Blogs from Lisboa, Portugal, Europe - page 6


Europe » Portugal » Lisboa October 5th 2019

It all started off - all 8 of us at the airport on time with no delays and luggage to go all the way through to Lisbon. Flight to Montreal fine but some hazy thing was trying to come through my brain. As we began descent into Montreal I remembered it was a rather tight timeline to get to the next flight. Only an hour. But I had been assured by Air Canada that this would not be a problem. As we rolled on the tarmac a little late there was a small delay getting to the arrival gate and when I looked out the window to see why things were taking so long there were no buildings in sight. This was a parking spot and we had to get on buses to get to the ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa July 20th 2019

I left Porto and travelled by bus towards Lisbon, capital and largest city of Portugal. The city of about 2.5 million inhabitants lies on the shores of the Tagus River. It was also the capital of the former Portuguese Empire which owned territories on most continents. Once I arrived in Lisbon, my Venezuelan cousin Antarajú came to pick me up. A few family-members from my father’s side migrated to Venezuela in the 1950’s and he’s the third generation from that migration. I saw him again after 5 years since Caracas, Venezuela back in July 2012 and it was great to catch up again! After going home to leave my stuff and relax a little, we went later in the afternoon to Sintra, a city just outside Lisbon with about 350.000 inhabitants. Sintra is well known due ... read more
Antarajú and I at Praça do Comércio, Lisbon
The well "Pozo Iniciático" at Quinta do Regaleira, Sintra
Lisbon streetscene with a tram

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa July 8th 2019

Bonjour à tous, Une super journée très intense en visite, et dure pour les jambes, ce soir le compteur indique 11.4 km, à pied avec je ne sais combien de dénivelé, et nombre incalculable de marches. Lisbonne, capitale du Portugal, 550 000 habitants, qu'on appelle lisboètes, pour l'agglomération 2,100 000. Située à l'embouchure du Tage, elle est entourée de 7 collines, dont les pentes de certaines ne permettent pas la circulation automobile. 2 ponts permettent de relier la ville à la rive gauche dont le Pont du 25 avril. Qui est un petit Golden Gate de San Francisco. Il s'appelait dans un premier temps du nom du dictateur Salazar. Longueur 2277m pour une hauteur de 190. (Golden Gate longueur 2737, hauteur 230m). je pensais l'écart plus important. Le port de Lisbonne est le plus actif de ... read more
La tour de Bélem
Monasterio Jeronimos
rue de Lisbonne

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa July 7th 2019

Bonjour à tous, Ce matin je quitte Setubal sans regret, et les premiers kilomètres me confirment la sensation que j'ai perçu hier. Pour rejoindre Lisbonne le gps me fait, comme tous les jours, passé dans des endroits complètement perdus, des petites routes de traverses, dans la proche banlieue, campagne de Setubal, et j'ai franchement l'image d'un pays sous développé, tellement c'est, mal entretenu, sale, pas à l'abandon, car c'est bien habité, mais on pourrais le penser. Après une vingtaine de kilomètre, je retrouve sur la nationale , et ce sentiment de saleté est moins perceptible. Je traverse pas mal de villages qui ont tous l'air endormis. On est dimanche matin 9h, et à part des dizaines et dizaines de cyclistes sur la route pas grand monde. Lorsque je traverse Villafranca, là une grosse activité dans la ... read more
beau "bestiau"
Elevator Santa Justa
Praça do Commercio

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa June 6th 2019

Most of our group left Ireland yesterday, most heading home, but a few of us were venturing on to new places, continuing our travels. I flew on TAP from Dublin to Lisbon, a two and a half hour flight that ended up taking much of the day. Hurry up and wait, as the saying goes; I waited a lot on Wednesday, first at the airport (of course), then longer because the plane arrived late, then more waiting on the runway since we had lost our slots in the flight patterns for both cities, and then, finally, the last waiting of the day for the Trafalgar transfer to our hotel. It could have gone much more smoothly, but at least I made it here at last. The first good thing about this "Best of Portugal" trip was ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa May 6th 2019

