A bedtime story for my little NuNu

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April 24th 2012
Published: April 24th 2012
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Hi my lil nunu.

I was sad to read your post and quite surprised, I have never thought my absence would have an impact on you, I figured you had your own life, and to have one sister constantly here and there would go unnoticed. I guess I was wrong.

So here is a little story;

Once upon a time there was a young woman, who felt lost in the world, she was unhappy and angry and didn’t know who to blame or what to do. She had the weight of the world on her shoulders, she had done awful things and the guilt was immense, to punish herself she allowed evil into her life and accepted the pain. One day it was too much. She ran away.

She ran to the jungle and soaked up the sun, she lazed on the sand and started the journey to reconnect with herself, but alas, history has a nasty way of repeating and before long the girl was angry again, allowing her to be hurt by others and hurting herself.

She fought with the support of her Queen and was able to find the strength to break away, and although she was now free, her scars were deep and her self-worth suffered. She wanted to run far away and find adventure; she wanted to run to where no one knew her.

She arrived in the oriental and stayed in the mountains, here she met gentle people and experienced a culture full of respect and dignity. Even though she began to heal she had barely taken the first steps of her journey. She explored the South East and lost herself in amongst the beautiful faces of the laughing children. Her heart grew warm and full of love.

Upon her return to her home land she strived to be independent. She lived in a small castle and worked in the mighty kingdom. She met a lovely knight and started to fall in love. She would spend her time with her family, laughing and growing. She was happier than she could ever imagine.

But, although her life was seemingly complete, inside her heart and mind she knew something was missing. All the joy she was achieving was overshadowed by doubt. She knew that there was something else she was destined to seek; her journey was not yet complete.

Although it pained her to leave her beautiful life, and to hurt her beautiful family she knew it was the right thing. She arrived on the other side of the world and was felt frightened. He beautiful life was gone and in replacement was a grey sky and unfamiliar faces.

The girl quickly reverted to her wicked ways, as it helped numb the loneliness she felt. She was sad and missed her life she had left, she questioned her decision and her mind was tormented. The skies eventually cleared when she met a fellow lost soul, together they bonded to form a friendship stronger than iron. The friend invited her on an adventure to her own homeland and she once again experienced love and tenderness.

Her eyes were wide and she continued on her journey though out the land with many borders. She met new people and took part in exciting traditions, she began to laugh and feel true happiness. Although her first year had been more difficult than she had imagined, she appreciated the challenge she had set herself and was proud of her achievement.

She entered into the New Year no longer a girl, but a fresh new woman, strong with ambition, refusing to settle for anything less than she felt she rightly reserved. Her life was full of promise.

One day she met a Prince. He swept her off her feet and in a short time her heart was no longer her own. The man was honest and full of integrity; he supported her in her decisions and pushed her to reach higher. He looked at her with adoring eyes and believed her to be the most beautiful in the land.

The woman was overwhelmed with his affections, he took her across the land, holding onto her safely and sharing new experiences together. He listened her open her pain and held and soothed her after her anger was vented. He accepted her past and wanted her future.

The woman was ever so slowly falling in love, and now she had the biggest choice of her life to make. She believed she had found what was missing, she felt whole. There had to be a great sacrifice for this new life as she could not live in both worlds, she could not be surrounded by the beautiful people of her home land and also her Prince.

A life changing choice had to be made before entering the next New Year, she was uncertain of which path she would take. She was scared at having to make such a definitive decision. She knew she would have to return to the home land, to feel the earth beneath her toes, she also knew she needed to choose a home, and most importantly, she knew what ever her choice, both her family and Prince would support her though this exciting new journey.


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