica Cıstern. It is an underground water reservoır wıth 326 ancıent columns from all over Greece, Rome, and current urkey.There is small wooden stage and the acoustıcs must be incredible. I'll save you more chit chat ... read more
A Turkısh Meal
Inside Hagıa Sophıa
Istanbul Streets

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Edirne June 20th 2007

url='/Videos/3974.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/3974.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Turkish Babushkas heading home from work Last roads in Turkey There are 4 easy steps for paving a road in Turkey: 1. Knock down trees, villages, etc 2) Spread Tar 3) Find the biggest rocks in your regions and drop them on said tar 4) Open road to traffic As cyclists, we like to be as helpful as the next person, but we're not really into spreading out the loose rocks out for the big rigs that ride next to our heads. First, I don't think that they appreciate our work. Not to mention, we end up feeling like we''re being dragged by horses when we ride over this stuff. Still our last days riding in Turkey were beautiful. Riding through orchard-covered valley floors... looking up at roman tombs carved into cliff, looking down ... read more
Day 14
Day 14
Day 15

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Selçuk June 17th 2007

Greetings from Selcuk (Sel-CHOOK)! John and I have been staying here for the past few days as a base to explore the area. We fell in love with the place almost immediately. For starters, the hotel a) had understandable directions and b) was only a 5 minute walk from the train station. Apart from that, it is also nothing like Istanbul, which was crowded, dirty and aggressive. This place feels more like a mediterranian village. There is open space and parks, and prices are more reasonable! :) The first thing we did was set out for Ephesus. This is a 3k walk along a shady path with views of the mountains and other ruins along the way. The ruins at Ephesus are incredible and extensive. I cannot recommed this experience highly enough. It was just amazing. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey June 17th 2007

First day of the tour...we made friends, we opened the jokes bag and up we went! First stop: Gaziantep Museum. There was mainly mosaic (last traces of an ancient city called Zeugma) and some coins, bones, glass and...ta ta ta...again mosaic. The weather outside was starting to burn our heads so this museum had a double "do good" job. It was nice and I have to confess that preistoric age is my favourite and by far the most interesting one. After we went out (we meaning 45 people), we had some "extremely quick" breakfast and then headed for Euphrates, the ancient river. You know, when I started studying history in primary school, I was told about Tigris and Euphrates. Now it was time to see them both. The trip to this place took some hours, one ... read more
Mosaic in Gaziantep Museum
Dinosaur bones - Gaziantep Museum
over 3.000 year old mosaic

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 16th 2007

Hello everyone! Well we have been ın Istanbul for 3 days now and so far ıt´s been fantastıc! Before I tell you about everythıng we´ve been doıng so far, I need to tell you thıs keyboard ıs IMPOSSIBLE! I thınk I have mastered ıt, but ıts a bıt dıffıcult, so my grammar wıll be rubbısh as ıts such and effort to even do an apostrophe - you have to press about 8 keys to get one. So we arrıved on Thursday at about 6 or so, a suprısıngly easy flıght ... we were a lıttle worrıed about thıs, surely me and torı cannot escape our ınevıtable bad luck especcıally wıth travellıng. But ıt seems so so far, touch wood. So we got ınto a taxı or taksı (nıce and easy nearly the same as englısh) ... read more
Blue Mosque
Us and Aya Sophia
Grand Bazaar

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 13th 2007

After spending one last afternoon and night in Lisbon, Lindsay and I hesitantly said farewell to Portugal and hello to our summer trip. We left on an Alitalia flight through Milan and got into Istanbul at 1:00 in the morning. We don’t usually like to arrive in a new place when most normal people have already been sleeping for 2 hours, but it was a good deal, and we made arrangements with our hostel to get picked up by a driver, which made the whole thing a lot easier. We stayed at the Antique Hostel, which turned out to be a good choice because it was located in the main tourist district, right near some of the biggest sights in Istanbul including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, and the Topkapi palace. The room we stayed ... read more
The Blue Mosque
Grand Bazaar

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul June 10th 2007

J’avais déjà entendu parler d’Istanbul dans le passé, mais je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre de cette ville avant de quitter le Canada. En fait j ai choisi cette ville comme destination de départ un peu a l’aveuglette, désirant avant tout trouver une porte d’entrée pour l’Europe de l’Est. Après avoir passé 10 jours dans cette ville, je peux dire que j' ai été agréablement surpris. En fait Istanbul est un agréable mixte de culture européenne et de culture du moyen-orient. Ce qui fait que la ville est particulièrement exceptionnelle est sa situation géographique. En effet, Istanbul est à cheval sur le continent européen et asiatique faisant le pont entre la mer noire et la mer méditerranée. Je suis donc arrivé à Istanbul le 31 mai, mal en point à cause du décalage horaire, ... read more
Mosquee Bleue
Mosquee bleue
Aya Sofya

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Izmir June 10th 2007

Von Istanbul nach IzmırJoschka Bischoff Nach dem hektıschen Treıben von gestern, ıst das heute eın enstpannter Tag gewesen. Wenn man vom Aufstehen um 5.20 mal absıeht :) Gegen 6 fuhr ıch mıt eınem Vorortzug zum Hafen ın Yenıkapi. Dort gıong um 7 meın Schnellboot über das Marmara-Meer nach Badırne. Von dort hatte man dann Anschluss an den Express-Zug nach Izmır. Insgesamt braucht man so etwa acht Stunden von Istanbul nach Izmır. Naja. genaugenommen fuhr der Zug nur bıs kurz vor Izmır, da wegen Bauarbeıten der letzte kleıne Teıl der Strecke gesperrt ıst. Nach 5 Stunden ın eınem Zug, der nur aus 1.Klasse-Wagen bestand, mussten wır also ın eınen rostıgen Bus umsteıgen. Leıchter Komfort-;Verlust. Meın Hotel ıs nah am Bahnhof und, bıs auf das es eın vernünftıges Fenster und eınen kostenlosen Internet-PC hat... read more

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