Sunday strolling around a beautiful city. What could be more splendid! However, there was a fair amount of climbing steps as well as strolling for us yesterday. Lisbon is a hilly city; it is built on seven hills, just like Rome only packed into a smaller area so the hills are much steeper! There are street lifts and funiculars as well as trams and even Thai-style Tuk-Tuks to get one up and down. However, the Sunday queues are lengthy so we took the old worn Medieval steps and cobbled streets, trodden by millions over centuries. The views were stunning at every twist and turn. Our Sunday started with a trip down the cobbled streets to one of the many bakery/restaurants to eat a breakfast of the famous Lisbon custard tarts with coffee. Rather expensive, two small ... read more
Placa Comercial down by the river
John and the LIberty Gate (freedom from Spain)
Placa Comercial

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa May 4th 2019

Well, today was a most auspicious start to our travels; a most encouraging day that proceeded without a hitch! We walked Mutley and Megan up to their holiday home (Nick and Mam’s house), then returned home to shut our place up for a couple of months before Nick collected us and drove us to Alicante airport. Our TAP flight (Portuguese Airlines) from Alicante to Lisbon was on a turboprop plane! Now you don’t fly on those many times any more in Europe! It was a 70-seater, similar to one we flew on in Borneo last year from Miri to the Mulu National Park. We loved it! It was like old-fashioned flying, just two wide seats each side of the aisle, tons of leg room, a most generous luggage allowance, free drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic and ... read more
City centre location
Our hotel on the left

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa March 17th 2019

Tag 9 - Trespassing everywhere Um 9 Uhr gab es Frühstück. Wir saßen etwa zehn Leuten zusammen an einer Bierzeltgarnitur im Wohnzimmer. Der Tisch voll gedeckt mit vielen Sorten Marmelade, frisch getoastetem Brot, Haferflocken, Cornflakes und Schokoflakes, Milch und Sojamilch, Getränke sowie Zitronenmuffins, allerdings abgepackt. Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück – es sollte ja möglichst lange vorhalten – machten wir uns auf den Weg. Als erstes gingen wir zum Estrela-Park, allerdings liefen wir irgendwie durch Querstraßen dorthin. An den Straßenrändern stand hier öfters Müll, Namid hatte schon Räucherstäbchen für Andrea gefunden und nahm sich jetzt ein Messer mit. Im Estrela-Park wollten wir dann eigentlich Erde für die Pflänzchen mitnehmen, aber irgendwie war das dann doch nicht möglich, weil zu viele Leute unterwegs waren. Anschließend gingen bergab Richtung Fluss. An der ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa March 16th 2019

Tag 8 – Lissabon Morgens um 7 klingelte mein Wecker. Wir hatten wohl nur etwa eine Stunde geschlafen, aber das war ja auch zu erwarten gewesen. Als wir bei einem Bahnhof vorbeifuhren, sah ich, dass es sechs Uhr war. Oh, war da nicht was mit Zeitverschiebung, dann hatten wir ja noch eine Stunde zum Ausruhen. Eine Stunde später packten wir dann unsere Sachen langsam zusammen. Namid war gerade im Bad, da hielt der Zug. Ich fragte jemanden, ob das hier Lisboa Oriente war. Ja, war es. Oh, nein, na dann mal los. Da waren wir wohl schon früher angekommen. Ich klopfte schnell an die Badtür, wir mussten da jetzt raus, dann griffen wir alle Sachen und rannten aus dem Zug. Ich stellte einen Fuß auf das Gleis und den anderen in den Zug, und Namid rannte ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Lisboa February 22nd 2019

Si bien muchos blogs de viajes se centran en viajes a largo plazo, creo que es absolutamente posible descubrir el mundo poco a poco, con vacaciones cortas. En solo 12 días, fuimos a los mejores lugares de Portugal. Siendo uno de los países más asequibles para visitar en Europa, me sedujo con su deliciosa comida, su historia y sus playas. Aquí está mi itinerario completo para visitar Portugal, sin coche! * Debido a que el viaje de ida y vuelta era menos costoso, decidimos llegar y salir de Lisboa. Si tiene un poco más de presupuesto, sugeriría llegar a Lisboa y salir de Porto, o viceversa, para evitar ir y venir. Día 1 - Llegando a Lisboa Llegamos a Lisboa después de un vuelo directo desde Montreal y tomamos el metro hasta Chiado , donde alquilamos ... read more

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