Blogs from Sweden, Europe - page 7


Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County May 10th 2021

Kopalnia w Falun Od kopalni lazurytu w Afganistanie 8000 lat temu po złoża ziem rzadkich w dzisiejszych Chinach, monopol na wydobycie surowców naturalnych był kołem zamachowym i źródłem bogactwa całych regionów. W XVII wieku taką rolę wobec Królestwa Szwecji odegrała kopalnia miedzi w Falun. Zaspokajając 2/3 ówczesnego zapotrzebowania Europy na miedź, kopalnia stała się głównym źródłem dochodu i pozwoliła na sfinansowanie niezwykle kosztownych wojen, które rzuciły na kolana potęgi takie jak Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie i Rzeczpospolitą. Chociaż w Falun wydobywano miedź już od X wieku, to pełnię świetności kopalnia osiągnęła w wieku XVII, gdy wydobywano do 3000 ton miedzi na rok. Na dzisiejsze standardy jest to ilośćraczej niewielka, ale w czasach przedindustrialnych była ona zawrotna. Właśnie to powoduje, że kopalnia, a także jej n... read more
Kopalnia w Falun
Kopalnia w Falun
Kopalnia w Falun

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County May 10th 2021

Falun mine From the lapis lazuli mines in Afghanistan 8000 years ago, to rare earth elements mined in contemporary China, mining monopolies have played a crucial role in the development and wealth accumulation of entire regions. In XVII century a single mine in Sweden provided 2/3 of copper in Europe. The copper mine in Falun became the main source of income for the Kingdom of Sweden and financed extremely expensive wars, which brought to the knees the most powerful countries of the era such as the Holy Roman Empire and Poland-Lithuania. Despite the fact that copper was mined in Falun since X century, the peak was reached in XVII century, when up to 3000 tonnes a year of copper was mined. While this is a meager quantity for today’s standards, back then it was an absolutely ... read more
Falun mine
Falun mine
Falun mine

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County April 10th 2021

What is a runestone? A runestone is a raised stone with a carved runic inscription and additional ornaments. Thousands of runestones were erected in Scandinavia in the Viking Age. Today, the majority of runestones is presented at or near the place of its discovery, making the Swedish countryside dotted with these majestic stones. Where are the runestones today? Some are in museums, some are lost, but thousands of them are scattered throughout the Swedish countryside. The rundata database lists thousands of runestones. The area most densely populated with runestones is Uppland. Here is the map of 103 runestones I have visited mostly around Uppsala, the capital of Uppland. When living in Sweden discovering runestones was a fre... read more

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County April 10th 2021

Co to jest kamień runiczny? Kamień runiczny to stojący kamień z wyrzeźbioną runiczną inskrypcją i dodatkowymi ozdobami. Tysiące kamieni runicznych zostało wystawionych w Skandynawii w czasie Ery Wikingów. Dzisiaj większość kamieni stoi w swoim oryginalny miejscu lub stosunkowo blisko niego. Powoduje to, że szwedzki krajobraz jest upstrzony tymi majestatycznymi kamieniami. Gdzie można znaleźć kamienie runiczne? Niektóre są w muzeach, inne zostały zniszczone, ale większość jest wciąż rozrzucona po Szwecji. Według bazy danych Rundata istnieje kilka tysięcy kamieni runicznych. Rejonem, w którym kamieni runicznych jest relatywnie najwięcej jest Uppland: rejon na północ od Sztokholmu ze stolicą w Uppsali. Niniejsza mapa przedstawi... read more

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby April 9th 2021

A journey into our literary heritage Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish author who mainly wrote children stories. She wrote stories about Pippi Longstocking, Emil of Lönneberga, Karlsson-on-the-Roof, the Six Bullerby Children and many more. Many of the stories Astrid Lindgren wrote are so well known in Sweden that virtually everybody know about them. Astrid Lindgren was born in Vimmerby in Småland District and several of her stories are based on places in Småland and on her childhood memories. When we travelled from Öland back to Stockholm we decided to make a sma... read more
The house in which Astrid Lindgren grew up
The inspiration to Emil's tool shed
The inspiration to Villa Villekulla

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Vimmerby April 8th 2021

Windmills en masse We might as well begin by admitting that we cheat a little bit this time. Some of the text, which isn't much in the first place, we have simply copied from other blog entries we have written. But we spend much time writing all the other blog entries that we think that once in a while we can allow ourselves to put together one entry where we don't have to write quite as much as we normally do. Also, when we started this blog in 2006 the main purpose was to make it possible for us to upload photos and make them available to our friends and relatives. It was publishing the photos that was the main purpose, not actually writing the text which accompanies the pictures. The purpose of this particular blog ... read more
Stone windmill
There are many windmills on Öland
One of 400 or so windmills

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Borgholm April 6th 2021

Stone ships, stone walls, a stone polishing machine, stone quarries and rune stones We are now going to write about the rest of what we saw and did when we visited Öland. In the title we claim that it covers the southern half of the island. Please don't look too closely at a map. Because we have taken some liberty with what actually is in the north and in the south. Borgholm Town There are no cities on Öland. In fact the entire population on Öland is only around 26,000. Mostly the communities on Öland consist of villages and hamlets. If we are generous we could say that there are two towns, Färjestaden (6000 people live there) and Borgholm (the home of 4000). Told you, we have to be generous to label them towns. In the ... read more
Eketorp Hillfort
"I fart in your general direction"

Europe » Sweden » Kalmar County » Borgholm April 4th 2021

Much nature, one castle, one lighthouse, one shipwreck and a lot more Over Easter we took some time off from work and went on a short road trip to Öland Island. Öland Island is one of the 25 traditional Swedish districts. Actually it is the smallest of all these districts. Öland is roughly 135 km from north to south but only about 15 km from east to west at its widest. As you understand, Öland is very elongated from north to south. Öland Island is in the Baltic Sea, to the east of mainland Sweden. The distance from the mainland to Öland in only about 5 km and there is a bridge going there. So it is easy to travel to Öland. Also, there is plenty to see there so we think Öland should be high ... read more
Öland Bridge
Farmland with Öland Bridge
Stora Alvaret

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Hjo March 5th 2021

In early March we took our trusty car and drove down to Västergötland District for a weekend. Ake grew up in this part of Sweden, so we've been here many times and know it fairly well. We might one day dedicate an entire blog entry to the sites in and around the village where Ake grew up. There are plenty of interesting things to see there so such a blog entry would make sense. But that's for some other time. Here we will focus on the places we visited on this short trip. But for the fun of it we have also gone through our archives and we have thrown in a few additional photos taken at previous visits to this region. Källby Källby is the village where Ake grew up. When we drove down we ... read more
Lidköping town hall
Lidköping as seen from the river
Runestone in Källby

Europe » Sweden September 14th 2020

Finally After my clusterfuck in India there were too many months off-bike, when I finally I got back on the bike again, the first 500 m felt really weird and then I was back. Not to forget Covid 19/ Corona/Gyyna Flu (Trump) A couple of badly cooked bats or pangolins or maybe a stew of both stopped all plans for ventures out into our wonderful world. Lock downs in every country and closed borders and the Swedes due to a different approach were the pariahs of society. Social distancing and very frequent washing of hands got it under control in Europe travel bans were lifted and even Swedes could travel- I asked my friend Stefan if he was game and he was, the plan is to ride some Swiss passes, drink some beer and have fun, ... read more

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