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February 21st 2007
Published: February 21st 2007
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Start out leaving Vancouver February 17th
Landed in England on the 18th and will stay there until the 27th

Then off to Sigapore for a total of 50 minutes to transfer flight to Kuala Lumpur.
Stay 1 night with some people from my Raleigh program in Kuala Lumpur
Next day off to Kota Kinalabu where the program will begin and we will be headed of to Borneo for our 10 week program. Visit this website to get the basic information on what this program is all about.

Travelling on afterwards. Most likely Thailand first and who knows afterwards. Would like to see Australia, New Zealand too. Then once I've finished traveling around South East Asia or ran out of money I will head back to England. Then finally back home.


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