Blogs from Arges, Muntenia, Romania, Europe


Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » PITESTI August 10th 2019

O locatie frumoasa aproape de Bucuresti pentru o evadare. Printesa in castel pentru o noapte. Am ales La cetate, camera dubla, micuta cu inca un pat la 200ron, AC, TV. Terasa, restaurant cu eventual o cina romantica la un apus de soare.... read more
La Cetate
La Cetate

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges July 25th 2014

Since it was my grandfather's birthday, all the family went to Bunesti to celebrate. My dad borrowed a Dacia Duster to see how it drives. On Saturday morning, me and my cousin went for some offroad testing (he took the Duster and I took his car, a Cielo). It was so much fun! My car is very good on a smooth road, but it is worryingly low for offroad driving, so I don't get to experience this too often... All in all, we went around for about two hours before going back to Bunesti. I don't really like the Duster. It works ok offroad, but the steering wheel is a bit fiddly on a highway and the gearbox is awful when driving in a city. Also, although imo it looks very good on the outside, the ... read more

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 28th 2014

A nice, quiet weekend in Bunesti. We got there early, helped around a bit, rested for a night and then headed back home. The sunset on that day was quite beautiful... Total distance: 309 km.... read more
Sunset in Bunesti 2

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » PITESTI July 11th 2013

Examene Cambridge in Pitesti in parteneriat cu British Council!! In luna iunie 2013, dupa un an scolar in care cursantii centrului nostru s-au pregatit nu numai sa invete limba engleza cat mai bine, ci si sa sustina un examen Cambridge potrivit nivelului lor, ziua cea mare a sosit! Elevii s-au pregatit folosind manuale Cambridge University Press si lucrand foarte multe teste cu tipsuri si strategii, scriind multe compozitii tip eseu, scrisoare, raport, etc, fiecare cu specificul ei si exersand mult pentru proba orala. Emotiile au fost foarte mari si aici sunt cateva poze ale zilei de 15 iunie 2013 in care s-au sustinut probele de scris pentru nivelele Cambridge: YLE Starters, YLE Flyers, KET si FCE. Cu 3 zile inainte, pe data de 12 iunie 2013, dupa un curs foarte intensiv, s-a sustinut examenul Cambridge nivel ... read more
CAE @ Ramada Hotel

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 19th 2012

What a year it has been!!! 19th June - a fun-packed day to wrap up a fun-packed year! :)... read more
B2 class - final day
B2 class - final day
B2 class - final day

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 17th 2012

Obisnuinta de a studia vara sau de a participa la orice fel de activitate educationala nu este specifica elevilor si studentilor romani. Vara ne distrm. Punct. NU este loc de altceva. In ciuda acestui fapt, demaram un proiect de vara sub sigla VARA 100 in care ne propunem ca in lunile iulie si august sa continuam a invata si exersa limba engleza. Cu activitati menite sa aduca in prim plan creativitatea, spiritul de echipa, dar de ce nu? si cel competitiv, dorim sa organizam un curs in care nu numai ca nu vom avea timp sa ne plictisim, dar in care vom invata distrandu-ne!!... read more
VARA 100
VARA 100
VARA 100

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 17th 2012

PRIMUL EXAMEN CAMBRIDGE PE CALCULATOR IN PITESTI a fost organizat de centrul nostru!!! Dupa indelungate consultari cu British Council, am reusit sa sustinem primul CB (computer-based) FCE in Pitesti pe 9 iunie 2012 - proba de Speaking si 16 iunie - probele Reading, Writing, Use of English si Listening. A fost senzational, o experienta unica pentru copii si pentu organizatori!! Speram ca acesta sa fie primul dintr-un lung sir de examene CB organizate de centrul nostru in Pitesti!!!! The first computer-based Cambridge exam in Pitesti was a huge success. Despite not being easy to organise, our center has successfully coped with the pressure of organising a Cambridge ESOL event and met the strict requirements of British Council. Our lovely and very enthusiastic 12 candidates that signed up for this great feat were very pleased with the ... read more
Speaking Test
Speaking Test
Speaking Test

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » CURTEA DE ARGES March 14th 2012

We went to a hotel. We went up more than a thousand steps to go to Dracula's real castle. I was a little scared. Vlad Tepes is not Dracula. He does not bite people on the neck. He is a hero in Romania because he saw mean people and put a stake up their butt. - Sofia After 2 really fun days in Sibiu it was time to go see Dracula's Real Castle. By this time in the trip I really began to understand that difference between Dracula and Vlad Tepes. I learned that Dracula from the movie (book) was a vampire who sucked blood and was not real. However, he was based on Vlad Tepes whose father was nick named Dracul and he had the nick name of Draculea. Daddy told me that he learned ... read more
Having Fun in Dracula's Real Castle
Another Dracula Pose
Almost There

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » PITESTI June 15th 2011

NU VA PIERDETI VARA!!! Investiti in voi si viitorul vostru! English Fun with Mona va ofera cursuri de limba engleza bazate pe interactiune, comunicare, jocuri si distractie. A invata poate fi nu doar placut, ci distractiv!!!! Centrul este situat vis-a-vis de Casa Cartii, in inima Pitestiului, langa Pro Credit Bank, la etajul 1. Cursurile incep la sfarsitul lui iunie-inceputul lui iulie. Inscrieti-va acum!!... read more
What we promise to deliver
Noi stim sa facem invatatul distractiv!!

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » PITESTI May 5th 2011

Incepand din aceasta vara ENGLISH FUN WITH MONA va invita sa nu va pierdeti vara! Adresandu-se in special elevilor de liceu, dar nu numai, ENGLISH FUN WITH MONA se ghideaza dupa o regula matemetica simpla: 4 (ani de liceu) x 3 (luni vacanta de vara) = 12 luni petrecute la mare, la soare, la bunici, prin parcuri si cluburi. Toate bune si frumoase si SUPER! Cred insa ca vacantele de vara pot fi valorificate, ne pot aduce multe beneficii personele si profesionale. DON'T WASTE YOUR SUMMER!! este primul program de vara pe care v-il propune ENGLISH FUN WITH MONA, program care va invita sa va inscrieti la un curs de vara fun, interactiv, in care distractia si studiul merg mana in mana. Si aceasta este o promisiune!! :)) Ideea de cursuri de vara si summer school ... read more

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